It inspired me ...
Picture by Associne.

This is where i lived for most of my youth. In an Apartment. I was very happy. My Mom is divorced and raised 3 kids. She had a very good job, but compared to the States only made as much as working for McDonalds. My Mom is a Saint, she sacrificed for us. She worked hard and still is.
We only lived on what we needed. I would used everything till it fell apart. I remember looking at my shoes with a big hole and saying to my Mother...I need new shoes this month. We walk everywhere in Paris. Cars are for rich people.
I had a very small closet and not a lot of clothes...i would even borrow my Mom's.
Because of my youth, i learn very important lessons...Be grateful for everything you have even if it is small...enjoy life, even small happy for others when they have success in life...Never compete....If you love someone, you don't want them to be a looser .
Only buy things you love...and they need to serve more than one purpose....
That a key to happiness is to work hard.
When Hubby started his first business in Utah, i told him that i would be happy in an Apartment with him. That money was not my priority.
With hubby's second business, i told him that i would be happy in an Apartment with him. That money is not my priority.
With Amber alert GPS now, i still tell him the same.
Houses can burn down, the market can crash...loss of a job. I will still be there with him. Because i learned in France that material things don't make you happy. Your family and relationships does.
No matter what my journey will be, good or bad. I will keep goodness in my heart and stay the same...I keep it simple....It's not about the Journey, but about the person traveling...
Big French bear hugs to all of you!
So very true...every word! I grew up on a farm, we were poor all my life but it was a good life and I wouldn't trade it for any other life. :D
I agree! Lovely post. Leigh
Reading your post just warmed my heart, your such a sweet person... I'm so glad your my friend! Have a blessed day!
This is fantastic. I loved hearing your story and it really resonates with me. Using what you have and making do is important. Material things are not so important when you have your family around you. Thanks for sharing this!
Such great advice! Loved reading about your life in France. I took 2 years of French in junior high (100 years ago!) so I tell my kids I'm fluent in French. Of course they just laugh but it's a running joke.
Thanks for visiting me and leaving a comment. I'll be back to check on how you're doing.
I like you!
LOVE your statement..."it's not about the Journey, but about the person traveling"...
You're very wise!! Thanks for sharing!
Thank you for your comments and feedbacks...:)
Yes, very true!
SO very true.
Life isn't about "things" Our tender families are what matter the most.
I do agree, very lovely post.:-D
Thanks Much!
Enjoy your day.
Love your blog. It is really beautiful. Will be back soon and thanks so much for sharing. Lia
Nice reading.
This is very true... we have a hard time making ends meet, but we try and work hard and have fun anyway.
Thanks for stopping by.
What a loving tribute to your mother. I hope she is able to read your blog and be so proud of the profound truths you have set in your heart and have to pass on to your little ones. What a legacy. Thank you for sharing.
A wonderful post. As long as I am beside my hubby I shall be content. And for things... my dad used to say to us growing up "use it up, wear it out, do with , or to without."
What a brilliant post. I have a tendency to stock up...but I am working on that really hard...buying only what we need (I was totally guilty of the body wash scenario).
Thanks for stopping by 504 Main! Love your blog!
Such great advice. I've been trying to do that, use all items that I purchase. It makes so much sence.
Your blog is just lovely!
So enjoyed your post. I will come back later and reread it because I need to catch up on some of your previous post too.
Hope your doing well
Love Maggie
Hi, I'm so happy you stopped by and left me a I have found you Cherie!! Such a lovely post and oh so tres vrai ( I'm trying to say 'very true' ) anyway, I am trying to live more like that myself. I grew up with a very modest home and life, yet I felt so happy!! I don't like clutter and wasting money so I'm going to take your wise advice!
Thanks for visit and comments. Means a lot to me.
Have a great week end.
Bunny...Great French. Genial!
Such a wonderful post! I really needed to read this. Thank you so much!
this is truely an amazing post! in today's world of frantic materialistic acquisitions and striving to keep up in the rat race, i love your outlook in life and the positivity that's within you. and i'm hoping to get there someday too.
have a great weekend.
~ persis.
It is true, love is more important than belongings.My family is more important than the rest.Happy to have met you.Good weekend
Lovely post, darling!
That is such a lovely post and I so agree, to be happy in your heart is a great way to be whatever happens.
Have a lovely weekend
Oh sweetie...You are so right! It's easy to get caught up in all the hooplah isn't it? I visited France once and what impressed me was that no one ever seemed to be in a hurry, everyone was WALKING and everyone looked so fit, relaxed and beautiful. We could all use a lesson! Great post, Marcia
I'm so glad that I came to your blog. Love your post about being content with what you have.
Keep up the great posts!
that is sooo very true. the sad art however is that we don't realize till god forbid it befalls us...ohhh this is such a good read on a fashion and design blog...such a hiatus! Good job! :) xoxo
You and I think much alike along these lines and for many of the same reasons.
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Esto fue muy interesante. Me encantó la lectura
Esto fue muy interesante. Me encantó la lectura
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