Monday, February 27, 2012

How my youngest has reacted to a new baby

I took this picture few months ago, before she cut her bangs.
My Fairy is very smart and full of surprises.
The kids have been in love with the baby.
Something very interesting has happened. My Fairy doesn't throw tantrums to get attention...She is a tornado...Every drawer has been opened, every bottles have been opened and some spilled. Things disappear, then appear to be put away and disappear again.
Q tips are gone, cotton balls and soap to name a few. We had an experiment lab for a while with weird liquids in cups in the girl's room.
She is a tornado.
One day, when she is older, we will talk about this and how inventive she is.


Terra said...

Your fairy is adorable, and I do wonder what is she thinking?

Unknown said...

Sooooo cute!!!! kisses.

Julie Harward said...

LOL very cute pic of her! And very interesting behavior too! ;)

It's me said...

She is so cute !!!...just like her mom......

Debby said...

Hmmmmmm, I think I predict another book in the making.

Cranberry Morning said...

SO VERY CUTE, Frenchy! Love that look on her face. :-)

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh, she is too cute....little mischief maker! Sounds a bit like my daughter when we brought her brother into the world.

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