Saturday, February 27, 2010

Sometimes we need to stop and listen

 This morning, i fed all the animals, dogs, cats, bunnies... I was going to the coop and opened the front door and stopped. I could hear the birds. Lots of birds. I can't remember the last time i heard birds. I wonder to myself. Were they always here and you never noticed them ? Am i always too busy to notice beauty in nature surrounding me ?. Their songs felt good, i smiled. Sometimes the most important and beautiful are the small things. We just have to stop and pay attention.
have a great week-end. 


Tuesdai Noelle said...

Hey :)

Indeed, we should take the time to listen to nature, perhaps it has a hidden message. And awh, I wish I had a bunny, well actually a snake! Yes, a snake!! They're just realllyyyy cool. If I should keep my promise to myself I'll (this Spring.early Summer) when I travel to the zoo, I would LOVE to hold one...I'll find a way. Ok, enough of me an my randomness :)

Have a nice weekend :)

Alecia said...

what a great thought. thanks for that! ( and i love the dead tree pic!)

Julie Harward said...

That is SO true! I love nature so much and all her gifts to us! Have a great weekend! :D

debra@dustjacket said...

I loved this, to be reminded of the simple beautiful things we take for granted each day.


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Ma belle, il faut écouter, n'est-ce pas? La nature nous appelle chaque jour.

Bisous chèrie, Anita

Unknown said...

So very true! we get so wrapped up in our day, plans, and the grind.. that we don't take moments of peace to really enjoy the beauty around us. Thanks for the reminder! JGG

Unknown said...

Tuesdai, you are always so cute!
I LOVE SNAKES!!! I want a corn snakes with cool rings...Hum.:)
I though about this morning...The birds are always there. It's just me not listening.
Thanks for for friendships and comments.:)

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Merci for coming to visit my pipe dreams! I have however, had the opportunity to be in Paris and I SO LOVE IT! Thank you for your kind comments...

Bisous, Anita

jules said...

We all need to stop each day to appreciate all that God has created and given us.

A Gift Wrapped Life said...

Thank you for stopping in for a visit. The same thing happened to me this week, opened my door for a few minutes and heard the birds singing away......spring can't be too far behind.

Anonymous said...

Amen! I know I am guilty myself of living such a fast-paced life that I definitely need to slow down and appreciate everything around me!

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