Friday, September 24, 2010

Practical magic Party or Witches Party!

I am Joining the Practical Magic blog party! I was inspired by the Movie with Sandra bullock and Nicole Kidman...

Practical Magic Blog Party
So i made this cake....

B IS FOR Broom Bread sticks...

Moon toasts...

Mummy sandwiches...
Witch hats cookies...

Mommy....There is a Tomb outside....
Hmmm Yeah...I know...

Why do you make this face?
Do you like the eye bowl shakes?

Hmmm...Mom...There is a guest....

Did you guys invite him?
Oh...Ok..It's your brother...

Did you bring something...Worms...Hmmm ok nice.....

Whatever! I like worms...

Ok, now...they are everywhere...Never mind! Let's eat!

Yeah....I still think it is weird...It was supposed to be a witch party...

Little sister...have you used that spell? You know the one that raises dead people?

Hmmmm...maybe.....a couple of times...


Never mind....let's eat!

I'll cut the cake!

Cute Halloween plates from Target...

The chandelier had a makeover...

Witches hats are great on the table to decorate...

The morale of the story.....

If you thought Practical Magic was bad...enough...

What about a 3 year old and the spell...

Witch broom sticks...Coming up.

Mummy dogs...Coming up

Hope this inspires you to have a Halloween party for your family...It is ok to have parties just with your doesn't have to be big....Just have fun and make great memories with your kids...


Anonymous said...

Wow, you did a great job! My kids will love it!

Unknown said...

You are so awesome and fun! And I love that you gave the okay to have a party with just your family :) so many people save their special dishes, or only clean extra well for guests. But the people in your household are the most important and worth it more than anyone!

Lynn said...

I am totally agreeing with Leah!!

Your kids will remember these moments with their mom and dad (which by the way, I think is way up there in my books for being a totally cool dad for joining in on all the fun parties too)for the rest of their lives. You are a great mom!

Alecia said...

do you EVER have a boring day???? seriously, you look like you always have so much fun!!! love it.

Jojo said...

I've really been having a hard time just thinking about summer ending and fall beginning. Looks like a little "practical magic" might do the trick to get me inspired! What fun!!!

Mommy Minded said...

Too cool!!!


Christmas Countdown Giveaways!

Jorgelina said...

Wonderful post!!!
What fun!!!Hugs

Anonymous said... everything especially the eyeball shakes! Amazing job:)

Victoria said...

Frenchy!! What a fabulous post...beautiful enchanting and magical..gorgeous photos and beautiful sweets and your family is adorable!

Debby said...

Oh Frenchy, this is so cute. I love it all. Your family is so adorable. I have always loved little girls as witches. They just look so sweet even if they are dressed as a witch. Your son and hubby are hilarious, as well as you. Love the goodies. You need to make a book out of your parties, really. (((((HUGS)))

Barb said...

Hi Frenchy,
So much fun at your house! Thanks for the great post.

Cassie said...

So fabulous!!!!!
I LOVE those Oreo cookies with the hats!!!! genius!!

Anonymous said...

LOL...this is awesome. Love how everyone embraced the theme. I have a cooking blog and like you posted recipes as a tribute to PMBP. Be blessed! Angie

Marnie said...

What a great idea! How do you make those cookies? I've never seen the orange variety before.

Janiece said...

What a fun day.
You went all out!
Making memories is the BEST.

Unknown said...

This is so cute! Love the food and your chandelier!

Julie Harward said...

How fun! You are such a fun all looks wonderful! :D

Kelly Berkey said...

i want you to be my mommy!! what a fun post! all i need is an eye ball shake! loved the whole thing! xoxo!

Sara said...

WOW!! That looks like a lot of fun. Love it all.

Lenora said...

Love your party - the treats are wonderful may use them for our Halloween bash in Oct - family memories are super special and i am so into that - we have one on our Practical Magic post too! Magical Post! If you care come and join us for ours! More Practical Magic at Practical Magic - How To Make A Magic Wand

Faerie Sage said...

wow now I am hungry. Great post I love it when families all get involved together!

My link has not been added yet but feel free to stop by at

Unknown said...

The recipes are coming up...This was fun to make...A lot of work but a blast! I love Halloween...I don't do creepy...I love funny and cute! Hugs to all.

Anonymous said...

I love all the little treats!!

Birgit said...

Now that's what I call true dedication! :) Thanks for sharing all those gorgeous photos!

-- Birgit

Witchkrafting with Kat said...

Wow what a great PM posting and so much fun too :-) Kat

Leah said...

I'm suddenly feeling very hungry!

Scrap Vamp said...

Thank you for having me over to your blog party! I had a lot of fun and all the food looked wonderful!

Cat Wisdom 101 said...

Wow, now that's practical magic!

Theresa MacNaughton said...

What a fabulous Practical Magic Party post! I love that you turned it into a family outing with lots of yummy treats. :)

If you have not already done so, please feel free to fly over and sit with me a spell...


Meg O. said...

OH MY GOSH! Looks incredible! I wanna move in!

Susan Says (Stupid Stuff) said...

What a fun party! All your guests look fantabulous and the food looks yummy :D

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...


Thank you for participating in the Practical Magic Blog Party!

Gentle hugs,
'Auntie,' who is being "Aunt Bridget" for the weekend

Mother Moon said...

what is a party without loads of goodies to eat... and everyone joined in for the fun...

thanks for dropping by to visit... it brought me back here to you... blessings.

Marfi-topia said...

How fun!!!
the children are adorable and oh my gosh i dont even know what to comment about there's so many great things to look at!!!
the witch hat cookies literally made me dribble!!!
youre so creative and talented..
hope you have a wonderful magical witchy day!

savvycityfarmer said...

cute family and oh such fun!

Designs by Blanche said...

Yum! What wonderful TREATS for the PM Party! Adorable children!

Thanks for sharing the little bit of witch in you!


Aimee Jeffries said...

Such great little witches, and mummy too!

Cindy Adkins said...

Oh wow, this is beyond amazing!!! All the pics and everything you made--it is stellar...and I love your chandelier--wow!!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful party post! Your pictures are wonderful!!Stop on over to enter my giveaway too! Brightest Blessings!

Julie Harward said...

I'll make this an even 40 for comments! You rock too my friend and I loved the women's conference too..especially Pres. Monson's talk...awesome! :D

Unknown said...

Wow! I love the post! Your family is sooo cute and the food looks so yummy! Excellent!

If you haven't stopped by yet, feel free to check out my blog party at

Have a magical day!

MarySue said...

I love how you share all your work and great, creative ideas. Another...WELL DONE.

Cook Scrap Craft said...

This is SOOOO cute! And it's making me hungry. Those mummy sandwiches are great and it's been forever since I've had the Halloween Oreos. YUM!

paperbird said...

this is all so very cute and fun- the food looks so yummy. your post will be great inspiration when i plan my lulu's party!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, those eyeball shakes are awesome! Lovely post and so much magic...luved it!
~^..^~ *Annabelle

The Single Nester said...

What fun photos! A blast!

hahai.ponce said...

lovely post! great time to spend with the kids and family. Will definitely have one party as yours maybe in a few years from now when my kids are big enough to have fun

Lynn said...

Really cute and I'll bet the kids had a great time!

Pellie / Penny said...

You sure conjured up a very magical post. The food looked yummy and your children looked awesome.

Brightest Blessings,

Petunia said...

Hi there! I'm still making my way around the party and I'm so glad I landed here. What a fabulous party you're having. Your little witches are adorable and all the sweet treats look sooo good. LOVE that cake! And I just adore your chandelier as I am quite partial to dressing up a chandelier on a moments notice. Thank you so much for joining our party and for adding to the magic and fun!


aliciajane said...

Practical Magic is one of my favorite movies! It seriously inspired me so much that my best friend and I are starting out own all natural apothecary of lotions, fragrances and all that good stuff just like Verbina Botanicals, (Sally's shop)!

Hope your week is going great! We got our engagement photos taken yesterday, it was so much fun!!!

Susan said...

sooo MAGICALLY FUN!!! I can't believe even your hubby joined that's a catch!(hold on to him, LOL) What a great post...I so miss my children being young, I used to do all this stuff with them. Gosh i miss doing all the little fun things with them, (even though most of the time I wanted to pull my own hair out...2 of my 3 are ADHD, one of them is also ODD and they are only 14 months was because of these 2 that they tested hubby and I...cause my oldest is not and his child is not, but our 2 together are, results: he is ADD, I am ADHD--my family had pretty much already new this about my brother and I when the diagnosis finally was being talked about, it was like a light bulb went on) anyway sorry to have gone off on a tangent. I THOROUGHLY enjoyed your post, and seeing your family having so much fun together, cherish these days, before you know it, they are grown and want to be with other people, and parties and jobs and college classes, and the house becomes lonely.

I wish there was a spell to stretch it out.

Come visit me Frenchy...and please email me about your FRENCH party, since FRENCH is a HUGE part of my own heritage, you have peaked my interest :)

Peace n love (huggles to those little ones)

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Wow! You seriously know how to party it up. What fun.

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Wow, I am totally impressed, the food, the decorations and all of the costumes. What a fabulous party. Unreal. Thanks for linking to TTT. Hugs, Marty

Brittany@Love Stitched said...

LOVE all these ideas! I am hosting a HALLOWEEN RECIPE linky party today and would LOVE for you to come link up your ideas...i will be doing it every tuesday from now until halloween!


Santa's Gift Shoppe and Ideas said...

I had such fun going to your party via link parties!!! You are soooo Talented..Girlfriend!! Thanks for the fun & smiles I got while here..You are too much..Barb

Susan said...

Oh, wow, you really did it up big. I love your Practical Magic party. I missed it this year but planning on joining in on the fun next year. I love the photos. What a great little party you had.

Hope you have a wonderful autumn and a great Halloween,

Angie - Big Bears Wife said...

you always have the best parties!!! just amazing!!! Can you be my mommy too? k thanks! hee hee

Lenora said...

Just a note to say thanks for your comment on out blog. I love everything Italian and i have a French/Belgian friend who loves everything french like you - will enjoy watching your posts. L

Annalea said...

What a great party! The witch hat cookies and bread broom sticks are so clever! Thanks for sharing your great ideas.

Tara said...

Oh my goodness, this is amazing!!! Great job on everything!

Envymycooking said...

Found your blog through links...If you ever need new recipes come swing by our blog. we also have a great give away going on now.. A free purse of your choice

we would love to feature one of your dishes if you dont mind. Just email us if you would like us too. thanks

Dee@FrenchBleuVintage said...

Hi Frenchy ~ What a great party- I wish I could join you ~ everyone looks so festive~you do keep life interesting at home, don't you?:)

Dee@FrenchBleuVintage said...

Hi Frenchy ~ What a great party- I wish I could join you ~ everyone looks so festive~you do keep life interesting at home, don't you?:)

Pellie / Penny said...

Great party post. It look so very magical and a lot of fun.

Thank you so much for sharing it with us.

Brightest Blessings,

Kara's Korner said...

Super cute!! Love it! Great Mom!!

The Autocrat: Haley said...

Fabulous party!

Teresa said...

What a wonderfully fun party you had!

Unknown said...

You always have the best party ideas. Not only do I love practical magic, but I love the idea of having a party with just your family.

Alison W said...

Oh I love Halloween! Your decorations are fabulous and it looks like so much fun for your family. Thanks for the great idea!

Splendid Little Stars said... fun! I especially love those witch hat cookies! The kids, of course, are adorable1

Ashlee Marie said...

I love that you throw parties for just your family. I tend to go overboard and go huge, but I really should do them for just my family sometimes. Your inspirational! Thanks for linking up to Topsy Turvy Tuesday's.

MJ said...

So cute! I love all of it :) And I totally agree that having parties with just family is totally ok :) Btw, I love the chandelier now, hihi

Chubby Chieque said...

Hello gorgeous Lady,

That is such a one of a kind party. I do love your ingredients to make the party perfect.

TY for sharing the ideas.

Happy TS...

Greetings from chilly Stockholmer,

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

Wow!! What great details! Would you adopt a 53 year old?

Anonymous said...

This looks like it was such fun. I loved it all.

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

Great costumes and amazingly beautiful food! Man, you do it up right, girl!

Jackie said...

I feel like clapping lol . *claps* that was brilliant and fun ! I want more . I love halloween and your chandelier? it was bootiful .

Alycia Nichols said...

Wow! You really put a lot of work into that, and it turned out so cute!!! The broom breadsticks were particularly fun! The kids all look like they had a ball!

Jenny said...

What a wonderful party you threw for your family. I love that you did it for them!

Clever food, clever decorations, great pictures and prose.

This was a fun stop for Alphabe-Thursday's letter "B".

Thank you for linking.


~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

Yummy foods, great decoration, and fantastic presentation!

Susan Anderson said...

What a fun party! I love the witch's hats.



First of all, who gets 82 comments? haha That, in of itself is pretty impressive. Second, great family party! You get the creative mom award!

Jacqueline said...

So fun. I am glad you showed the guestly ghouls too. We always do a Halloween inspired dinner too. I love my pictures over the years. So much fun. You really did a lot of work and you put the post together in such a cute way too. Great!

Entertaining Women said...

Precious kids...they are going to have so much fun at the Halloween party. So many great ideas! Thank you for sharing them with blogworld. Cherry Kay

Hootin Anni said...

How fun, how so very fun! Everything....I love Halloween!

Here is my Show n Tell link

Mid-Atlantic Martha said...

How fun! Thanks for inviting us to the party and giving us these fun ideas.

Judie said...

"PRACICAL MAGIC" is one of my FAVORITE all-time movies!

Halloween was our favorite time of year when we were young. We would start planning our costumes when September came around, and school started. Everything was home-made! On Oct. 31, my dad would show scary movies in our carport. My kids STILL love Halloween!! Our traditional Halloween dinner is chili. I would cook it in the morning, because kids would line up outside my door in the afternoon to have their Halloween make-up done!

Anonymous said...

great job. So nice the family were involved..... and Yum sorry I'm So late ....

Karen said...

What a Practical Magical party!! My wee girl keeps talking about wanting to be a scary witch for Halloween this year. I'm kind of in shock since she's always been a Disney Princess (of my choice as a babe, of her choice the last two years). No worries, I'll adjust. :>

The witch kisses, eyeball shakes, & mummy dogs look fun. And the costumes all had me smile!

Halloween is Hubby's fav holiday and I'd bet he'd love a Hallow's Eve party with our friends...thanks for the inspiration! :>

I hopped here from Holly's 504 Main, Tickled Pink and had great fun at your party! :>

signed...bkm said...

Love the witch cute.....bkm

Be Colorful Coastal said...

Great pictures, great ideas and an obviously great party.
Thanks for linking up to Motivated Monday.

Anonymous said...

I hope you add in all the links to the recipes. I need the eyeball shake one for my next party. Or think I could use it for a family wedding in October?

Kitty Deschanel said...

WOW! If only I had a fabulous party-throwing friend like you :)

If you get a chance, I'd love for you to link to this on Not "Baaad" Sundays with LambAround!

Courtney said...

Looks like you and the family had a blast! I love the pictures! Thanks for linking to Crazy Cute!

Katie said...

I am always so impressed by the themed parties you throw, once again you are definitely the coolest mom on the block:) Love what you did to the light fixture and your cute cake! Thanks for sharing with us at A Crafty Soiree! Please join us next time too!

Jerri at Simply Sweet Home said...

How fun! I love the cake and the cookies you made! Thanks for linking up for Friday Favorites!

Holly Lefevre said...

What fun! Great treats and some very cute witches!

@Dayngr said...

How inspirational! I must try something like this for Halloween. Thank you so much for sharing with us.

Contact me at: