Friday, June 25, 2010

Toys story 3, my kids don't play with their toys....

Very weird but my kids don 't play with toys that much...So the DI is getting a lot of toys and....

We saw Toys story 3..How appropriate!
Great show, even hubby liked it!

Do your kids play with their toys?
Mine would rather play with their friends outside.
Happy week end!


cheri said...

mine would rather play with stuff found around the house, say, an old pot. he does have toys, but he ignores them. he even ignores his coloring book!

Tiffany said...

I think that's great that your children would rather be outside playing with friends rather than inside with their toys. They're using their imaginations! Glad you liked Toy Story 3! Have a great weekend.

Nesty Girl said...

Good Morning!

I am "hopping" over from New Friend Friday! Your blog is beautiful,and I'm looking forward to following it!

Have a wonderful weekend!


Blondie's Journal said...

Friends, friends, friends. The best thing your kids can have! :-)


Meredith said...

I can't wait to see Toy Story 3! I am your newest follower from New Friend Friday on The Girl Creative. Please consider following my new (craft) blog.

It's me said...

We have no kids...but our dogs play with their toys.......hahahahah!! happy summer

Christina said...

Hi, following you from NFF. Love your blog..hope to see you on my page:) Happy Weekend!!

Andrea said...

My oldest never did play with toys. Even though hotwheel cars are his favorite he would rather admire them then play with them.

Now my baby boy is a totally different story. He loves to play with his toys, your toys, anyones toys where ever when ever. Crashing cars, making cho cho sounds with trains, flying airplanes as high as his little hands will reach.

Kiddos gotta love 'em!

Thanks for stopping by my blog today!

Leslie {Goodbye, house. Hello, home!} said...

I play with my kids' toys!!
I love The Littlest Pet Shop stuff and Mario Cart Racing on Nintendo, LOL!

Rambling Housewife said...

My kids don't play with their toys either!! So frustrating. My little girl would rather be playing with "kids":)

Victoria said...

So true about toys, I found when my boys were little they were the happiest when they dragged all my pots and pans out of the cupboard to bang on, jumped on my bed or played with my car keys. They were very active and loved skateboards, rollerblades and bikes much more than toys.

I think it's great that your kids would rather play outside or be with friends!

The Sierra Home Companion said...

My kids do play with their toys, and as they get older their imagination gets better. We loved Toy Story 1, 2, and 3.
Thank you for stopping by my blog.

the thrifty ba said...

my kids are like me-they will go thru moods where they dont want to even see any kids and other times they cant get enough. but thank you for dropping off at di-im sure we picked up some of your kids stuff sometimes!

Anonymous said...

As children my siblings and I played with toys sometimes when we were snowed in due to bad weather, but for the most part we played outside with friends. My grandchildren are the same way. I think it's healthier for kids to connect with other people rather than just things.


Colleen said...

Thank you for your sweet comments on my blog. I am following you now.


KIM said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog, I am now following yours.

Kelly Polizzi said...

hi, thanks for the follow. folling you back! what a great header photo! love it. and that is so cool that your husband invented the amber alert GPS. WOW. Good for him.

Coupon Posse' said...

Thanks for following The Coupon Posse'. We are following back :)

That Fairy Garden is so cute!

Amy Ricks said...

Bonjour! (You probably get sick of people saying that, don't you) Anyway, thanks for the Follow Friday follow. You're site is fabulous and I'm looking forward to visiting often.

Amy @ kitchencentsability

Carol, The Answer Is Chocolate said...

I have a 17 year old ( therefore his current "toys" are tres $$$) but he won't part with his childhood toys. We think we have finally convinced him that with one year to go before he leaves for college, it's time!

Kathleen B. said...

Nope, my children will rarely play with their toys. New toys are good for a day's worth of entertainment and then it is off to hover over and pester mommy again. My youngest is the exception, he will sit for hours and play with his cars each day. The movie made me bawl like a baby by the way!

Thanks for stopping by my blog, I am now returning the favor.


KM said...

Thanks for the follow. Right back at you!

Kelly Marie
Blog to Fabulous
Deliciously Ageless

P.S. Your home is beautiful. I love your kitchen!

Brianne said...

My kids really aren't "toy" kids either. They love to read, and do crafts, anything artistic, or be outside.

I haven't seen the new Toy Story but I would love to take my kids to see it!

Thank you for following! I am dropping by to say hello and follow back. :)

Jennifer said...

My son likes to play with everything that isn't his! Ha, ha! I think they like new things, that's why.

Thanks for following Heavenly Mommy!

Unknown said...

Bonjour et merci de m'avoir trouve sur Follow Friday. Je suis aussi une petite Parisienne! (Je suis franco américaine, j'ai de la famille qui habite a Meudon).
Thanks for visiting The Foodie Mommie! I am following you back!


Anonymous said...

Wanna see Toy Story so much! My 3 year old doesn't play with any toys. She rather read, put together puzzles and do crafts. My son barely plays with toys. He rather be playing board games with me, playing hide n seek, tag or bugging his sister lol. Have a great weekend!

Deanna said...

Dear Frenchy,
My 3 children are grown with children. I babysit my 3 year old Granddaughter and yes she plays with alot of different toys and wants me to make them talk!

I saved some of my children's toys for keepsakes. I have kept all of my childhood dolls.

The Fischer Price Dollhouse of my 30 year old daughter's is now being played with by this 3 year old.

Rotating toys can be a blessing...take and put some of the toys away and then bring them back out from time to time.

God bless you as a young wife, momma and homemaker!
d from homehaven

Jenny Anne said...

Hey following from Thanks for following my blog as well. Did you check out my twitter?

Following you on twitter as well :)

Ciera said...

Hello! Thanks for following! I am your newest follwer and cant wait to read more of your blog. & no my kids dont play with their toys either!

Judy said...

Hi! My daughter never plays with her toys. I buy them for her to look at them! Have a great weekend!

Mellisa said...

Thanks for following! I Am now your newest follower: We are going to see Toy Story 3 this weekend!


The Urban Cowboy said...

Heck, I still play with toys every chance I get!

Brandy M. said...

Mine plays with them about 50% of the time. The rest of the time it's whatever he can find of mine. Thanks for the follow and I am now following back.

Unknown said...

I wanna see TS3 so bad!

Granite State Pet Sitting said...

I don't have kids, but I am a Nanny. The children I care for don't play with their toys,but always want more! (Lol)I am new follower.

Unknown said...

My kids always want to play outside too. I'm following back from new friend friday. ♥ the blog

Hungry For Living said...

Newest Follower!! ;)

*Mirage* said...

Mine being almost-2 and almost-4 do play with their toys, but more often they prefer to play with the boxes the toys came in. Silly kids! :) My daughter's favorite toy is her baby doll and it's accessories. My son's favorite toy is ... the food out of my pantry. *sigh* He enjoys emptying my pantry so much, and thinks he's so helpful! Silly sweet babe! ;)

I have not seen Toy Story 3 yet. In fact I don't know if I've even seen #2 yet... hmmm...

Thanks for visiting my blog from New Friend Friday! :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the kind comment on my blog and for following. I am following back :)

~Lori@live,laugh,love,create :)

Diane said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier today (

My bf's daughter is 9 and doesn't really play with toys anymore. She is addicted to the tv though! Lately she has been making bracelets with those teeny tiny beads. So at least that is better than just sitting around watching tv. I wish she would go play outside though!

Anonymous said...

Hi! Thanks for stopping by Saved By Love Creations. I am following you now. Looks like you have some great tutorials. I will be back in the next couple of weeks as we get settled into our new place for some decor ideas! Blessings...

Terrell said...

OF COURSE We can be friends!!! ;) are you kidding me?? I am sooo glad you found my blog and I found yours! I simply LOVE it!! Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving the super sweet message today!! Aww!! HUGS! I'll totally link up to your party on July 1st :) Oh and no, my 6 year old would so much rather be outside playing with others or crafting up something fun...I've trained her well *giggles* Well huge hugs to you and I can't wait to chat again! Have a great weekend!
~Terrell @ FrouFrouDecor~

mil cositas bellas said...

happy new friends friday to you too! and thanks for following my blog. i was thinking about checking out toy story 3. i always loved the first one but i dont know that my daughter is ready for movies yet,maybe a bit young. i look forward to reading more of your blog. have a good weekend!

The Preppy Strawberry said...

We just saw Toy Story this afternoon! We loved it! My daughter will do both - if it's nice out she wants to be outside and if we are inside she will find something to entertain herself.

Cindy Adkins said...

Hi Frenchy,
I've got some exciting news--and first I want to congratulate you on selling your house--I am ecstatic for you!!! Although your kitchen is so unbelievable I'm sure you're going to miss it!!!

I have a new blog site--yes me--with my very own blog--at last! And I just became a follower on yours because now I could do it...

I have 3 drawings going on so I thought you might want to toss your name in to win them...

I've got your button proudly displayed there too!

I'm at:


Michele said...

Hi! I'm from the Coupon Posse' too. I'm following you as well. Thanks for stopping by.

Thechattymom said...

Thanks for following! Following you back....and yes, my kids love their toys. I can't even sell them at garage sales or give the to the Salvation least not without a TON of convincing.

CHERI said...

My grandson (7) doesn't play with his toys that much either. I was beginning to think he was strange until I read your post! He does LOVE to play board games and card games. In my opinion he watches too much TV and videos. I am a retired teacher and the research has taught us that the more kids watch TV the less they read and therefore don't do as well as their non-TV (or little TV) counterparts do in school. My opinion is that that kids these days have lost their imagination due to toys with batteries that do everything or TV or video games that also rob their creativity. Of course, if your kids are playing outside that is wonderful! Lots of exercise and chances to explore and develop their curiosity and therefore their creativity. Enjoy your blog...thanks for being a follower on mine. Please come visit often. I'm still working on it!

Dana @ The Coupon Challenge said...

Thanks for stopping by-following you back!

I'm in the process of another playroom cleanout. My kids don't play with their toys. Especially my 6 year old son. He does seem to want everything he sees on tv or that his friends have. Recently, as soon as he starts "I want..." I answer no without even listening to the rest.

amanda persinger said...

thanks for visiting! following you back!

Maria said...

My kids are always playing and they love their toys... It is a good thing that they play together and they share time with each others toys... I hope they do it for long!! Even if I´m always saying "please collect your toys" ;)

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