Each Christmas, i donate my Christmas money to a Charity. Last year i donated to Heifer International. For me, it is very important to donate to less fortunates because even when we complain about money....The truth is....There is always worst than us.When i started blogging, i wondered how i could help others using my talents and the thought came to me to donate all my sponsor's money to heifer.
My lovely eggs
This charity is very special to me. Last year, was my first ever experience with farm animals. I hatched my first chicks...Got bunnies....Saw my neighbors baby goats. I think that the smartest way to help others is to help them help themselves. Giving them farm animals is to give them a job....giving them eggs and milk, saving them from hunger.
Yes, this is a baby goat in my house....When the neighbor kids come over, they bring their pets. LOL
I believe that if you give away, you receive 100% more back....most of the time from strangers....
Here is the link catalog to the animals....I donated chicks last Christmas....
If you want to donate, advertise on my blog. I will donate for you...it is also tax deductible.
Happy Karma
You can win a spot on the top of my right side bar for you blog, business, Etsy shop, store on June 1st. Anyone can enter...
If you have Friends who could benefit from it. Make sure to tell them to enter.
French Obsession Party June 1st . Link new and old posts of anything French.
I agree, it is such a great feeling to give back! We sponsor 2 children (1 through World Vision and 1 through Plan Canada)and each Christmas we look forward to donating farm animals - so that a family/communiy can not only eat but also earn a living to help them throughout the years ahead.
You are truly an amazing person! Thank you for your post today, it has inspired me to in addition to what we already donate to host BBQ this summer and have people donate to this year's animal drive for those less fortunate.
Have a great day Mon ami!
you are so right ... it is always better to help out those less fortunate
We love to give too..we do so through our church. I love the little goat..and in the house too..so fun! Come say hi :D
Hign heeled you are so awesome :)
Julie..donated to church is so great! We do it too.
I currently live in the Little Rock area, and we are all so proud to have Heifer's international headquarters located here. What a terrific organization that does so much for so many! It is so important to give back.
Every year, I try and find an organization that helps in big ways but small budgets. I have found places that buy mosquito netting to fight malaria, organizations that go into small villages and vaccinate against childhood illnesses, etc. I think this is the year to donate to Heifer International. Thank you for the info.
I truly agree that it is great to give back. I am glad to know you have such a big heart!
Oh Frenchy..you have a big heart !!.............i love you..............
Janice, you are so cool!
I do that too...Always have to have a little charity project on the side...Going the extra mile.
It's me..Love you too my friend :)
Hey, Hello Frenchy,
I got some time to myself, and I decided to visit your amazing site.
Oh my goodness, you have the most amazing pictures, stories and ideas. I loved seeing the baby goat picture and seeing your baby girl holding it. All of your children are exceptionally beautiful. I got a kick out of "popcorn store" story and pictures. Your son is very handsome and charming. You got a smart business minded kid there. That shows he is thinking of his future. Just wanted to say hi, and send you my smiles.
We pick a different charity every Christmas but we always pick a charity that helps those in need pick themselves back up and help them build a better future.
Like High Heeled Life we sponsor a child through Plan UK, by doing this we help the whole community in Cameroon.
I had never heard of Heifers Intl. before, it sounds as if they do amazing things too.
I have taken your French Obsession Party button for my sidebar and will be joining you on the 1st.
a bientot
I LOVE YOUR EGGS!!!! They are gorgeous=0)
You are right....donating is so important. A few months ago I gave a man on the corner $20.00 cash. My son asked me why? And I explained that he needed money for food/shelter. After that, we went to World Market to pick up a few things. The lady in front of me asked me if I wanted her extra coupon. It gave me $20.00 off my purchase!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CrAzY! Good for you to pass along your sponsor $. I have a few charities that I love to donate to. I really like the idea of donating animals=0)
Have a great day,
This is a great charity and it's so kind of you to donate! I look forward to reading more of your blog!
Following you via Friendly Fridays - come on over and visit. :)
Have a peaceful weekend,
This post really touched my heart. I am very proud of you for following your heart and helping others.
I'm following you back from Friendly Friday! Hope you have a great weekend!
Those animals are so cute!
It's great that you donate every year!
We pick one family that we know is having troubles, go out and buy stuff for them along with a gift card to a grocery store. I love it when the stuff gets handed over to them especially if kids are involved!
Hi Frenchy!
I LOVE, LOVE your blog. What I love most about it is your giving heart. I just found you through your pretty picture on someone else's blog. I forget which one it was (sorry), but you were one of their followers. I've been poking around and reading a few of your different posts. How wonderful that all of your sponsor money goes to those in need. God will most certainly bless your efforts : ). I was so blessed to read your Heifer International post...thank you. Anyway, just wanted to let you know I've enjoyed my visit here and that I will be coming back. Happy new follower here!
Lots of love to you,
I agree completely. I'm donating my profits during the Christmas season as well. Actually, I've been looking for other bloggers who are doing the same. Would you like to advertise on my blog? I am offering free space on my blog for stores, blogs, affiliate links, etc. that are donating to a worthy cause for Christmas. This explains it well: http://scribblesfromemily.blogspot.com/p/holiday-shopping-guide.html
Do let me know if you're interested!!!
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