Friday, May 21, 2010

Necklace Tutorial from the Fairy Party

To make this Necklace you will need to find charms relating to your party...Here butterflies...

Leather or Suede thread....Make sure to precut them so you know you have enough for the Party, i spent $3 per child...

Fender washers....

Glue and scissors...Pretty paper of choice...

Chose your paper and glue your washer on the back side of paper. Cut around...

Repeat on the other side...

Add your charm and thread...Make a knot...

The girls loved them ....

The kids loved them so much, we made more...

My boy made a plane one...

My Fairy made a star fish one...

Here a Dolphin...

To make mine....I used this picture...

The Graphic Fairy Here

Print it it on wallet size...on pink paper...

How cute is that...Great for a Parisian Party


I thought of doing it also with this Vintage French picture...Printing it on Aqua blue paper...
Would look so good....I was going to make it, then i got my back fixed and was down...But you get the idea :)

Happy crafting!!!

Fairy Party see HERE


Shelley said...

Beautiful blog! Visiting from Friendly Friday! I'm your newest follower :) Love for you to come visit and follow me!

Have a great weekend!
Shelley @ Shelley's Swag

Dana said...

Those necklaces are crazy cute!! Thank you for stopping by my blog. Can't wait to start following your life:-)

Susan Cook said...

Those necklaces are awesome. My daughter would love them. Clicked over to your fairy party post. My daughter is 10 too! I love the fairy cake you made that is so cool.

Thanks for following me - I'm following you now too. Hope you have a great weekend♥

Unknown said...

I am following you back from Friday Follow. Thank you for following me. I am looking forward to coming back and reading more. Happy Friday.

Copper Penny

Heather{Our Life In a Click} said...

Hi Frenchy!
Loving the site and I'm following you from last week.
Here's me:

The necklaces really came out great!!!


Cynthia said...

I love your blog! Very cool!! Following from Friendly Friday :)

I'd also really appreciate your vote to keep me in the top 10 on the Pepsi Refresh site. I give free pajamas, toothbrushes and books to children of low-income families. Thanks!! :)

Cielo Azul Jewelry said...

FUN!!! You are so clever.....LOVE it=0)

I'm having a giveaway worth $100-! Take a peek=0)

Have a great weekend,

Brenda said...

So cute! I have the materials to do a washer necklace. Thanks for motivating me to get it done.
I love projects that the kids can participate!

Unknown said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS IDEA! What a great idea... makes me want to run out and buy some large fender washers! lol!
Returning your visit/follow!

Carol said...

Thanks for visiting me! I'm now following you!

Fab Find Foodie said...

You have a beautiful blog and a gorgeous family! Nice to meet you!

Following you back from BHF!! :)

Jenna said...

I'm your newest follower from Friendly Friday. Would love it if you'd follow me back at:

Aubrey said...

So cute, what a thrifty idea, I know my kids will love these.

Little Mochi said...

Lovely blog! Those necklaces are terrific and on the list of things to do this summer with my girls!

New follower and looking forward to your future posts ;)

Happy Friday!

Debbiedoos said...

Love these necklaces!

~Rachel~ said...

What a fabulous blog you have! Thank you very much for stopping by mine...I am now following you back! :-)

Cap Creations said...

How cute! What a fun project to do with the kids!

Unknown said...

I love your blog! So glad you followed me because that is how I found your posts...and this is such a great necklace idea! Following you back!

the thrifty ba said...

thanks for stopping by my blog! and let me tell you-i would follow you even if you werent follwing me already! love this!

Cassie said...

Great idea! I can't wait to make some. Stopping by from 3F. Happy Friday!

PS- Your children are beautiful!

Shonda said...

I'm your new follower! Thanks for visiting milk n' honey.

Beauty Boss Agnes said...

Hi there glad to have you following....checking you out and love that necklace tutorial....will have to try it...have great weekend....

allthingsnew said...

Wow! So many wonderful things to make on here! Your bedroom seriously looks like something out of a magazine...does it ever get messy :)

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I am following you back :)

Happy Friday!
Stephanie - Ten Talents

Art From The heart said...

How cute are these.......and so much fun to make.
I'll try them with all the neighborhood kids.
Thank you Hugs,Amy

Connie said...

What cute necklaces! They can really be unique depending on the paper and the charm used! Thanks for sharing.

SquirrelQueen said...

What a clever idea for a necklace and so many possible variations. You have a really cute blog.

Thanks for following, I am following you back.

Happy Weekend!

extreme personal measures said...

Following over from Trendy Treehouse.

Stop by and enter my giveaways:

List PlanIt

Anonymous said...

So cute and clever.

Following you back today. :)

Tree said...

Those are really cute! Thanks for stopping by my blog today....following you back with all 3 of mine! :)

Take care!!

Tree (aka Mother of Pearl)
Mother of Pearl It Is
Mommies Faves Top Sites and Blogs
Button Connection by Tree

Julie Harward said...

Kids love to do crafts so much..and these are really cute! Maybe they could sell them! Come say hi :D

Rachel said...

Thanks for the follow, following you back! I love this post, they turned out great!


Alina said...

I love this place :0) It will be a pleasure to follow you! Won't you come and visit me at my Purple Caravan? I'll be back soon! Have a beautiful weekend XX

Kite Koop said...

Wow, you are talented! That pirate ship cake is amazing. I envy your talent. And thank your hubby for his invention! Following you back!

hannah said...

These are adorable. I'm visiting and following you back!

Mandy from Burkett Blessings said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog... I'm following you now! :-) It's nice to "meet" you!!

Natalie A. said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm following your blog back now! :) I hope you have a fabulous weekend!

Gretchen Seefried said...

Coming over from New Friend Friday! Love this French Blog! WOW!! Those necklaces are just too adorable fun and simple to make! GREAT post! I am a new follower and proud of it! Have a wonderful weekend with your family!

Unknown said...

Thanks for stopping by Cook Clean Craft. Your blog, your house and your family are beautiful. I lived in Paris for a year (in a great apartment near Les Halles), and I've been obsessed with all things French ever since. I'm following your blog now too!

Cakeblast said...

What a great craft! I looked at some of your other posts / crafts and love many of your ideas. I am following you back!

Between You and Me said...

Thanks for stopping by ......and thanks for following my blog! I'm now a happy follower of yours!

~Bry~ said...

Following your blog

Dawn K. said...

You are just full of creativity! I love your blog! Thank you so much for following along. I will definitely be following you too!


Ticia said...

Came over to follow you after you came to follow me! Thanks for stopping by!
Love the necklace tutorial.

Unknown said...

Thanks for coming by and following! Love you blog. Absolutely fabulous! I love Graphics Fairy. I've printed and used the crown page in a few crafts. Definitely linking you up under my Decor :)

Anonymous said...

So incredible adoreable!

Melina Druga said...

Thanks for following me. Returning the favor.

Fantastic Fabulous Mom

D. Jean Quarles said...

Great idea! Loved them.

Jill said...

Beautiful necklaces and a nice straightforward tutorial!! Thanks for sharing!

Decor To Adore said...

What a great tutorial~well done!

gengen said...

What a great tutorial. I came from Marketing Mondays. See you.

Kaysi said...

I love the charm on them, it really adds to it and you can't even tell it's a washer!

malia said...

darling! great idea

Karen The Graphics Fairy said...

Oh how fun Frenchy! I bet the kids had a blast making these! Thanks so much for linking this up for Brag Monday.

Suzanne said...

So cute and such a fun project to share with kids!

Janice (5 Minutes for Mom) said...

GREAT project! Such a good tutorial. :)

Lorrie Everitt Studio said...

Great project ... I love the Graphics Fairy site too.

Love for you to visit my creative blog when you get a minute at


Unknown said...

I see some of these in my future! Thanks for joining us for Anything Related!

Tammy said...

What a wonderful idea...with those washers. Great tutorial and great that they can be for boys as well as the girls. I popped over from the boardwalk bragfest. Enjoyed seeing them.

Anonymous said...

Adorable necklace tutorial. Thanks for linking to Woo Hoo! Wednesday.

Carolyn @ My Backyard Eden said...

Such a fun project! I love that each child can personalize theirs with their choice of paper and charms.

Thanks for sharing at My Backyard Eden!

michelle@somedaycrafts said...

I LOVE washer necklaces!!!!

Decorchick! said...

Hi, I'm visiting from Life as Lori. Love your necklace tutorial it turned out great!!

fitty's pinky rose cottage said...

such a super cute project with a lovely necklace!

Coloradolady said...

really cute idea. Have a great VTT!

Amber D said...

I really like your addition of the charm to a pretty standard washer necklace! What a great Idea.

Found you on Somewhat Simple

Fawnda@Fireflies and Jellybeans said...

What a fun twist on the washer necklace! Very cute! :)

Kim @ Everything Etsy said...

Great idea!


Jill said...

Cute! What a fun spin on the traditional washer neclace!

Unknown said...

Cute and easy for the kids to do...thanks for the tutorial!


seven thirty three said...

Great tutorial! Thanks for linking up with Sugar & Spice.

Helena said...

I love washer necklaces! Yours are fantastic. And your kids are just as adorable as ever :)

Thank you for participating in the Creative Therapy session over at Life in the Pitts!

Julie @ Frugal and Fabulous Design said...

What an adorable project! I like the boys aren't left out of this.

Thank you so much for linking up this week!

Laura said...

What an adorable idea!

Thanks for sharing at Saturday is Crafty day!
Laur @ along for the ride

Chari at Happy To Design said...

Hi Frenchy...

Cute...cute...CUTE!!! Actually I think adults would like these pretty necklaces as well...I know I would! I loved the pretty french paper at the end of your post...and printing in on the aqua paper would be really pretty! Grand idea...thanks so much for sharing it with us for Sunday Favorites today!!!

Warmest wishes,
Chari @Happy To Design

Unknown said...

We have started a 2 week one time only blog party called Summer Fun Just For Kids...I would love it if you linked up this project and any others you may have!!

Missy said...

I am a preschool teacher. I had my students make them for their moms for Mother's Day. I true hit with the moms!!!

Stephanie Lynn @Under the Table and Dreaming said...

Love this idea! They turned out adorable and yours is fabulous! Thanks so much for joining the Sunday Showcase Party. I greatly appreciate it! ~ Stephanie Lynn

Stephanie Lynn @Under the Table and Dreaming said...

Hi Frenchy! Just wanted to let you know I'll be featuring your necklaces later today! Stop by and grab a featured button if you like. Thanks again for linking to The Sunday Showcase! Hope to see you again next week. ~ Stephanie Lynn

Room to Inspire said...

What a great idea and perfect project! Thanks for linking this up as well.


Jen @ said...

Such a cute project! I love the charms you used too!

Will you link this up over at The CSI Project? We are having a 'hardware Store' challenge this week and I would love for people to see this!


Crafty Mommy Diva said...

How great for boys too! Love the starfish one. Thanks for linking up to Scrappy Saturdays!

Unknown said...

Cute idea for a party!

Thanks for linking up!

I hope you join me today for another link party!


Contact me at: