Don't forget The French Obsession party on October 1st and giveaway! Link anything French Inspired! I work very hard to get this party a lot of traffic....So if you want traffic... Link up!
I am super glad to announce my 1600 followers mark! YaY....Thank you to all my followers!!!!
I have to tell you...When i started blogging publicly....I never thought i would meet amazing and charming, encouraging people like all of you!
Cooperating 4 boys is my number 1600....I am so glad because i just discovered her site and i love it! If you have boys you will love it!!!!
Gros bisous a tous
YAY .. FRENCHY!!! Mon Ami congratulations!!! You know I may not always leave a comment but I check everyday ... your beuatiful blog keeps me coming back!!
Of course I will join French Obsession on Oct 1...
I'm just having my first linky party ... I know you will have something to share .. Its chocolate.. yummy... XO HHL
WOW!!!!! You go girl!!!!! I have a whole 39 followers now, just a few more and I'll catch up with you!!! LOL!! I have to tell you that I can't wait to post something I just redid in my house. I'm serious when I say that I kept thinking of posting on your blog as I was getting to together. I'll be sure to link up to your party!!!! Hopefully you'll see it and check it out. Once again, congratulations on 1600!!! WAHOO Hugs to you!!!
Oh wow!!! I am so excited!! 1600 is a HUGE amount of followers... wonering if I will ever have that many...
Thank you so, so, so much for picking my blog and loving it so much. :) You really make me happy when you say that!
I am a big fan Frenchy!!
WOW! Congrats!!!!
Yay!!! I love parties!!!
Thank you High heeled and Debbie...You are welcome Jennifer :)
Beautiful woman, beautiful blog! It looks like you truly love what you do! Life is too short to not be passionate about your interests! Way to go!
I'm a Utahn myself, and love it here!
Thanks for visiting my blog congrats on your 1600 followers!
Thanks for your visit mon ami... Right now I'm just going to do this one. I'll leave the linky open until end of Oct. But will have a link on my side bar until the end of Dec. to the post so everyone visiting will be able to link directly to the Hot Chocolate post and see all that participated in the Linky party and visit those blogs for more fun recipes!!!
Thanks for linking and that cake looks Fabulous .. the buterflies ..just beautiful and sounds very good!! XO HHL
That is wonderful...for you and for her! I don't think I will ever have followers like that! I'm off to see her site..thanks :D
WOW 1600!! WOW!! Congrats!!!
I featured your Witches Hat Cookies on my blog today!! :)
I have to say I found you quite by accident but very glad to see you so happy. Its been a long time. I was your neighbor once upon a time. Email me and we can chat...
Your blog has inspired me. I have more to say but would love to do it privately. If you are comfortable, email me.
congrats on your 1600, now I am your 1602. I am sure one day I will be there too ;)
Thanks for following me, you have a great blog and I will make sure to stop by tomorrow because I love french things and I've never being there.
i'm not surprised you have so many followers, youre awesome!!
Hi darling....1600.........!!! o my...your blog is amazing !!!! it is always partytime here........o my i will also do you do that !!??? when did you started???? can you tell your followers about my blog???? hahahahahhahah!! love love love you !!!
Congratulations Frenchy!
I read your blog every day. It's always fun to stop by and see what your family is up to and all the great little tea parties you are having with your kids.
1600!!! that is amazing!
Glad I am one of them.
wow that's alot! good for you!
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