Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Peanut butter and banana pancake stacks

I made this for my family on Saturday and it was my cheat meal. Pretty much breakfast for dinner.
It is very easy.

Peanut butter and banana pancake stacks:
2 pancakes per person, (I used a mix and water)
1 Tablespoon Peanut butter, (I like crunchy)
Half a banana,
Chocolate syrup,
Caramel syrup,

Start with 1 pancake, spread the peanut butter and sliced banana on top. Add the second pancake.  Drizzle with the chocolate syrup and the caramel syrup. Add your raspberries on top. It is just beautiful and so delicious!

Do you have a favorite breakfast food?


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Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

This looks really good!! Thanks for visiting!!


Lisa said...

I like Pancakes!

Holly Hennessy Swint said...

Pancakes, bacon and eggs

Unknown said...

nice recipe !!

Toria Mason said...

Bacon! lol I like toast and fruit or cereal. I'm not particular about breakfast. Eggs, bagels, just whatever. I guess most breakfast foods are just "eh" to me. I like them but I'm not wow'ed. I haven't found a favorite yet.

monica b said...

These look so yummy! I like bacon and eggs

Unknown said...

That looks yummy :D I usually have a cup of cofee for breakfast and maybe a toast with butter&honey.

Mai Tran said...

My favorite breakfast food is Vietnamese Pho.

trishka said...

I love eggs beenie,yum!

trishka said...

I love eggs bennie!

Cristina said...

I love Pancakes!

Adilac said...

I like Fiber1 cereal!

Unknown said...

I love having French toast with maple syrup for breakfast on weekends!

Unknown said...

Isabelle, i already told you on Instagram how delicious this looks, i almost did bite my pc screen :P
I love fruits & berries mix for breakfast and well as pancakes (especially on my bday) - so this is just the perfect combination for my taste. xo

Unknown said...

I love toast and cheese

Patricia said...

Cereal with 2% very cold milk.

Anat Paz Kotler said...

Well, my favorite is the Israeli breakfeast: eggs, salad, cheese, orange juice, good hot bread, watter mallon and coffee

maria said...

yoghurt and mueli

sassy said...

my fav breakfast are cinnamon cookies with early grey tea :D

Beatriz MissPotingues said...

I love grapefruit juice ti start the day!

Ashwini Prashanth said...

toast ans scrambled eggs :)

Menia said...

I love cereal with milk and fruit!

josipa24 said...

My favorite breakfast food are sereal and fruit.

Unknown said...

Pancakes and eggs =)

Yolanda Davis said...

i've never really been a breakfast eater, but occasionally i'll have porridge with sugar.

Unknown said...

I love hash browns!

Unknown said...

This looks so yummy! My favourite breakfast food is hash browns :)

Dimana said...

Classic English breakfast without the beans and the tea is my cup of tea :D

dimitroula said...

i like pancakes.... miam!

Unknown said...

Nutella crepes yum :)

Unknown said...

i prefer in the morning cereals whith milk

Lulu said...

I loove pancakes and French toasts for breakfast, but usually I eat oatmeal)))

Judy Thomas said...

I love french toast and bacon :)

Annmarie Weeks said...

This looks yummy, and would probably be great with waffles, too (which I prefer to pancakes). But my favorite breakfast is french toast with maple syrup!

Jillyn said...

This looks so yummy. My favorite breakfast is toad in a hole, my girlfriend makes it whenever I come over for a weekend.

Beautflchaos said...

i love pancakes with honey :)

NasyaRob said...

I cup of coffee :)

Anonymous said...

oh mum *_*

Maria Charatsiari said...

My favourite breakfast food is wholegrain cereals with milk!

Grace Matthews said...

This looks yummy...I love bacon, eggs over easy, and big glass of orange juice

ckorando said...

I'm really basic with breakfast, nothing fancy. Pancakes, bacon, scrambled eggs and white toast with butter is perfect for me. :)

the cape on the corner said...

chocolate chip pancakes, hands down. yours look deelish!

Angie said...

Love biscuits with sausage gravy---a true southern girl meal:)

Unknown said...

Sounds delish! I like eggs, bacon and toast for breakfast.
rafflecopter:happi shopr

Rita Castro said...

oatmeal pancakes ;) and almond milk.

Unknown said...

In Portugal our's breakfeast's are very different! One thing is for shore, I'm going to try this recepy!

Tina McCallum said...

My favorite breakfast is french toast.

Purviscs said...

I love sausage & gravy over biscuits. Pancakes are yummy too!

Natalie B. said...

Wow! This looks delicious! I hate to admit it but I don't eat breakfast very often. When I do, I like eggs, ham, and pancakes. Yummy!

Kobi said...

My favorite breakfast is blueberry pancakes and bacon :) YUM!!

Ashleigh said...

All-time favorite breakfast food would have to be waffles.

Unknown said...

My favorite breakfast food would be scramble egg with fried chicken bites and strawberry milk :)

CYBELLE said...

I love bread and butter

Ashley Bree said...

Pancakes and bacon :D

poor_salieri said...

This recipe looks delicious. My favorite breakfast food is a scramble bowl that has eggs, bacon, and hash browns in it!

Unknown said...

I adore pancakes with berries and cream!!!

Thank you for the chance!


tat2gurlzrock said...

That looks really good.On the weekends we usually have pancakes and bacon!

Anonymous said...

I love a good omelette. :3

Unknown said...

French toast is my favorite! Thank you for the giveaway!

Niki {Glossy Blonde} said...

This looks delicious! My favorite breakfast food is french toast!

Unknown said...

My favourite breakfast would be a banana+blueberry smoothie and few slices of cinnamon french toast.

Nina said...

Bread with butter and fruit marmelade!

Kostas K. said...

Coffee and biscuits.

Kostas K. said...

Coffee and biscuits.

Annaloa said...

Until I saw your picture my favourite breakfast was scrambled eggs and smoked grilled to death bacon. But now I am veering sharply towards PANCAKES !!!!

Unknown said...

I love musli & fruit for breakfast! Creature of habit...it's what I have most mornings :)

Arik Issan said...

i am fine with just coffee.

claredmj said...

Tea, bacon, toast and egg

Amy said...

Toast or scrambled egg...or both!

Jcliani said...

My fave is sunny side up egg with bacon and toast. yum!!

Anonymous said...

Fresh Raspberries picked from my garden in summer.

Unknown said...

I love Waffles with whip cream and berries!

Unknown said...

love toast and cheese

Kathy P said...

I like yogurt with blackberries and a little granola on top

she.is.the.one said...

this looks so great :)

fashion blog http://www.sheistheone.ch/

Jennifer Pellicone said...

Peanut butter and banana pancakes sound pretty darned good! My favorite is a fancy bowl of overnight oatmeal with brown sugar and butter added at the last minute.
capmom at gmail dot com

Elise Fraser said...

I like mostly youghurts or choco balls with warm milk.

MaeRi said...

OMG!Looks so delicious.I like to eat cereals.

Unknown said...

Those sound amazing! Mine would be pancakes with nutella and bananas :)

Anonymous said...

Swedish pancakes and strawberries!!!

Anonymous said...

Swedish pancakes and strawberries

karin said...

pancakes or bagel with cheese and an egg

Paint Those Piggies! said...

Waffles and bacon.

Unknown said...

Plain yoghurt with Muesli

Puspita Sari said...

i love "Bubur Ayam", fruit or salad

BlackAsphodel said...

Scrambled eggs and tomatoes.

Maria Leão said...

My favorite breakfast is sweet pancakes with nutella, but i don't eat this every single day. :p

Tammigirl said...

Some of the kids eat peanut butter and Nutella on pancakes. I can understand the Nutella, but I don't love peanut butter that much. (They slather it on like a peanut butter sandwich)

I love greek yogurt with Hippie Chick granola and a little honey.

Anonymous said...

golden syrup oats yum

katie k

Unknown said...

Omelet or milk

Mere Verzi said...

Pancakes, i love that and i eat every time!!

Unknown said...

Maryland Chunky Brownie Cookies with Chocolate Yazoo! :)

Stacy said...

i like cereal for breakfast

Helena Oops said...

I love the french breakfast with briochescroissants and coffee!

Ashley Nicks said...

Gotta go with a Belgium waffle as my favorite breakfast food

Maria Pinto said...

Cornflakes with milk and honey!

Nerea said...

Coffee and Pancakes :D

Unknown said...

I love Finn pancakes!
Alexia Harvours (Rafflecopter Name)

Noeudlibellule said...

A big bowl of muesli cereals and I am filled!

Zoey said...

I like chocolate chip waffles.

Tania M said...

Pancakes and cupcakes!

Anonymous said...

melanie gregory


Qing Pineda said...

Oatmeal with banana is my favorite breakfast.

Cathy said...

Waffles, eggs, and bacon!

Anonymous said...

i like coffe with milk,and a toast with cheese and turkey!!

Courtney B said...

french toast with lots of sugar!

Damla said...

I love cookies or egg&sausage&cheese.

Ciara M said...

Pancakes with lemon and sugar :)

Emma said...

Fruit :)

Elizabeth said...

Mmm... pancakes and sausage!

Unknown said...

Your recipe for peanut banana pancakes looks super yummy, but I would probably make them as a dessert, as I can't usually eat sweet things 1st thing in the morning. My fave breakfast would be hands down chorizo and eggs wrapped in tortillas. I'm from Southern California and chorizo is sold there everywhere, I have a hard time finding here in Fl, so when I find it I stock up big time!

ddpanda said...

I actually love omelettes for breakfast!

Hazel Christopher said...

I love toast in the morning :)

Elena Rudaya said...

I love bananas for breakfast

Unknown said...

Though am not a fan of peanut butter, I am loving that pic. I love to have cornflakes or multi-grain/wholemeal bread and breakfast cream spread for breakfast.

j4ck86 said...

I like the classic milk and biscuits :)

Unknown said...

I like Pancakes!

Unknown said...

i loved pancakes

Princess Neverland said...


Mara Dutu said...

Well, usually I just have cereal and milk, but I reallz like having waffles from time to time. Or the good ol' omlette and bacon. Yum :)

Unknown said...

French Toast!

Tamelie said...

I like fresh fruit, cereal, healthy smoothie... stuff like that :)

Joana Bento said...

I like Pancakes

Lissy said...

Biscuits and Gravy!!!

cowboyswife said...

My favorite breakfast food is a bacon, egg and cheese sandwich.

AshleyC said...

My fav breakfast food is pancakes!!

Unknown said...

Hello, my fave breakfast food is my mom's eggs, bacon, biscuits and gravy. yumm! Thanks. Vicki

Anonymous said...

fruit and milk's soya or the green and buscuits

Oksana Zolotukhina said...

I love eggs bennie and cheese!

Mamavalveeta03 said...

French toast with cinnamon and REAL maple syrup!

laurie nykaza said...

Pancakes are my favorite food

Colleen Boudreau said...

I like waffles!

Laura said...

I like lemon and poppyseed muffins! Thanks for the giveaway!

The Rantings of a Drama Queen's Mum said...

Probably banana bread.

Annie1 said...

I love a good home made waffle with fresh fruit for breakfast!


elaine r said...

I love waffles with maple syrup and blueberries .

Unknown said...

Oatmealllll for sure!! Or anything cinnamon-y!

Carrie said...

My favorite breakfast food is waffles with fruit on the side!

Gina said...

I love stuffed french toast.

laura said...

I Like corn bread and milk

Lisa said...

I like pancakes.

Mollyblue said...


Anonymous said...


J-Mei said...

I like to eat fry noodle

Unknown said...

My favorite breakfast food is muffins or bagels.

Unknown said...

bagel and cream cheese

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

i prefer toast whit honey and butter or cereals whit milk

Sana Hadj Salah said...

I love fruit smoothies et les crêpes aussi ❤

Evangelia Kollia said...

My favorite food for breakfast is pancakes and eggs!

SabriinaFentyy said...

French toast is my favorite breakfast food. I can eat it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner

Maria Leão said...


Unknown said...

Nutella crepes

Alex said...

I like eggs and bacon!!!

Ashley said...

French toast with fruit is my favorite!

Unknown said...

After having French toast with fresh berries today, I think that it's my new favorite!

zhencire said...

I love Fruits and Egg benedict! :)


ckorando said...

I'm a big fan of pancakes, bacon and scrambled eggs!

hzeebee said...

Waffles yumm...

Psyche said...

French toast and green tea.

Natalie B. said...

Hi! I don't eat breakfast very often but, when I do, I always like eggs & bacon or pancakes. This recipe looks absolutely heavenly! Thank-you!!

Jenia Z said...

My favorite is yogurt and granola :)

dimitroula said...

miammmmmm! look great!

Unknown said...

Banana and blueberry smoothie

Michal said...

Yum! My favorite breakfast food is cake :) Any cake will do. Cake for breakfast beats anything else.

poor_salieri said...

Love breakfast food. My favorite is a big breakfast of pancakes/waffles, bacon, eggs, hash browns and a cup of coffee! Yum!

Lyudmila said...

I love tee
lusizova at gmail.com

Lily said...

I love stuffed french toast!

Unknown said...

porridge with raspberries

i-am-amazed said...

french toasts :)

Unknown said...

I love tea!!!

Marta said...

Waffles, Cappuccinos, smoothies, greek yougurt with nuts and fruits :)

Eriol Loh said...

i love bacon and orange juice for breakfast

Anastasia said...

I like Pancakes :-)

Unknown said...

Pancakes are my all time favourite breakfast! x

Alex said...

Cake, milk and croissants!!

Birgit said...

Buttered toast.

Catherine Widjaja said...

my favorite breakfast food are mie goreng or mie kuah . love that so so so much !!


sn81 said...

In my country, to make much thinner pancakes but these seem to me your very fine and certainly I've tried them. Regards from Croatia

kathy said...


kathy said...


Anonymous said...

Crispy bacon and easy over egg.Still hungry toast and marmalade all washed down with a cup of tea.Yeah

Anonymous said...

Crispy bacon and easy over egg.Still hungry toast and marmalade all washed down with a cup of tea.Yeah

porschepuppy said...

A vegetable omelette.

Aileen Charmagne said...

bacon and pancakes! and hazelnut and banana too!

gemma said...

I cup of coffee with some toasts

Karla S said...

bacon and eggs is my favorite berakfest food!
(Karla Sceviour)

collenga said...

I love french toast! This looks good too though!

Unknown said...

I love to have green juice made of spinach and celery for breakfast! Very quick and healthy!! :)

Hannahziad said...

the truth.. i love oatmeal ! add a bit of milk and yummy yummy it goes straight to my tummy bunny :P <3

Christy DuBois said...

Oh how I would love to have those pancakes!!! I eat oatmeal for breakfast usually. It may not be my favorite but I feel that it is healthier than a lot I could eat.

doreen lamoureux said...

My favorite breakfast food is a green smoothie. With a banana, moringa powder, cinnamon, oatmeal, kale, almond milk, peanut butter .

Anonymous said...

I drink a chocolate & mint protein shake for breakfast - yum!

Unknown said...

Yum! They look delicious! I usually eat cereals in the morning. :)

Lisa said...

I love breakfast! Toast, bacon and an omelet with peppers, onions and green olives. Now I'm hungry!

Debra P said...

This looks so delicious! I love omelettes.

hzeebee said...

Waffles... ate them yesterday

xAnoukx said...

i am not a morning person so my fave breakfast is just a big cup of coffee

Maria Medeiros said...

Looks really yummy! My favourite breakfast is waffles with strawberries and whip cream.

nrobak said...

I like pancakes

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Contact me at: isafrenchy@gmail.com