Won again, You kidding me!
I am beaucoup (a lot) liking my blog experience. I just won charms At
My Dear Trash blog...
I was surprised too, because My little fairy teared up my note book pages, where i write all the give away i entered....I remembered this one.. :)
What will they say....I can choose.....Je t'aime ? Eternitee ? Hubby's name? . My name? What about Frenchy to remember this year and my blog? WOW ....What would
you have on them? There is 2.
I would put me and my hubbie's name on them. How is it that you are SO lucky girl? What a sweet thing..so happy for you. I think everyone is happy that you are here, I know I am! :D
What a great gift to win. Love it...You will really love getting this in the mail
Congrats on your win, Have a sweet day!
thanks for the heads up on the porn follower.
Congrats!!! What a sweet giveaway!
Congrats on the win! If it were me... probably my name and my hubbies. Let us know what you choose:)
Well aren't you the lucky girl! Can you give some of your luck to me?? I love catching up with your blog - always fun.
I am giving you luck Pinecone. Thanks to all.I am still deciding on what to write on them. They are so pretty.
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