Sunday, June 5, 2011

My son has find a career!

You know sometimes...You have to throw your little boy in the shower...and then, he plays for a while. You have to remind him to wash his body with soap and his hair with shampoo...He gets distracted, you know...

Then he decides to play mad scientist and make potions. Mixing and experimenting...And then he will come out and make you smell his experiments...."It smells so good Mommy!".

Then, the next morning, in the shower...all will realize that your little scientist emptied all the bottles...and that you are out of shampoo in the house.

You will then wish, that your little boy will make a great scientist to pay one day for all the bottles he emptied.  Now,"the cheap shampoo kind" will find it's place in the shower, just for a while...


Connie said...

There is a great future for the little scientist! In the meantime, keep the cheap shampoo on hand!

Silvia C said...

That is one kid with an awesome personality!

Food Glorious Food! said...

So adorable! I wish I have a kid soon :)

Cranberry Morning said...

I have a nephew who experimented with his parents' waterbed, sticking it with a scissors to see what would happen. These little scientists can be very expensive. LOL

Cranberry Morning said...

P.S. I'm your newest follower. I thought I was following already,but I guess I was just always typing in your URL to check out your blog!

Becky said...

So cute, too bad he did not keep his creation for you to use also! Thank you for the follow and visit at Life or Something Like It. Following you back! said...

What an adorable story, lol! Time to hide Mommy's expensive shampoo :) Love your blog!

Thank you for stopping by my blog and becoming a follower.

Carol said...

I absolutely loved this post!! We allowed my grandson, who is four going on five, to take a shower by himself for the first time Saturday. It was everything you wrote about!! He did get soap in his eyes however, and stumble out and fall into the floor and roll around before we figured out what had happened...he scared us half to death. :) Once we got the soap out of his eyes, he had great fun in there and we didn't think we would ever get him out again!! So happy to be your new follower, and to have you as my new follower!! Hugs back!!

Anonymous said...

Yep, nothing but Suave in my kids tub that's for sure.

Elekon said...

hahaha sounds like my daughter:) I have to hide everything soaps, cosmetics, cremes otherwise she will make her experiments:)

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