Monday, November 21, 2011

Turkey treats with cookies and candy tutorial

This so cute and the kids love to make them and eat them. Of course!
It would be also a cute idea to put one on each plate for Thanksgiving. Let them "dry" for the next day. They fall apart a little.
A cute idea for family Home evening or family night. Talk about the story of Thanksgiving and make the treats.

You will need:
Nutter Butter cookies,
Ginger snaps cookies,
Mike and Ike candy or jelly beans,
Candy corn,
Mini chocolate chips,

Start with the Turkey body and face. Chocolate chips and mike and Ike. Glue it all with the icing. A butter knife does the trick to apply the icing.

2 ginger snaps for the body.

2 Mike and Ike candy for the feet.
5 candy corn or more for the feathers.

Cute and you can make them the color you want.

Use an icing pipe for neater results.
They disappear very fast! 

Happy Thanksgiving!


Darlene said...

Now, those are cute!

Unknown said...

Oh my, this is adorable. You guys are so creative! Yummy, I'm coming to your house!

KB said...

Very cute. Following you on twitter as KB1.

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