Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Sweet family pictures!

Alecia gave me a sweet tease! Oh, i can't wait to see the rest of them but those are Beautiful! Check them out and tell me what you think on Alecia's blog ...Her pictures there are way bigger! and...Can you guess the Theme...A little bit hard to tell ?

Check the parties i am linking on my side bar.


Anonymous said...

How cute! ~Ashley

Anonymous said...

These are going to be great!

Debby said...

Did I hear the word circus.....like the ones with clowns. Oh my I can't wait.
These pictures are just adorable. You must have so much fun. Her photos are amazing.

georgia ~ gi gi said...

What Fabulous pics! I checked out her blog, what an awesome photographer!
gi gi

Little Mochi said...

Gorgeous photos! She is an awesome photographer ;)

It's me said...

What a nice pictures !!! lovely !!!.....love Ria.....

Tracy said...

Priceless!! Love them!! :-)

highheeledlife said...

These are great pictures!!! What fun!! HHL

Anonymous said...

This is wonderful photo.

DrillerAA said...

Excellent work. A vintage look with a contemporary flair. Well done.

Cielo Azul Jewelry said...



Simply Delicious said...

Cute and sweet.

Julie Harward said...

Such cute pictures...and I love your hair curly! Must have been a fun day! :D

Cindy Adkins said...

Oh this is amazing!!! I love it!!!

AussiePomm said...

Beautiful... Mine is up as well at WW Pests, Pets and Petals!

Have a great WW!

Chantal said...

Frenchy, I went to see Alicia's blog...wow! she does fabulous work!!! And your family photos are super beautiful!!!

Kristi said...

I LOVE this pic! And going over now to see the other ones! :)

Valerie Earnest said...

Beautiful! Stopping by from the blog hop- thanks for the blog visit and follow- returning the favor today!

Valerie@Occasionally Crafty

Ashley E said...

Thank you for following!! Following you back. Can I say I am at awe with your neatness. I am really looking forward to reading more and looking at the cool stuff you do!

aumie said...

That picture is beautiful. Thank you for stopping by, I'm your newest follower!

Miriam said...

What a sweet family you have! I lived in Italy for a while and love european recipes. Let me know if you'd ever be interested in spotlighting a meatless French recipe on my blog sometime.

Mary said...

Returning the follow from to spend or save!

Emma B. said...

LOVE the outfits! Super cute! Thanks for following me at Cheapskate4Life! I am now following back :)

Shannon said...

These are great, can't wait to see more! Y'all are too cute and so very stylish!

RNSANE said...

You two are gorgeous...you look like models.

-Check out the link for info on my blogaversary giveaway:

At 65, I've done it! My poetry book - Life's Journey by Carmen Henesy - is out on Amazon!
( Poems about the things that have been important to me in my journey through life, some humorous, some sad, some that may have meaning to you as well )
( Check out the reviews of my book on the Amazon site! )

BonjourRomance said...

Oh Frenchy this looks fantastic! Cannot wait to see the rest of the family!
Bon soirée,

Ava said...

Following you back, thanks for stopping by Retro Housewife: The Remix. What a beautiful woman you are. You don't even need graphics on your blog, just your pretty face ;o)

Have a good evening

naomi said...

Hi im your newest follower from Wednesday Blog Hop..follow back & enter my giveaway! :)


Unknown said...

You look like Bridget Fonda in this photo. I love it!

Theresa MacNaughton said...

What a BEAUTIFUL photo! :) Theresa

Unknown said...

Those are so cute! I went and looked at her site and the one with the kiddos and the bubbles is awesome.

Nichole Carter said...

1600 + 1! Newest follower, and if I knew you a bit more I would maybe even put in there a 90's reference to a witch with a "B" on her nose if you know what I am saying! Thanks for the follow earlier today, I am now following back. Congrats!


Unknown said...

So charming! Thanks for stopping by my blog and for leaving such a lovely comment! I look forward to following along with you as well!
Beneath the Acacia Tree

Debbiedoos said...

I adore this picture Frenchy. No I did not see the cake I will look around for that, LOL!!~ Thanks for popping over, I get over here but do not always comment..you know time and on the run thing:) Have a good weekend.Debbie

Chubskulit Rose said...

Lovely shot!

Please come by when you have time to view my Mommy & Me post, have a nice Monday!

Grace~The Mommy On the Bus said...

Oh super cute! I love it!!!

Visiting from Mommy and Me Monday...Hope you have a chance to stop by my blog! WheelsOfFun.blogspot.com

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Super cute.

Contact me at: isafrenchy@gmail.com