So, Zacky boy thinks it is funny to escape out of the fence...
I have been cutting chicken wire and placing it at the bottom of the fence. I need to bury it now...So much work!
This metal fence does not keep a small dog in...
Work in progress...
On the top of that...He went across the street....Went under the fence to the neighbors yard and was playing with the 2 dogs there...LOL
Mister escapee artist! He makes me very tired...LOL
What is your experience with escapee artists? How do you keep them in?
Oh, Frenchy, I have to chuckle, been there, done that! Years ago when we first had gotten Hannah she did the same thing!! AND she came back in the backyard several times to get her toys! We found them strewn about the neighborhood!!
We did what you are doing, my husband put chickenwire all the way around the fence and then we eventually got her a companion!
Now our newest escape artist is Sophie. She broke out of her CRATE! We had to put zip ties to secure it!!
Zacky wants someone to play with!!! Too bad he and Sophie could have playdates, it'd be good for both of them!!
Typo, too bad we didn't live closer, he and Sophie could be playmates . . .
Little stinker! haha! I know that's no fun though...
I hope your afternoon is terrific!
~Terrell @ FrouFrouDecor~
Marsha, we have another dog. Teddy. A Golden retriever. Zacky just ditches him and runs away. LOL
I would love for our dogs to play together :)
Keep them in the house...good luck with him, he's good at it isn't he?! He just wants to get to know the new neighbors! :D
The chicken wire is your best bet. I have a small dog but I think she is too timid to leave. Good luck!
Our dogs don't escape. The female has such bad legs that she would have to literally drag herself out of the yard, and the male was abandoned prior to us adopting him. He won't leave the yard to save his life. He likes the groceries here at our house.. LOL
hehe he's so cute. Our dog tries to escape too but she's not quite as clever as yours.
Hahahhahah!! he walk away....and play with the neighbours doggies!!!!...he is so cute little dog !! as cute as Ria...
What a cute little dog :) They can be quite clever sometimes can't they. We have a corgy, he doesn't try to get out but he does like to run through and demolish my garden chasing the squirrels in the yard. So...I have to always go out in the yard with him when he's out there to keep an eye on him....maybe that would work with your little dog.
I think the cuteness of the dog makes up for all the trouble, doesn't it? My neighbor had the same problem until she bought one of those invisible fences (which I think slightly zaps the dog when he tries to cross it). I know! It sounds awful but it is not too bad and the dog learns in about two days not to cross it..(I wish I'd learn my limits that fast!)
i don't really have a dog, so i don't have experience in that area. but my best friend does, but i really don't know how she keeps her dogs from escaping. she always says she sent her dogs to dog school. haha. :)
p.s. head on over to my blog and enter my giveaway for a chance to win a cute top! and get a coupon code to get 15% off online shopping. :D
<3, Mimi
Bonjour ma belle! Je n'ai pas ce problème donné que je n'ai pas de chien!!! Quand même, tu es bien chargée!!! Comment ça va ma, OCCUPÉE de la maison, mais très contente....toi aussi, ça se voit. Je te souhaite une belle semaine, et pour ton chien....SOIS SAGE TOI!!! Anita
Oh, mon ami....
little doggies are so smart!! With Dolce we purchased a 10' X 10' doggie pen that is also 10' tall with a gate. We have placed grass area inside. With living in the country - our other concern is hawks and owls - as little Dolce (6lbs) looks like dinner to them (rabbit- or small animal). So we purchased a canopy like the ones used in backyards - 10'X9' - it covers the top opening. It's like he has his own little yard and when his doggie friends come to play - its much easier to manage them - while the Mommy's get to relax.
I hope this has been helpful. Cheers, HHL
We have an invisible fence for BEAR. yes, it only takes about 2 days and they learn where their boundaries are...there's a beep she hears from the collar before she gets to the ZAPPER...but in almost 4 years she's only run thru about 3 times...she's now so used to her boundaries, that if she doesn't have the collar on (rarely)she still doesn't cross the line.
I usually go out when she's out...or keep a close watch on her...REMEMBER with an invisible fence ~ she doesn't go out...but that doesn't stop other dogs from coming in!!!!
your doggie is so cute...and once they know they can...they'll continue!!!
My dog is too lazy to attempt to escape, let alone tunnel under a fence. But I'm lovin' the look of the new white fence you're putting up.
Hey! Good looking backgroud you have now. Fits your personality too...sorta Frenchy - Smiles.
My pup used to go over the fence rather than under, ack!
She eventually figured out that she had more fun in our yard than out of it and now happily stays put. Even if our gate is accidentally open.
Oh My Dear Frenchy ~ Do I ever have experience here. My 80 lb. White German shepherd (Chesca) used to bolt out of our yard constantly. To make matters worse, she hates other dogs and is an Alpha female. So, we needed to fix this fast. We went to trainers, they said she was too smart (what does that mean?) We can't do a fence really, 3 acres gets $$$. So we did the electric fence as a last resort. We heard everything from, it doesn't work, to its dangerous, to she'll run away and never come back. Well, I am happy to say, she tried to run away once in 6 years - when a fallen tree broke the line. She only wanted a swim in our neighbors gorgeous inground pool - which is where we found her literally just swimming around (it was a heat wave). So that is my answer - good luck my dear friend, I know its scary when they take off.
My little Chihuahua used to try this... but, we put bricks around any part of the fence he could fit. Which were A LOT of spots!
No help for the escape artist...our great dane is too lazy to try to escape - he can jump a 6-foot fence when he wants, so we wouldn't have a chance :) we do have little dogs come and visit sometimes though :)
Thanks for stopping following you back too!
So glad that you stopped by...Love your blog...and am coming back to read more...Have a great weekend..
hope you can get the dog proofing done b4 his next escapade! new follower :)
hey there! following back! thanks for stopping by my blog!! I have had dogs that escaped and I have no good advice..its JUST plain hard work and frustrating!! The chicken wire is a good idea!!
HI there Frenchy. I enjoyed reading about you (and your dog!)this morning. Thanks for the comment and the follow. We are following you back. Have a great weekend!
Cute dog!
Following back via the Social Parade.
Happy Friday!
Aloha Frenchy, very cute blog! Loved the Marie A party, so adorable!! My son's first birthday is coming up next Saturday, it will be a Yo Gabba Gabba party. Oh I'm following you back from Social Parade.
Good luck with the dog :) Thanks for the follow, I was already following you :)
What a cutie!!! ~ Following you back
You pup is adorable!
Thanks for the follow, I am following you back :)
Thanks for follow me, I'm follow you now :-)
Someone might have already mentioned this....but a good way to get a dog to stop digging is to sprinkle chili pepper flakes around where they like to dog. The flakes get into their mouth,noses, even eyes. Sounds horrible but I think it's better then having a dog run away!
Make sure and stop by - in August, I’m hosting giveaways just about every day!
My little chihuahua does the same thing. I think our sheltie just gets on her nerves sometimes, so she goes visiting :-)
awww he has the most gorgeous friendly face.
he looks as cheeky as my terrier murphy, he digs out the garden too.
Love your little pooch! Thank you for visiting my baking blog. Have a wonderful weekend. I like your blog design!
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