The 2nd week has pretty much been like the first.
I am recovering very well.
Soleil is a dream baby. Barely cries, sleeps a lot and eats well.
She is my easiest baby.
She is a binky addict.
The kiddos love her and want to hold her, they take turns.
We have a belly button now, Soleil got her first bath. No crying, she was smiling and very happy.
Here is a picture to prove it.
She is a happy girl. She laughs also in her sleeps. It might be because her siblings laugh a lot.
She has a lot of hair.
She loves kisses and to cuddle,
Her eyes may end up blue,
She stares a lot,
Darling pictures, I love the second pic where they are cuddled..sweet! :D
She is SO pretty! You and your husband did a good job!
What a sweetie! Glad you are all enjoying her so much, precious days:-)
Those are just precious photographs! She is beautiful, thank you for sharing! Babies are just little sweet angels, aren't they? Take care!
You are so right, major cuteness!
Cher Sunray Gardens
Truly adorable and sweet ... she is one loved little bundle of blessing!! Fingers crossed she gets her mama's beautiful blue eyes..xo Blessings , xo HHL
She is so sweet. You have such a lovely family.
What a doll baby! I miss my babies being that small. I'm glad to hear she's been so easy for you.
She is so cute !!..i love her...just like her
Such a sweet baby.
She's so beautiful. I just want to hold her!
Congratulations! I am just now getting back to blogging. My new baby girl will be 12 weeks old this Thursday! Your family is absolutely beautiful!
Isabelle, congratulations! I had to go back 4 posts and see everything. She is just an angel and I love, love, love her name! She is so loved already. She is just adorable in her pink fluffy tutu! Hope you are doing well. You are such a great mom!
She is beautiful! congrats and I love your blog!
Oh Frenchy! Soliel is so very sweet huge CONGRATS to all of you...I have had such a rough year with all family illnesses and hospitalizations etc. I have missed so much of all the blogs I love to visit like yours. :)
Isabelle, I didn't know you had GD, that is always a little scary, I hope you didn't have too much trouble.
I would like to know the correct pronunciation of your newest daughter's lovely name!
I hope to be back to visiting your blog (amongst others regularly very soon)
My hubs has had a rough time and was forced to retire due to his failing health (diabetic for over 30 years and it has never been under control) My Mom is "dying" it will be her heart or breast CA that gets her...she just turned 86. As you know I have many physical injury type issues, well a few of them are getting much worse and some days even the vicodin doesn't help.
I did start a challenge blog called THE GAME...for all kinds of ART and CRAFT and all levels etc. I was wondering if you would consider being on my Design team? 2 creations a gets months assignments up front...I try for 5-6 months ahead just to give you all that time for inspiration etc. If you think you at least might want to check it out...
I would gladly fill you in with any info you need or questions you may have.
much love and light upon you and yours, especially young Soliel!!
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