Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Eclipse..twilight series..

I saw Eclipse with hubby. I think he is a bigger fan than i am.
I liked the movie. Hubby had told me the story line...Kind of. So much for a surprise...He read all the books.
I read only one.
I still can't choose between Edward and Jacob. I will take both. Hehehehe
Have you seen the movie...What did you think?

In case you missed it!


Julie Harward said...

I just can't get into werewolves and vampires...don't like it! I am amazed at the grown people who do, I thought it was kind of a teenage thing! :D

Unknown said...

Okay that is HYSTERICAL!!

Laura Lynn said...

I've only seen the first and I liked it so I am going to catch up with the second and then see Eclipse! I am from WA state originally and I loved the movies' cinemaphotography too - the story line is interesting as well!

Janice said...

No question, team Edward, even though the actor that plays Jacob is better looking than Edward.

Kimberly said...

Just this summer I caught up and saw the first two movies..I hope to see Eclipse soon!

Ruthie said...

I saw it this last weekend and I loved it! I thought it was the best one yet! I really liked the whole fight scene with Victoria and the newborns. Oh course Jacob looked good shirtless but I will always be TEAM EDWARD!

Joy Taylor said...

TEAM EDWARD all the way!!! Why would you think that a love story is just a teenage thing?

the cape on the corner said...

i loved the books, even tho i resisted reading them b/c i thought they were merely teenage romance angsty nonsense. i've only seen the first movie, and i was sorely dissappointed!

team jacob's abs!

Little Mochi said...

I would have to say Team Edward ;)

Kelsey said...

Sorry, that's hilarious that your husband likes the books and movies..my husband would rather have ten colonoscopies then watch one of the movies, even. But that's great, and I thought the movis was okay, better then the previous two, but my sister and I go and laugh through the whole cheesy thing.

Anonymous said...

My Hubby WON'T watch those movies unless someone pays him a billion dollars to do so.

As for me.... I choose Edward. Hands down.


GwendolynKay said...

I haven't seen this one yet... saw the first 2. I am on team Edward :)

Carrie said...

aww. i haven't seen it yet:(
everybody keeps saying it's really good!

Anonymous said...

I saw it Sunday nite (alone) while hub was working...I saw all 3...didn't read the books...loved the movies ~ hey, movies are what dreams are made of ~ Team Edward :D

Student Entrepreneur said...

I haven't seen the 3rd movie yet!! But I did read all the books and I saw the other two movies!!

Too funny your hubby likes them!!

Cielo Azul Jewelry said...

I went last week with a girlfriend and just about died. Jacob is actually a teenager in real life?! There weren'
t ANY teenagers with those abdominal muscles. I was hypnotized by the tall dark and handsomeness of it all, LOL!


Cielo Azul Jewelry said...

Sorry, I meant to say that when I was a teenager.....there weren't any teenagers that look ANYTHING like that, LOL!

Mimi said...

i still haven't seen it. i read all the books, though. :)

i've been hearing mixed reviews about the movie. haha. ;)

<3, Mimi

Ping's Nom Fiction Life said...

OH, I'm the wolf girl!! Husband watched the 1st on TV but I was a bit reluctant to watched but got me hooked;) We went to see the Eclipse and I have to say I loved it!!! The fighting scene was great. We came out even cheesier with each other, LOL! Why not?

Erin said...

LOVED it, I have seen it twice so far!
1st at the midnight premier and then again 4 days later!

TEAM EDWARD all the way!

MJ said...

Saw the movie, think it was the best out of the three acting-wise but have to say they're nothing compared to the books. In the books Edward is very appealing but much prefer Jasper in the movie :) Cant believe the hubby is a bigger fan! LOL

Scuba Wife Life said...

I saw it, twice. I am team Edward all the way. I hated Jacob in the books. I kind of thought I liked Jacob in the movies, but after this one (where the acting was much better) I have decided I am all for the vamps in the books and movies. :)

cocoa and coconut said...

i saw it too, i really liked it :)
i think the acting is getting better each time.

Life Happens said...

I saw the movie with my hubby too and he loved it. He's read all the books! Like you, I can't decide between Edward or Jacob either, but I think I'm still leaning toward Edward. Love it!

JoJo said...

Loved Eclipse! Did not like the first tow films, but you have to read the books to really appreciate it.

Cute that your husbands a fan.

Denisa said...

Just found you today. Enjoyed the posts I had time to read. Love your fairy garden idea. I've been wanting to do one forever. My grandma had a huge one. The movies and books aren't my fave, but if I have to choose...I can't. They both have their appeal. I'm at fullofgold.blogspot.com

Unknown said...

My husband took to see the film. I liked much better than New moon. Edward or Jacob?... Tough choice. I'm with you!

star said...

I loved Eclipse! Team Edward!

I love your blog, and I now following!


Nicki Woo said...

I love your blog! And now that i know your and Eclipse fan, I love you too!!! I hope that's not too forward :) Following you now, stop by my blog when you get some time.



Nicki Woo said...

oooooh, forgot to say i loved the movie, and i've seen it 4 times SO FAR! I'm such a Twi-Addict!

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