Monday, March 22, 2010

Betises, que des betises...

Yes, this is what a 2 year old does with tape. LOL

She got this red lipstick out of nowhere from my other daughter.....Foot cream, yes nice...Thank you for reminding me i need a pedicure!!! HAHAHA  I am sure the chair enjoyed it, me, not so much cleaning it. LOL


Libbie said...

This post seems like it could be one of my own :) If I leave the tape or lipstick out...well let's just say I would have to buy new ones for sure!

Debbiedoos said...

Hehe, she is into everything just a typical little gal! She wants to look pretty like her MUM!:)

Kelly @ Make It Sparkly Mama said...

Oh God! This is my son to a T! Today he dumped an entire box of cheerios and then took some and put them in each shoe that was in the shoe basket, then he got some soft cat food and smeared it on the wall, obviously he can climb super well now! Isn't that super (rolling my eyes) Good thing they are cute, huh?

Jill said...

You've just got to love them, don't they always find something to do.

Hugs RosieP x

jeff said...

Why to show the others, in particular the child, to make "des bêtises" ?... Assume your own stupidities or " bêtises"...(8]

Have a good day...:)
Me ? I never make "bêtises" or... sometimes then !...(:[

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

OH MON DIEU......La petite s'est bien amusée de tes meubles!

Bonne journée, Anita

Tracy said...

She is just too cute and you are very patient!! ;-)

Debby said...

What a cute face with all that lipstick. Funny.

Laura Lofgreen said...

She's a cutie for sure. By the way, I love your new photo. Those eyes, Those EYES!

Obee Designs said...

Hi Frenchie!
Just stopping by to say hi:) I have to say I understand the whole tape thing, when my daughter was little she was playing with crazy glue. YIKES!!! Kids like to try and experiment with big people's things and see if they can use them like the grown ups do. Maybe your child was planning on wrapping up that beautiful sideboard to give to you as a gift. You've heard of re-gifting?? Oh how creative they are..HaHa!!
I love your little chicks. The pictures of your kids holding them are precious. The one captioned make a ducky face is my favorite. Good luck raising them, I hope they don't get into your tape, imagine what they'd do with it!
Have a beautiful day!

Unknown said...

Obee. hahaha. Yes kids are funny. Kelly. Oh no! That's. So much work!!! I like to think that she is so smart and curious, she has to make a mess everywhere lol. It is so funny how little kids all do the same things :). Oh yeah. They are so cute. The terrible 2is the cutest. They. Grow up so fast!! Xoxo

Unknown said...

Thank you all for your comments:).

Amanda Griffith said...

I love this post :) If you get a few minutes, please stop by my blog. I have something for you!

Amanda @ A Lovely Place to Land

❀~Myrna~❀ said...

That is so sweet & funny!

Kissed by an Angel said...

She's a little sweetie!! It's at times like this you need eyes in the back of your head!! We had purple a crayon line from the kitchen right round the hall to our sitting room when my daughter was two!! I was sick that day and she was being so good!!! What can you say!!!!!

Unknown said...

Kissed by an angel hahaha yes. I have some doors that need scubbing with wd 40 lol. And then I have happy faces that appear too and that's not the 2 year old hahaha.

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