Saturday, March 20, 2010

Spring Party and surprise....

Today is the first day of spring... HAPPY SPRING!!
So, we have a party and i have a surprise for the kids :)

Do you remember this pot on my white buffet? Click HERE to see what my Breakfast nook looked like before.

I took the pot, replaced it by a metal one.

Used the pot for those Hydrangeas from the grocery store...

Here is the food...

I made some Fraise a la creme. Since we don't have Creme fraiche here, I used sour cream.
With brown sugar...If the sugar is too hard..add tiny bit of water and microwave.
The white rectangular plates are from IKEA. They are perfect for entertaining.

Made some sugar cookies...

Mint patties in the middle, white icing and Sans Pareil sprinkles.

Grated cucumber, ranch dressing and tuna sandwiches.

Cute little paper plates...

Yep, she is happy...

Nop, you are too small to take pictures...

THEN...the surprise...

Chicks...The yellow ones are White Leghorns...2 of them...

The red ones are Rhodes Island reds...2 of them..

Fuzzy bottom...Got to take a picture of that!!!

2 Black sex links

2 golden sex link...

Then, i got DUCKS!!!

Do a duck face....

2 ducks..

I have to warn you...I am a Chikenholic and NOW a Duckholic....I have never held a Duck before. aaaaahhhhhh So cute....We are off to the bath tub to play with  duckies....HAPPY SPRING AND HAPPY WEEK END!!!

Do not miss French Obsession link Party, the 1st of the month.

Other posts you might like...
Big Cupcake Birthday cake.
Le Chateau des fleurs Kitchen tour.
Hawaii cake and Bunny cake.
Alice in Wonderland party.
Birthday cupcakes.


Julie Harward said...

You make me happy...just to visit here. I love the kids, your goodies..they all look so yummy...the chicks and ducks..the flowers. You sure know how to be a good mommie! Happy spring you you and yours...come say hi :D

Debby said...

Oh my gosh. I am moving are so much fun. Your kids are so lucky. I have always wanted ducks and chickens. Great pictures of the kids and the fuzzies. Enjoy. Post a picture of them in the tub.

~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

This post is beyond CUTE! Love everything about it!! Your new header is magnificent!
Happy happy Spring to you too and a lovely Sunday. xo

Debbiedoos said...

Frenchy, I loved those pics! I always wanted a little duck myself when I was little! You desserts look divine!

Kelly @ Make It Sparkly Mama said...

Oh be careful! My sister started out with just a few cute little chickies and ducks and now has over 80 chickens and who knows how many ducks. Not because they reprodce uncontrollaby but because they are addicting! Those babies are so cute and it looks like your spring party was so much fun! By the way your children are CUTE!

Unknown said...

I love reading your posts. You make life such an adventure for your kids. I had chickens and ducks while growing up....
Happy Spring! Thanks for sharing your fun with us.
Mary :o)

Debby said...

Sorry for a second post. I just had to tell granddaughters had to see the duck and chicken pictures three times. So cute.

Janice said...

You are such a fun mom. Next year, I will do a "Welcome Spring" party.

rachel and rebekah said...

Oh they are so cute! You do the funnest things with your family. I want my family to be like yours when I have a family.

chelsea said...

what a wonderful way to introduce Spring! Precious pictures :)

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Hi Frenchy,
White reading about your party with your family, you remind me that you don't have to have a reason to have a party. Just have one, just because.
The sweet little chicks and ducks certainly make your children happy.
Their precious faces tell the story.

Happy Spring.


Ivy Jane Adison said...

I am sitting here smiling SO BIG! I love looking at your blog updates. You have got to be the coolest Mom I know. Where did the chicks and the duck from? Did you buy them at a pet store? I see how truly happy your children are. What a TREAT! Your blog is the most fascinating of any I have seen. Do you keep the chicks and duck in the house for awhile to be safe? What happens if the cat see's them? Your decorations and spring celebration's are so thoughtful and fun. I can see that you put alot of work into everything you bake and prepare. Do you get up early in the morning to get all these things done? Do you have family close by? Did they come over for the Spring celebration? I bet your "parents in law" love and appreciate you so much! Good Job - my inspiring friend! (also, checking out your blog is the highlight of my day! Tell me, how do you accomplish so much?

Ivy Jane Adison said...

I wanted to mention earlier how much I loved your beautiful velvet cake glass cover that you used on your tea-party day. Can I buy one like that in any store, or is it from a special place? As you know, I don't blog because I don't know how. Also, when my broken ankle get's better, I will return to work and will probably never get this time again to do a blog, or even enjoy checking them so often. Is doing a blog hard?

Madeline's Memory said...

OMG have the luckiest children in the world. What a fun home you have. Life is so wonderful for you. I wish we could have chicks and way in the area I live in.
Enjoy, Dana

Unknown said...

I have 3 comments that got stuck again but i read them all...YOU GUYS are so sweet!! Thank you so much for all the compliments!! Ivy, the chicks and Ducks came from the farm lucky enough to get them all at the same age...About 2 days old.....Oh farm stores get bunnies too at Easter...So fun. I keep them together in the garage. With chicken wire on the top of the brooder to keep them safe. I will post pictures....I am actually not a morning person...LOL
I plan a lot at night. I invite sometimes friends for parties but doing it just for my family is easier and less of work. I find myself doing more of them if it is only for us.

A comment got deletes, so sorry...was asking about the cloche. I got it at Roberts...Blogging is easy for me...It is like a Journal. I would do it anyways. I want to remember all the memories and friends AND i lost 2 computer and pictures last year so i want the pictures to be on my blog for keepsake.
The cloches came from Roberts. On the bottom i have just plates.

OH so thank you, you guys are the best !!!

Unknown said...

Ivy, i don't feel like i do that much. The kids help with the animals...I plan things...Someone was warning me about the Chicken addiction...YES it is an addiction :)
But i love it...Also chickens and Ducks are easy to sell in farm areas...So if i get too many i can always sell them. I have to tell you we eat a lot of eggs. 5 chickens were not enough. Ducks actually lay better than chicken and you can use the eggs in cooking. :) OHHH this is such a nice addiction, we are all happy!!!

Daphne Nicole & Lynda Cade said...

I always love coming to your blog, it always makes me smile. This post is so precious!!! It's all so cute, and the snacks looked so yummy!!! Blessings... Daphne

GardenOfDaisies said...

What a lovely tea party/ baby chick and duck party!!
I had a baby duck when I was a little girl... and it was the sweetest little thing, until a big old nasty rat got it. I was sooo sad!

Meadowsweet Cottage said...

Nothing says Spring quite like sweet little chicks!

Your ducklings are adorable too (don't want them to get jealous).

Jenny said...

WHat a perfectly delightful Spring celebration. THank you for sharing your family, your goodies, and giving inspiration for making the most of each moment!

Kissed by an Angel said...

What a lovely tea party!! Such wonderful memories for your kids!! The photos are amazing!! Those chicks and ducklings are so cute!!! Just think though - lovely fresh eggs soon!!! Yummy!!!

Jenni R. said...

So fun you have chickens and ducks! What a memorable experience you're giving your children! Great spring party too!

All things nice... said...

How wonderful a Spring party, does wee chicks and ducks are sooo adorable :) Your kids must be so excited, they will love looking after them :)

All things nice...

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Ma chèrie, c'est féerique chez toi! Your imagination is spiraling into a magical kingdom of fun for everyone! I LOVE YOUR DUCKS AND POUSSINS!!!

You are a delight, and your header photo is gorgeous. You are a true French beauty. Anita

highheeledlife said...

This is my first time to your blog and I am so happy I stopped by! We have been thinking about getting a couple of chicks and ducks for our grounds - and after seeing your pics I'm inspired. I have added your blog to my list - so I don't miss your postings!I'm fairly new to the world of blogging, and try to post daily too. I invite you to stop by

Your Spring lunch has made me hungry...

Anonymous said...

Happy Sunday Frenchy, and happy spring! I would love to have chickens in my back yard for the eggs, I'm a vegetarian so I wouldn't dare eat them! They are all so precious, what a good mommy you are!

Parisienne Farmgirl said...

WHAT LOVELY PHOTOS! These are so very darling and made me feel like I was there celebrating with your new birds! Your kids are darling and I am so jealous that you got chickens...I wish we could figure out how to hide them here in our backyard!
Did you know that you can make your own creme fraiche? I think the recipe is on my sidebar... it's pretty good.

daisychain said...

Oh man you are the coolest mum ever.

Tracy said...

You are the funnest Mom I know!! So clever and cute!! LOVE your example!!

The photos of your children are precious and priceless!!

Keep us posted on the cute chicks and ducks!!

Happy Spring!!!! :-)

Tracy said...

I forgot...
I LOVE your new header!! You are beautiful!!! Inside and out!!

Unknown said...

Debby...So glad your grand kids love the picture...Rach and Becka...I love you...You will be great Moms, you are so much fun. My kids love you!
Thank you so much for the compliments...WOW you are so sweet and nice to me!!!

Anonymous said...

WOW, WOW and WOW! Your party and all of the food looks simply stunning. You are quite the hostess! And the ducks!!! What a sweet surprise!

Kelly said...

Oh Wow what a fun Mummy and Daddy! How cute are the baby birds! The ducks are adorable and the chicks aw bless them!

Ivy Jane Adison said...

You are such a modest sweetheart! You do much more than you realize! I told my husband I would love to get a couple ducks and chicks. He thinks I am kidding, but I'm serious. You have inspired me and made me realize we can have fun with the simple joys around us. That's great that you get the kids to help you out. Great kids, and so beautiful too.
Another thing, I was looking at the picture frames you made with cracked paint. I just love them! Can they be made from old wood frames? How did you get the paint to looked cracked?
Another question - to make the gorgeous stained glass you showed us, does it come with a kit of instructions and colors? Oh I wish I was skilled like you are!

Thanks for your previous quick reply - you are so sweet!

Linda@Coastal Charm said...

CUTE CUTE pics...your children are darling! Hope you have a FUN week:)


Susan Freeman said...

What a precious post!!!

Susan and Bentley

Southern Fried Gal said...

Girlfriend, you amaze me! Another great party. It snowed on the first day of spring in parts of Arkansas - crazy!

Liz @ MLC said...

I love, love, love the pictures. Your kids are adorable and those cookies.... mmmmmm.

Happy MYM!

Mine's here.

Kaysi said...

Happy Spring! Wow you are awesome and I bet those kids loved it!! Those baby chicks are so cute!

Tussy said...

It is wonderful post!

Sunshine Award
Mellow Yellow Monday

Gwendolen Elaine said...

What a lovely party.Thanks for sharing it with us all!

Mary Beth @ Live. Laugh. Make Something said...

Hi, Frenchy! What a(nother) beautiful post! You saved some of those lovely refreshments for ME, didn't you?! ...and those chicks and ducklings are too cute for words. I'm so happy that you captured it it with photos for us. until later...

Amy Henderson said...

Perfectly adorable!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

You are so much braver than me. What a fun time.

Sally said...

Love the blue. Happy Blue Monday.

Unknown said...

Ivy, Make sure you have a coop when the Chicks and Ducks are warm enough to get out of their brooder. You can also have them and sell them when too big. Farm animals are easy to sell or re home. Here is a Website to know all about it.

For the frames, you can use new like i did. The crackle is a coat you apply before the top paint. It is call a Crackle solution at the craft store. You need bottom paint color (you will see thru the cracks) Crackle solution witch crackle in contact with wet paint and the paint on top.

For the Stain glass. Google stain glass and see a design somewhere you like. Have a piece of paper the size of your glass. Draw on the paper your design. Place the paper under the glass. Apply the led and smooth with tool copy the paper design under.
Fill with the paint slowly with colors that match your room...There is transparent too, for privacy. Use the ones in my picture, they are super good.
I am sure you can find instruction at the store.
Hope this will help

Denise Marie said...

OMG!! What a gorgeous post. The children are more beautiful than the chicks and ducks...but wow.

Gotta tell ya that my neighbor bought some chicks(ROOSTERS) for their beautiful daughter last spring and they COCK~A~Doodle~Doo'd us all 24 hrs a day and that is not ok in this neighborhood so they had to take them to a place that would adopt them. I was sad for them because they had just built a huge house for them and all.

I hope to catch some posts of your fun Spring!!

Julie said...

Wow! You have been busy. The food looks great. And your kids are so lucky to have the chicks! We visit our local store to see them but I can't bring myself to bring them home. Thanks for sharing with Made it Monday! Jules

Unknown said...

Denise, Those are all Pullets (girls). If you get straight run, you will have 50/50 roosters/pullets.
You can give the roosters for free. People want them. You can order pullets on line at Hatcheries or get pullets from the farm store....LOL Roosters are so loud!! I can't have roosters here either.

Rattlebridge Farm said...

Absolutely beautiful and heart-lifting. Love your blog.

Barb said...

Just a delightful post! Such lovely pictures. Happy Spring.

Barb ♥

Marice said...

fun photos :) your kids are so adorable :)

u may view mine here

Karen The Graphics Fairy said...

So adorable!!! Your kids look like they are being so gentle with their new fluffy babies. I've never had ducks, but my grandmother had chickens and they are so much fun full grown too. I hope you and your family enjoy raising them! Thanks so much for linking this one up to "Brag Monday".

Dawn said...

Your kids must have been absolutely thrilled! Love the egg shaped sandwiches. Great idea!

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

The children totally stole my heart. They are so cute and precious. YOur food all looks just yummy and the setting is perfect. Thanks so much for joining the party. Hugs, Marty

nannykim/spindlecottage said...

Just too dang cute!!!

Kathryn @ Bonafide Southern said...

What special memories you've made with your children. Your food all looks so delicious, especially those sugar cookies!

Lori @ Dining Delight said...

What a fun Easter surprise for your children! I thought the great little egg shaped sandwiches and cookies were perfect but then to add the live birdies...that's a party! I really liked the vignette you created on your hutch!


Jessica said...

That is so sweet! I love the pictures of the little chicks!

Ashley said...

Oh those little chicks and ducks are PRECIOUS!!

Melissa said...

The baby fowl are sooooooooooooooo cute....

PetraB said...

it looks as if your children had and will have a wonderful time, happy Easter! Petra.xx

Carol said...

So, chicks & ducks! The fuzzy bottom picture has to be my favorite!

Anonymous said...

Your late party guests surprised me! Your children's expressions while holding them are priceless. I am going to be getting baby peacocks soon! So, I understand your addiction.
I am new to your lovely blog via The Blessed Nest and will be returning.


Sawdust Girl said...

Visiting from Creations by Kara. I love your blog- so many cute, fun, delicious ideas. I'm your newest follower. Come visit me anytime.

Linda@Coastal Charm said...

I'm so happy that you came to my NIFTY THRIFTY TUESDAYS PARTY...hope you had a good time:)


Red Couch Recipes said...

Those cookies are so cute and the pictures of your chicks with the chicks are priceless...beautiful photography. Joni

Tardevil said...

The kids are too cute! Impressed w/ the food you made too.

Room to Inspire said...

What a beautiful Spring party and I just loved all of the photos. It looks like you guys had such a fabulous time. Thanks for linking up to Be Inspired today!


Shannon said...

Thanks for linking up at the Bring IN the Spring party! I love that you got ducks and chics! How stinkin cute are those little ones! I bet your kids are so excited. That is a pretty neat surprise.

Fawnda@Fireflies and Jellybeans said...

What a fun spring party! Those chicks and duckings are adorable!

Marigene said...

What an adorable post...cute little chickies and kiddos!

Lori said...

You are one cool mom! What cute chicks and ducks.. Your kids are cuties.

Thanks for joining Get Your Craft on Thursday. Please join me next week for another great party. Don’t forget to stop by and enter my giveaway. I’ll announce the winner at next weeks party!

Diann said...

Aww, how sweet!

Cindy said...

Your kids are so lucky! I would have loved to have chicks and ducks!!! They are so cute!

Tami said...

What an adorable the new little peeps too!!

Unknown said...

Oh Thank you!!! I have fun too !! LOL
I think i got the critters for me. We had so much fun at this party!!! Love Spring

Unknown said...

Oh, I love babies...chicks and ducklings but my favorites are baby sweet!!

Great luncheon to celebrate spring and your children are adorable too!


Gay Vaughan said...

This is a lovely post. And you are a great mom! I know your children were thrilled. Thank you so much for bringing your hodgepodge to the party! I love seeing what you are up to...and hope you will join again!

Unknown said...

WOW, Thank you for the compliments!!XOXO

Kristi Flanagan said...

How fun is that! Your kids are darling! What a neat surprise for them - your a great mom!

Thanks for liking your creative seeds at Punkin Seed Productions! Come back and plant again next week!

Punkin Seed Productions

Funky Junk Interiors said...

Wow! That's the coolest spring celebration I've seen yet! How adorable are those new little friends? And the food?!? Beautiful photos. :)

Thanks for linking up to SNS!
FJ Donna

Debra@CommonGround said...

Wonderful lunch and family photos. The chicks and ducks are precious! Hope you're having a wonderful weekend!

Sylvia said...

What a great party...thank you for sharing your beautiful family and chicks and ducklings.


Pansy Cottage Girl said...

just found you and so glad I did! Absolutely adorable pictures of your family with their Spring surprises. Thank you for sharing a little peek into your life!

★Carol★ said...

I'm so jealous! I always wanted a real chick or duck or bunny for Easter when I was a little girl!
Happy Easter!

Laura said...

Those all look so yummy!!! And the ducks are adorable! Thanks for visiting by blog.

I'm featuring a necklace tutorial and giveaway. I'd love it if you stopped by!

Elaine said...

What a lovely Easter feast you have here! You thought of everything.....even the chicks! What a fun post!

Happy Easter,
Elaine :)

Debbie said...

The food looks delicious, especially those sandwiches. And your vintage Easter card is cute, perfect for a chick lover!

Rachelle said...

How fun! My kids would love that! Too bad we don't have any room.. :(

Mid-Atlantic Martha said...

Oh what fun little fluff balls on feet! Love your spring party with your family -- sweet children! Thanks for the fun post.

michelle@somedaycrafts said...

Beautiful post! Love all that you did!

Unknown said...

Oh I wish I had chicks and ducks. Makes for so much learning of life of animals. I do have a fondness for these beautiful creatures. I bet the children love them so much! Happy Easter.

Sarah said...

What precious photo! You certainly know how to have fun with your kids. How lucky for your children. Happy Spring to you and your family.

Scrap for Joy said...

Oh my goodness...I don't know which was cuter, the chicks, the ducks or the kids! I'm going with the kids. What a fun time they are having with their surprise! Happy Easter!

MarvelouslyMessy said...

Those photo's are BEAUTIFUL. Great Job!!!!

Rattlebridge Farm said...

Came back for another look at the darling chicks and ducklings. So cute!

Suzie Button said...

all looks like fun and yummy too! Suzie

Carolyn @ My Backyard Eden said...

What a beautiful Spring party! I so want to get some chickens! Keep us updated!

Thanks for linking up to My Backyard Eden!

Unknown said...

greetings from isle la motte, vermont
thanks for inviting us to your spring party, I had a great time looking at all the pics. I love the duck!!
thanks for sharing

Tracey McBride ~ Frugal Luxuries® said...

Such a lovely little tea party!

P.S. Thank you for sharing the tuna recipe...I've never made it with ranch style dressing or grated sounds delicious!

Sandy said...

Oh, so very fun. Love the kids and the duckies. Happy spring to you!

Its So Very Cheri said...

Yum-that makes me hungry. You should post the recipes.

Unknown said...

so fun and yummy looking! Thanks for linking up this week!!!

Andy Porter said...

Your nook is just STUNNING!! Your food looks DELICIOUS and your little chick and ducky pics are to die for CUTE!!

Thanks for linking!!
Poppies at Play

Stacey @ Fun to Craft said...

This is SO fun! Beautiful decor, great looking food and what a great mom you are to have chicks too!! Thanks for sharing at Spring has Sprung at Fun to Craft.

Unknown said...

Yum! those look incredible! Thanks for linking up! Join me for today's link party too!

Eliane said...

Coucou Isabelle ! Surprise : je me suis inscrite... Je suis heureuse de voir que tu passes de bons moments avec tes enfants et cette fête du printemps est une excellente idée ! Tu es vraiment douée ! Mes félicitations. Les poussins et les canetons sont adorables et les enfants ont l'air d'être ravis !
Je vous embrasse tous.

Anonymous said...

hi, new to the site, thanks.

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