Monday, April 5, 2010

Marie Antoinette Bedroom makeover.

My Grand mother was called of my favorite name. My favorite movie of all time is Marie Antoinette by Sofia Coppola HERE. To learn more about Marie Antoinette and her life HERE.

Do you remember my bedroom ? The post about it is HERE. See how much and where things come from.

Here is my Spring/Summer look....Marie Antoinette Style.

Zebra pillows, one of my favorites.

The bedding was bought years ago at JC Penney HERE. They have great, romantique beddings, one is on front page of their bedding department now and would work great.

Having a little Tea Party, just by myself...

The gardens (Jardin) in France are beautiful...Love the picture...

Orchids are great in Paris when you live in an Apartment. They are on of my favorite flowers...

Little tart, They are a French Classic. Got it from Kneaders HERE.

Herbal tea...

Well, the time of Marie Antoinette is past but, i can still get a taste of it....With some tools...

Get an up hairdo....

And still be modern...

I will relax and enjoy my Tea Party...

Posts you might Devour...

Marie Antoinette at Versailles HERE.
Le jardin des Tuileries...HERE.
French Treat... HERE.
Alice in Wonderland Party. HERE.


Debbiedoos said...

Oh la la is all I can say!! Your bedroom looks so pretty! The zebra print pillow is a nice element of surprise...I love when people do the unexpected:)in decor!~ Happy Monday, glad you found me again lol!~

Libbie said...

I do love a pretty up do! You look gorgeous! My favorite part is your little tea party all by yourself! I need to do that sometime & today is sounding good! But I don't have a tea set as pretty as that, that's for sure! Your bedroom is gorgeous & looks like such a wonderful place to relax! Thanks for the peek!

~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

Sure will have the loveliest dreams in your heavenly bedroom, Frenchy! Such adorable pictures and words...
Have a wonderful week. xo

Jenny said...

Love your tea party too. What a comfort and how lovely your bedroom looks. Quite a haven for you and your family. Happy Monday!

It's me said...

Oooo........your hair great !!! fab !!!

And your bedroom ....i love it so much................have a good day !! enjoy !! hugs from me.........

Tracy said...

LOVE the hair. Your Spring makeover is refreshing and fun. I hope you enjoyed your tea party! :-)

Flaviana said...

Your bedroom is lovely! I like all the details and love your up do too!
You look fab!
P.S. please do tell me how you did that pretty pot, I want one too ;))

Julie Harward said...

Such prettiness! I am changing out my bedding today too adding the white and lighter weight bedding. Love your hair up. so pretty in the back! Come say hi :D

Debby said...

Beautiful bedroom accessories and hair do. You must have sweet dreams in that gorgeous room. I can't believe that some of the bedding came from JCP.

Kissed by an Angel said...

Your bedroom is absolutely beautiful!!! I love your hair too!! Looks wonderful!

Rachel said...

Love it! Especially the pots, pictures, and pillows! Can't wait to see the tutorial for the pot.

Way Out Wear said...

oh your room looks so comfy, cozy, how can you ever leave it?

Beautiful! And I love your hair as well.

Unknown said...

gorgeous room! i dream of visiting versailles and seeing (among other wonders) marie ant.'s little village (i can't remember the real name of it) where she would play peasant and herd sheep. great job on the room. i think it has her playful spirit.

Bunnym said...

You look divine with your up do! Looking forward to the "how to" on your little pot.


Meghan said...

I love it! You did such an amazing job! And that little tea set is too much!

Sherry @ No Minimalist Here said...

Beautiful the canopy bed. The flower pot is adorable.

Unknown said...

Becca, the Marie's little private side was le petit Trianonwas her little mansion. I will talk about it tomorrow. She had a Farm, a "moulin" by the water also.
She was attracted by the simple pleasures of life...
Thank you so much for your comments:)

highheeledlife said...

mmmm.... say magnifique!!!! Adore the bedroom decor! with the warmer weather I love sitting outside and enjoying a cup of tea on the terrace by myself just as the morning is opening - listenong to the birds.

Your hair looks so beautiful ...

I look fowrad to learning how you did that pot. You are so creative and inspiring!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Oh ma belle, on dirait Marie Antoinette chez toi!! JOLIE CHAMBRE, JOLIE MADAME, JOLIE OBJETS D'ART.....Qu'est-ce qu'on peut demander de mieux?


Victoria said...

Gorgeous Frenchy! It is always so fun and charming to visit here..beautiful room..and bedding..woah!! Lovely!!

starrynightimpressions said...

Loveeee your blog! Anything french catches my eye, because I am in love with Paris and the beautiful country of France!!! I've been there three times now and never can get enough, but your blog post today sure gave me a wonderful flashback!
french blessings,

Mindy said...

looks really great!!! I love the floors. And the bedding. Yes we served together at temple square those many years ago,Sister Signs (Melinda Signs Williamson on Facebook). Sorry I have not maintained my blog as well as I had hoped life gets soo crazy sometimes. Bolgs are the best way to keep a journal for the family. Yes we have adopted 2xs and are doing it again, to make it 5 kids (oh my goodness). you have a great talent for style. It's fun to follow your blog.

D. Jean Quarles said...

What a beautiful bedroom. I loved it. That and the orchids. So pretty.

Lisa Lisa Lisa said...

Your spring bedroom look is so nice! It looks so cozy and romantic. I love it. And I seriously want a tart now. Delicious.

My grandmother's name was Minnie. I love it.

Absolutely Ladylike said...

OMG, I'm in love with your bedroom! It's super ladylike! I love every single detail! Congrats!

Cheers: Evi

Ps: I adore Marie Antoinette from Sophia Coppola as well :-)

Seawashed said...

Oh yes I do love your spring 'Marie Antoinette' look! Love the zebra pillow too...I have a collection of animal print pillows-giraffe, zebra,leopard, and bear. They are so fun, aren't they? And you are adorable in your Antoinette curls!!! So cute. I love your tea setting...your room has a soft, peaceful glow. And those wood floors are what we want to put in Sea Cottage...someday.

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Oh my goodness. This bedroom is stunning. I loe everything about it. Gorgeous. Hugs, Marty

Rachelle said...

i am in love with your bedroom! especially the zebra pillows. it's kindof my thing now. lovely.

Lynn said...

I just found your beautiful blog and just became your new follower.. I would love to have you as my follower too on my blog.. thanks!


Unknown said...

Girls, i love anything animal prints...I almost put cheetah carpet on my main stairs.HAHAHA. But not so good for resale! HAHAHA
Thank you for all the love. You are the best!
Frenchy said...

One would feel like a queen in that bedroom. I love love love the black and white tea set. Wish it were mine.

come visit

Mary Beth @ Live. Laugh. Make Something said...

so pretty! I love the pops of zebra and that decoupaged flower pot! Hope to see you back at my place. until later...

Allison Shops said...

Your bedroom looks nice. Love the tea set.

I hope you'll drop by AtticMag and register for our Giveaway!


Wanda Lee said...

Hello there lovely lady,

This is just so divine my dear!~ What a lovely tea for one! Such pure delight!..,

The bedroom,your pretty picture, the chic colours, the unepected colurs, the teaset, even curlers..,oh my!; what a delightfully refreshing surprise!

Do pop by for a visit to 'my little corner of the blog world', as well sometime my dear..,

Cheers from Wanda Lee @ The Plumed Pen

Lana said...

Ah, a woman after my own heart, you francophile!!! The room is gorgeous, especially those pillows and I LOVE the tea in there! Gorgeous! Your updo is so applicable!

Gorgeous all of it!

Hugs, Lana

Southern Comfort said...

So beautiful and chic! I love everything French! I especially love the hardwood floors in the room. Do you know what brand they are?

Chubby Chieque said...

I love up dos.

Wish I could lend that room for a second. It's like heaven. Spaciously stunning §;-)

Happy TS

Red Lipstick said...

I agree, oh la la! Your bedroom looks like it is out of a magazine, sweetie! You are a talented lady! The tea set is precious.

Unknown said...

Beth, they are from RC willey. Can't remember the brand but they look Antique and dark brown.

Flory said...

that's a fab makeover and you're pretty hairdo... i love Marie Antoinette's Style too! see you around!

Lia at Petite Little Bee said...

What a cute post. Thanks for sharing. Lia

~ ~ Ahrisha ~ ~ said...

Hello hello My Dear, What a lovely BR you have. Your beautiful floors caught my eye. You did such a pretty room.
~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

KimMalk said...

It looks so pretty and feminine. I love it.

The Single Nester said...

How gorgeous! I just want to take a long, deep breath and sigh!

Unknown said...

Looks so pretty and relaxing!

Thanks for linking up!

Be sure to join my current giveaway!

Mid-Atlantic Martha said...

Oh what a lovely spot to be Marie Antoinette -- a girl could just lose her head over that pretty room! Love your pretty little tea party for one.

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

I love your nice large bedroom and that beautiful bed. Tres chic!!

Kristi Flanagan said...

Wow girl! Your room is beautiful!!!! I'm so jealous!!!!! Even a tea party for yourself. ok I think I better go clean my room! =0)

Thanks for planting your creative seed at Plant a Punkin Seed Party.

Punkin Seed Productions

Lori E said...

You have such a lovely blog. This is my first time here.
I would not have thought of Marie Antoinette having zebra striped cushions though.
I guess we have to use our imaginations for that one. I love the plank floors in your bedroom.

Chari at Happy To Design said...

Hello my friend...

I'm so happy to see you for Sunday Favorites today and what a fabulous post to share with all of us! Ohhh my...your master bedroom is spacious and I love the colors that you chose to do it in! I just had to go back and take a peek at your master in the link that you gave. Ohhh...I do adore that beautiful blue's so magnificent!!! Love, love, LOVE your beautiful bed! You know, I often shop JC Penneys...I find the quality is good and very reasonably priced! I have been "eyeing" a beautiful french styled bed from there for sometime now..and it's on sale! Ohhh...I am sooo tempted! Hehe! Love all of your bedding...the blues and browns...and the new bedding for your spring look is simply gorgeous...very romantic and very Marie Antoinette!!! I think that Marie would be very comfortable and at home in your lovely bedroom, my friend!

I have never taken tea in my bedroom but really must do so...your tea is such an inspiration! Love your black and white transferware tea set!!!

My friend, you are such a beautiful your "up-do" hairstyle! I have really long hair...I should give this style a try! Thank you so much for participating in Sunday Favorites, dear lady...your gorgeous frenchy bedroom has been such a treat!!!

Have a fabulous Sunday...
Chari @Happy To Design

The Little Red Shop said...

Sweet! I hope you're having a lovely Sunday!

: )

Julie Marie

Sweet Bee Cottage said...

So lovely - everything!

fitty's pinky rose cottage said...

Love the bed! Oh la la.. comfy and the tea party just scrumpcious!

Allison Shops said...

What a pretty room. Nice job pulling it all together! Stopping by from BNOTP.

Recaptured Charm said...

That room is just too pretty to live in!! It truly is stunning, and you look quite wonderful in it as well! lol

Charo said...

So French and Chic!!!


Kelly said...

I love your make over in your bedroom. I am just starting to read books on Maria Antoniette.

Blondie's Journal said...

Another great post, Frenchie!! I adore your bedroom and that blue ceiling!! The tea party looks like such fun and what a pretty tart!!

Happy Met Monday!


Heidi Joncas said...

I LOVE this room! I just want to grab a book, close the door and relax. Great job!

Lisa Nelsen-Woods said...

What a romantic bedroom. *le sigh...*

Kaysi said...

Wow that looks great! For a second I thought that it was the same room, I really had to look closely to see it wasn't. Great job!

Karen The Graphics Fairy said...

Love the room, love the hair, love the flower pot... I love it all!!! It looks like a photo shoot out of Romantic Homes magazine! Thanks so much for linking this one up to "Brag Monday". It's always such a treat for me to see what you come up with!

Kimberly said...

Your room is divine. The tea so sweet, and the coiffer...2 die 4!

Happy decorating day!

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Your room is gorgeous. I love all the paneling and the beautiful vaulted blue ceiling. Gorgeous furniture and bedding. What a thrill to have a couple of wing chairs to relax in. Love, lovely room. Your hair is fabulous up. Great pictures. Thanks so much for joining the party. Hugs, Marty

Olivia said...

Oh my I think I have fallen in love with your toille teapots! I am n If you have time stop by my blog at
I am giving away a free teapot in April!
Oliviaot kidding you! Beautiful blog

vignette design said...

What a gorgeous, romantic bedroom! Love it all. Gret up-do too! Wish my hair looked like that!

Laura said...

The room (and you) are beautiful!

I would love it if you joined my "Saturday is Crafty Day" party on April 24th! Stop by my blog for details.

Wanda Lee said...

This is just so very lovely!..,

(I see my comment from April 7th, so I shall not repeat myself my dear;sufficed to say, this post is just as delightfully lovely as ever!

Please do come by for a visit and 'a cup of afternnon tea nd a cookie' to enjoy my 26th,'Tuesday Tea For Two', blog teaparty meme. Also tomorrow is my 17th, 'Wednesday Tea For Me And thee' at my Silken Purse blog..,

~Everything formm blue and white kitties at tea to many surprises await when you scroll doen the page!~ I would so enjoy to hear from you!

Cheers and hugs from Wanda Lee @ The Plumed Pen

Wanda Lee said...

Oooh my dear lady,

I love this post a much as the first time I saw it my dear!.., (As I was scrolling down the page I saw my previous comment, so I shall not repeat myself); yet I adore this darling Marie Antoinette bedroom, and teatable vignette!!

Do come by for afternoon tea for my 26th, 'Tuesday Tea For Two' as well as my, 17th, Wednesday Tea For Me And Thee" blog party meme to be heald at my other blog, Silken Purse..,

(This page just reappeared after I was 'bumped out' by blogger earier, so I don't know if you are going to get two simailar comments or not)..,

Have a marvelous week!

Cheers from Wanda Lee @ The Plumed Pen

Jess said...

Beautiful room and you are so pretty!

Atticmag said...

Very pretty color scheme in the room and many lovely touches. -- Jane F.

Joy@Thrifty Parsonage Living said...

Very pretty room, I love the colors.

Room to Inspire said...

Such a lovely room! I just love all of the beautiful rooms in your home - Thanks for linking up to Be Inspired today!


Lady Katherine said...

Your bedroom is wonderful! I love your Tea! I adore tarts! I just love your teapot and tea cup! I so wanting to find the black toile teapot and cups. I longing for them a long time! How wonderful your hair do is! Love it! Such a relaxing bedroom Tea!

Miss Mustard Seed said...

I love the blue ceiling! Sooo pretty.

Jill said...

That's gorgeous! I love that it's traditional in style but still clean and simple.

Helena said...

So beautiful. I love your romantic french style. And you are making me miss Kneaders!

Thank you for linking this to A Little Craft Therapy with Life in the Pitts.

Unknown said...

Absolutely beautiful!! If my room looked like that, I'd never leave it. Lovin' the up-do too! Makes me want to grow my hair out.

Fawnda@Fireflies and Jellybeans said...

How fun to change your bedroom for the season! I love the new look! :) And your hair is BEAUTIFUL!

Jan @ BellaCasa said...

Love your blog, your bedroom, and your tea setting too.

Please come on is TeaScape time at BellaCasa.

Jan @ BellaCasa

avisiontoremember said...

so pretty
thanks for linking up to check me out saturday

★Carol★ said...

You've surrounded yourself with so many pretty things! You are definitely living the good life there!
Have a wonderful day!

Maria@ChicaBellaCrafts said...

Hi Frenchy, I really enjoy my visits to your blog, you have such great imagination. Like letting the binkys go. I posted your link in my blog, it's nice to share great blogs with others. Happy Pink Saturday!

Lori said...

Oh my your bedroom is wonderful! I'm loving this.

Thanks for joining Get Your Craft on Thursday. Please join me next week for another great party.

Ridgely (Grandma J @ Dear Angelene) said...

I wrote down the name of your blog to come back and visit your "all things french" a second time. The room is delightful and filled with wonderful details.

Unknown said...

It's gorgeous!
We have a friday fun finds party that's still going- we'd love it if you'd link up!

Beth said...

Truly lovely! Your hair is gorgeous, as is your bedroom and I love your teaset and the tart!

Tabitha (From Single to Married) said...

Sister Taburet!! (sorry, that's the way I still remember you even though it's been years and years!) Just wanted to say hi - I saw you through Rock Star Diaries, didn't know you had a cute blog! And I love your bedroom - it's beautiful! Hope you're doing well. :)


Anonymous said...

That is an amazing impression of a modern Marie Antoinette bedroom! Very inspired!

Little Lizard King said...

What a gorgeous room, home, family! I love your post about binkies in heaven, and I'm so glad to "meet" you and discover your blog!

Anonymous said...

I do believe you have forgotten her that next on your agenda?

Unknown said...

She was a Woman, a wife, a mother. There is more to her than her death.
Most people are famous for the negative. It is very sad.
This is why i love Sofia Coppola's movie. She portraits her as an human. Yes, in France there is bad feelings about the king and nobles at the time. it will not happen again and people had their revolution. But at the end of the day. Rich or not. People are just people.

Ann Minard said...

Well said! I am going to have to re- watch it. I am the Italian version of Antoinette my name is Antonietta.

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