At the house lately we have had few discussions about animals in Africa. The small ones want to know which animals are carnivores or herbivores. Mimi is extremely interested since she wants to work with animals, especially Zoo animals. The zoo is one of our favorite places to visit and I think working there would be a dream job. Don’t you think? I think it is important to give to your children “smart” material in the area they enjoy and kids just love African animals!
Afrycanimal is a fun and educational puzzle game with African animals and I highly recommend it!
On Planet Afryca they celebrate the wild animals of the African bush: the circle of life in Africa in all of its full colour, 3D glory.
The Afrycanimals app has 12 animals, each one with 5 jigsaws of different levels and a quiz. There's also a gallery where you can view each of the twelve animals in full screen, close up detail.
The monkey comes free, and each of the other animals can be purchased one by one
Go wild and get this App for iPad here:
Very cool Isabelle. You are a great mother to encourage your children like this!
2012 Artists Series
Oh you are so sweet Karen!! Thank you!
Sounds fabulous. Too much knowledge about the real world is never enough. This is an early step to creating someone valuable to the natural environment.
Louise, I totally agree!
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