Saturday, May 22, 2010

What is going on....

So yesterday, i heard the microwave sounding funny...I open it ....5 bags of popcorn in it! So i tell my French cowboy "You are so in trouble, go time out!"

Time out chair in action.....
Then i asked him "why did you do that?"
He said "I am opening a popcorn Store..." (S is for Store).

I started laughing...

We had some drama...Mommy the hamster got loose in the house...Last trace of it in the kitchen...hamsters seeds spitted out....The cats are not aloud in the house....

I won't say who did it....

QUEST for a Dress....OH SUPER hard...went to the mall....Too short, no sleeves...not for me....I like modest i keep looking...
FASHION right now is fashionable white......dreamy Nude/cream.....bright colors...fushia/purple/red....classic black....
NO shopping on Saturday, today...too busy......I THINK I FOUND THE RIGHT STORE.....Will keep you posted.......

My Party links are on my right side bar, by days of the week. 24/7


Heather{Our Life In a Click} said...

Try White House Black Market..very nice dresses!!!


Unknown said...

I went there...This is my favorite store...they don't have anything that i like right now. :(

Melissa said...

The popcorn store story is the funniest...

Unknown said...

The popcorn story is too funny! One great thing about blogging is that you'll have these stories and the photos to go with them, to pull out when your kids are grown. :-)

Julie Harward said...

So funny about the popcorn store, he's cute! That little girl who lets the hampster out is so cute too.
Good luck with the dress....I say a pretty black one! To show off your hair! :D

Unknown said...

I love blogging for that..You get to save all those stories and the pictures...Great memories and time...

the thrifty ba said...

exactly why when my builder said 'all the houses are putting their microwaves below the counter not above the range' that i told him i will be the old fashion one. i was afraid of much more than 5 bags of pop corn being in there!

Cielo Azul Jewelry said...

Oh boy!!! 5 bags=0( He is super cute though, LOL!

Thank you for your sweet comment,

*MeandMineinaSmallTown said...

LOL kids! I would have laughed too! Oh I'm going to be having a giveaway of a portable time out mat by the way in a few days! I really like your blog as well and will follow! Oh and since you are following my blog that is an extra entry for the giveaway so if you want it just go back and leave another comment saying" I follow your blog" and that is another entry! Out of 4 kids this is the only one that i was actually able to breastfeed! Thank you for entering and the follow!

Debbiedoos said...

I can only imagine what the house smelled like that. With a cute face like that, how could you stay mad for long. Enjoy the weekend, and I hope you find a dress is always the case when we are looking hard not to find something...but you will....I love Macy's!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Five bags of popcorn! While I'm sure you were dismayed at first it is quite funny looking back on it. Love the photos of the culprit! Reminds me of my grandson when he was visiting me. He loves to flush things down the toilet. I turned my back for an instant and found him standing, looking down at whatever he had flushed down. It started to overflow. I put my hands on my hips and looked skyward muttering, " Oh Lord! " I instantly heard a little echo with his little hands on his hips muttering, " Oh Word " He got a time out that day! Felt like I needed one!

Rust: Vintage Inspired Design said...

Your kiddies are adorable!
Happy day!

Little Mochi said...

Popcorn Story is terrific! Good luck finding a dress. ;)

Unknown said...

Lavender...Too funny hahaha
I checked Macey's already...Thier store is next to a bridal shop, so they don't have a lot of selection.LOL

Unknown said...

Thank you for the comments and luck..Only one week to find it :0

Karena said...

So frustraing especially when you kind of know what you want!! Those kids are so cute and one can't blame your son for wanting to be an entrepreneur!!

Art by Karena

It's me said...

O not go shopping on saterday !! it 's to bad !!!

Enjoy your weekend and popcorn...........hugs from Ria

Debby said...

Ahhhhh, if we lived closer we could have had a popcorn party. So funny. It's so funny when you want to be serious and loose it and start laughing. Those two look pretty guilty but oh so cute. Good luck on that dress. ((((((HUGS))))

sheila said...

LOL on the popcorn! ha ha ha!
FOllowing you back! Happy FF (or Saturday, lol!)

Tree said...

5 bags, huh? Too Funny. I love that he's the little "entrepeneur." LOL Our hamsters used to "get out" on their own too...hmmm?! tee hee She looks so innocent too.

Shell said...

Okay my dear,,,have been waiting to see what you will be wearing,,,,I'm sending a package on Monday anyway!

Good luck with the dress hunting! Ackk! You are so cute you'll make anything look amazing!

Love the pics of the kids! Too fun!

Hugs and Love,

Annie said...

Hi, thanks for follow my blog. I'm following back.

Have a wonderful weekend. said...

He's so darn cute, I'd buy popcorn from him - even if it was unpopped because he shoved it into the microwave with 4 other bags.

It's me said...

I write in dutch.....their is an translator on my blog..and when i write a comment...i used my school english what i allready know........supplemented by the translation you understand now??

Please have a good sunny day..........hugs from Ria

Jackie said...

Too funny, and I love the pictures.

Following back from New Friend Friday! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

I LOVE IT...A POPCORN STORE!!!!! Oh that is way too cute....TROP MIGNON! But for you, quite the clean-up! The kids are so darling ma belle and the hamster, oh dear, you had quite the day! I agree with this first comment...go to White House Black Market. GORGEOUS things.....Anita

Anonymous said...

Yikes! I hope somebody found Mommy the hamster! Maybe that smiling little fairy girl will help you. Smile. And that cutie pie wants to open a pop corn store, ha, ha, ha! Don't you love kids. Hope you find a dress. Just poking my head in to say "hi".

Meghan said...

Oh wow. Your kids are too adorable! I bet it's hard to stay mad at them:)

Being Tazim said...

popcorn store - love it! :)

Maria said...

I like the Popcorn store idea from your cowboy...smothh :)

le Chef said...

Bonjour fellow Frenchie!

How can anyone keep a straight face when opening a popcorn store? LOL!

And what's this Frenchie thing I see in regards to the first of the month?!
I will have to check that out. said...

Aren't kids worth it? Loved the popcorn store. I love White House Black Market also. Go there!

I'm just out visiting my followers this week-end. Come visit!


Gemma Wiseman said...

Amazing how children can smile and chat their way out of very difficult situations! Great stories here!

Unknown said...

Sounds like they keep you on your toes!

The Tablescaper said...

Our wonderful offspring can certainly keep us on our toes!

- The Tablescaper

Marice said...

LOL at the popcorn story :)

u may view mine here

H said...

What I really want to know is...Did you find the hamster???

Anonymous said...

A store for popcorn would be super.

laterg8r said...

love that he wanted to start his own store LOL :D

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

I love your son idea about the popcorn store. Mine had one last sale though.

Viki said...

Between the popcorn and the hamster I don't know which was in funnier LOL.

GFDINER - Kathy said...

LOL. Love the popcorn store.

Have a great weekend.

Nadeen said...

Being the popcorn fan that I am, I just might have to try the multiple popcorn feat. Tell the little guy thanks!

jeff campbell said...

Very cute post Frenchy...popcorn store...gotta love it...Namaste

Jenny said...

Awww, he's a little enterpreneur! How sweet is that!

Thanks for this charming post on our little journey through Alphabe-Thursday's Letter "S"!

You made me smile!


PS. I think Dillards has some charming dresses right now.

Julie Kwiatkowski Schuler said...

Love the popcorn story. You can't give that charming face a time out!

Jo said...

awe, such a cute story!!!

Terra said...

i want to go to the popcorn store~

Christy said...

You have an entrepreneur on your hands! Sweet S story!

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