Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Favorite beauty products giveaway and review for January

Happy New Year! What a great way to start the New Year with a giveaway. I have few beauty products for grab for 1 lucky winner. They are my favorite beauty products for January.

You can win:

The body shop coconut body butter  1.69 OZ: My favorite for winter and dry skin. A little bit of tropics and vacation. I can dream right?

Urban Decay Naked Basics set6 essential shadows in both mattes and satin. I got this set for Christmas and I am in love with it. Just gorgeous eyes, gorgeous earthly colors. Great textures and quality.

Hard Candy Megawatt Lipstick Smile Tooth Whitener in "Gleaming":  Great red color, smooth application, minty flavor. Tooth whitener on the bottom with little brush. I love the texture of this red lipstick. Not heavy, very natural but great pigmentation and the tooth whitening is a great bonus!
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Unknown said...

With lots of food and great friends!

Trisha said...

Spent the evening in with my hubby and my dogs. Very low key but just the way I like it!


Debby said...

Hubby and I fell asleep around 9....wow, what pary poopers we are. We hve been having fun with our out of state son and his family. Happy New Year to you and your family.

Melissa said...

We spent the say in Philly with our kids!

Unknown said...

We celebrated with a small group of friends, with games and snacks and drinks, low key but fun!

Sue Marrazzo Fine Art said...

It was a fun party with the kids and some friends!
I love the eye make-up...The NAKED Palettes!!!
Thanks and Happy 2013!

Amy Orvin said...

Stayed home and watched movies with my brother and ate.


A Tale of Two Cities said...

Just having flew in from London at dinner time, my evening had an early bedtime, but I made up with it the next day by going to an annual girls "Yakfest" and later spending time with my mother and sister.

Flowerg said...

We spend it with the family, renting movies and eating lots of fun foods :). Thanks!
romapup at gmail dot com

Angela W said...

I spent the evening with my family! We stayed in and watched movies, ate pizza...and enjoyed some champagne.

Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

We stayed home and made a party plate.

Thank you.

Stacie S-H said...

had a small party with my sister and her husband and one of my friends. Wish our place was bigger to hold more people and do more! Watched the IHeartRadio concert on TV and the other one with Ryan Seacrest. Had tons of food. Made a lot of noise at midnight. Was so fun!

Michelle Pickett said...

I was home in bed sick for new years :(

Lulu said...

With my family - it was a pretty big family dinner and I need to lose some weight now))

piedev said...

I have a dinner with my bf and watched a fireworks :D

Kristi C said...

We celebrated at a friend's home.

Kristi C
monster6236 at gmail dot com

clc408 said...

I had New Year's dinner with the family.

radmilamila said...

ho great! i spent my new year at home with my large family
Thanks, Radmila, rada76@Mail.ru

meredith m said...

I had to work early the next day, so we celebrated at 10

Anonymous said...

with my family and friends we had a great time analets_go88@hotmail.com

Christina Dragan said...

I helped out with the Resolution Run which is basically a run that happens on New Years day with a big crowd of runners. Then at night I went to a club.

tat2gurlzrock said...

We had a great time!My bf's daughter fly down from NY and we went to a small party at a friend's house

Kristy Thiel said...

we just hung out at home and barely made it to midnight!

Anonymous said...

I went to bed shamefully early, haha.

llinda29 said...

we had a neighborhood party

Debra P said...

I celebrated at home toasting my mom who passed away in September.

Unknown said...

we went to my sisters cabin and hung out. amypugmire@live.com

Anonymous said...

i hung out with my boyfriend and some friends at home

Amanda Sakovitz

Cindy said...

I celebrated at home with my mister.


lorirc said...

I stayed home with kids and had chinese!

Unknown said...

I had New Year's dinner with the family.

Unknown said...

I had New Year's dinner with the family.

Courtney B said...

well it was my bday so we just had cake and dinner at home

vanitizebaby at yahoo dot com

Katarzyna said...

I was in Vienna! :)

Gigi Lee said...

Dinner with families and friends. We watched movies, played xbox Kinect while waiting for the countdown. Lots of foods and drinks so everybody was stuffed.

Despina T. said...

home with family and friends.good music great food and lots of love!

Tainted Love said...

With too much food!

Amy L said...

Had dinner with my husband and watched a movie.

Aylin Leto said...

I celebrated with my friends and a lot of delicious food. :D

Jenny said...

Great giveaway!!

Marilena Kat said...

has dinner with family!!!!!!!!!!!

Risingsouth said...

Quiet evening with my daughters.

Betsy Barnes said...

We stayed in, had dinner, watched the ball drop and then watched a movie :)

Unknown said...

I watched movies and ate junk food.

trelocat said...

I watched movies !!!

Anonymous said...

Junk food and games at the neighbor's and then to a club to hear our son's band play!


Amber said...

I stayed in and played board games with the family!
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Unknown said...

I didnt do anything just sleep because at that day i fell tired >.<

Anonymous said...

heather says: we celebrated at home
hg temp addy at hot mail dot com

Unknown said...

Had a sleepover with my friend, and ate junk food for the majority of the night. c:

akronugurl said...

i spent it with my daughter


Unknown said...

I stayed home and slept in!

PAIGE said...

Friends, food and home by 11.

Christie said...

to get more people to enter you really need to offer rafflecopter. People will more easily follow you and your favorite stuff.

Unknown said...

I stayed at home and slept.

Ciara B. said...

i stayed home with my son who was sick


Marie said...

My best friend and I jogged/walked a resolution run with boyfriend cheering from the side. =)

Unknown said...

with familyyy

Unknown said...

With my husband and my 2 kids, we made a barbeque then my sister in law came and we spent it together.
Have a great year

Gina said...

Home with my husband watching back to back Twilight Zone episodes.

409cope said...

Hubby and I spent a quiet evening at home. cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com

sarah said...

At home with my son, who was asleep by 9!

elle said...

I skyped with my best friend in another state :) thank you so much!

SHAYNA said...




Unknown said...

Hubby and I both had to work, boo! lol

S Carter said...

Sleeping after a long day ar work.

Cjnedrow said...

I spent a quiet evening at home.
cjnedrow at gmail dot com

ella coman said...

I spent new year's with some of my best friends.

Mer said...

I was sick, so nothing fun. Hoping that's not indicative of how 2013 will be!

Melanie Mervin said...

I spent it with my family & watched the ball drop & shot fire works.

Vcarr41 said...

I spent new year out with friends in Liverpool :)

Jean said...

with my two daughters!

Unknown said...

I celebrated NYE with my friends playing card games and activity :)) Then we karaoked together :)) It was fun :)

Unknown said...

In front of the TV in a luxury hotel in Hong Kong with my mom!

Running In Boise said...

We celebrated with a few drinks and a fancy dinner. I love NYE.

txpepperqueen said...

I spent New Years with my family

Jacquelyn Cannon said...

I spent New Years with my family and cooked gumbo and crab legs!

Unknown said...

I stayed home and celebrated mt sisters Birthday

Camelia Andrasescu said...

Home, with my family.

216amyc said...

I celebrated at home with friends.

PreciousPearlMakeup said...

I celebrated New Year with my Family.

Cindy said...

In bed!

Becky said...

I just had a quiet one in a local bar with my boyfriend which was lovely! I always look forward to new year. New beginnings and all that! :-)


beckys makeup

Karen said...

I had to work. Thanks for the giveaway.

Courtney said...

I had a marquee party with my family,it was lovely!

Nicole C. said...

I celebrated New Years quietly at home with my husband and kids!

Ashley Morrissey said...

With my fiance and our 4 month old! We both kissed him on the cheek when the ball dropped :)

-Ashley Marie Morrissey

bbrittbrat1398 said...

In bed.. I was sick and my husband was at church.

Brittney House BBrittBrat1398@yahoo.com

Arra A. said...

Celebrated it with my family as always!

Unknown said...

I went to a family party, but got soo tired i ended up going home with the kids and OH before midnight haha oops!!!



M.A.D. said...


With just a quiet evening at home with the family :)

Unknown said...

I went out with a few close friends and my boyfriend. Was so disappointed at midnight though because the pub we were in barley did a countdown and it was past midnight before we even realised. Nevermind eh? :)
Hope you had a great new year & Christmas.


Editor said...

Watching firework!

Kathy P said...

hubby had to work so I watched movies

Unknown said...

I stayed in and celebrated with family

shenez said...

I celebrated the New Year with my parents at home. I couldn't have spent it anyway better.

jenny said...

i stayed at home with my 5 year old and2 mo.old grandbaby

shannon said...

By sleeping lol

Jill Myrick (jsc123) said...

I celebrated by having dinner and a small party with family and friends.


purplepassion126 said...

We stayed home and tried some new appetizer recipes

taletrader said...

I spent it watching fireworks down at the lake with my father <3

chelseawoodring at hotmail dot com

Sadi said...

Nothing special.
just celebrated with my family as always.

Anonymous said...

With family, cocktails and fun foods>.

Anonymous said...

We spent it with friends enjoying the evening at home.

Unknown said...

you are a creative heartist ! I love you products Isabelle

Extraordinary products made by ordinary people

Unknown said...

you are a creative heartist ! I love you products Julia

Extraordinary products made by ordinary people

to_die_for said...

I spent the New Years Eve with my husband at home - but it was very dull and the next year i will not do the same mistake again. We can go somewhere only two of us :)

Anonymous said...

With the family and watching firework together ^^

Sydney said...

Just hanging out with family :)

Laura Loves Boutique said...

With family and friends fantastic NYE.
Great giveaway, thanks x

skipthelaundry said...

Just sat around with the kids and I barely stayed awake till midnight but I did!
Amber Porter

mtbears819 said...

I spent new years quietly at home with family-Dorothy Deakyne

Mateja Novak said...

With my family.


annemarie562000 said...

I spent it at a party with some friends!


one frugal lady said...

we celebrated with fireworks and family!

debrastein10 said...

with freinds playing board games!

Lisa said...

I celebrate with friends, family, and chinese food!

Unknown said...

I had a little party with my kids with movies and yummy snacks. My husband had to work.

Tyler Cooper said...

This would be great to win.

JA said...

I was at home, alone and sicker then sick!

to_die_for said...

I have never had the chance to try something from Urban Decay :( This will make me so happy. Thank you.

Stitchin in the Sip said...

Fireworks with the family!

Jo said...

I baby sat for my grandson. Great way to start the New Year with my little guy!
jofo120 at yahoo dot com

Michelle B said...

Celebrated New Years with my family.

Unknown said...

I celebrated quietly with my husband & son

Unknown said...

with my family. eat dinner and watch movies together

Unknown said...

With family at my daughter's.

Anonymous said...

Me and my husband got a hotel room with a jacuzzi and had a nice dinner.

Nicole Lancaster said...

I celebrate the New Year by sitting at home with my family watching movies and playing board games.

Unknown said...

we had a get together with friends and family

Jessica said...

We had a New Year's Eve party, our first party in the new house! It was nice to see friends that we haven't seen in awhile, and watch the Twilight Zone marathon of course!

ladcraig said...

by watching movies with my son

greenhome said...

I spent it very quietly.

bac1 said...

by myself

Dawn Reid said...

With my family at home

Cassandra M said...

with my family at home

I think apps are great

Glogirl said...

I celebrated at my aunt/uncle's house with family and friends.

A blogger said...

With family - went to church

cman said...

I made lentil soup.

Holly said...

I spent New Years at home. My fiance was out of state working.

Unknown said...

I babysat for friends so they could enjoy a night out.

Andrew L. said...

I spent it at home with my wife and little boy :)

Anonymous said...

Went to visit my brother and his family.

Callie said...

With a bottle of wine and good movies. :)

Candace said...

At home with my family :)

Candace said...

At home with my family :)

Unknown said...

I went to a friends party for new years
rounder9834 @yahoo.com

Unknown said...

I celebrated new year in Amsterdam!

pippirose said...

Very quietly. I had the flu.

Contact me at: isafrenchy@gmail.com