Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Chicken coop design and ideas on the cheap

we used to live in the woods...I loved it so much.
I dreamed about the woods last night and the fall colors...
I was very happy when i got some money to build a coop for my birthday.
I bought a $500 shed (7 by 7) at an home improvement store. We had a friend build it for us.

He extended the roof for an outside run...

Zacky there...

You have to dig all around and bury the chicken wire for predators...
This is a big coop...

This picture is the first time they poke their head outside. I raised them in my garage and they were so ready to be outside!!

All finished...

I want some day again have chickens...It was a lot of fun. Hope you enjoyed this and that it inspires you to get your own coop.
Linking to The Chicken chick


Anonymous said...

Oh, what a wonderful chicken coop! It looks great and you've brought the real thing to my party! Oh, what pretty little chickies! I see a cute little doggy and little darling tot too! Thank you so much for coming to my party!
You are a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Anonymous said...

What a cute coop! Those are lucky birds.

Julie Harward said...

I can see why you miss your chickens, what a nice place that was for them! :D

Susanne said...

What great accommodations for those birds!

Homes in Ajax said...

Those are spectacular chicken coop. I found a cute little doggy and little darling tot in your blog. Your photographs arrangement is perfect with the relevant details.

Tweetle Dee Design Co. said...

I found your blog on Pinterest...making the nutella rolls this Sunday for sure. I'm building my chicken coop this weekend...super cute idea...almost like my Grandma's on her NY farm. My blog is Thanks for the fun!

deila taylor said...

Beautiful coop and countryside. I would miss that too. We had hens a long time ago, when I had my first child. Now, just some german shepherds and a cat hang around here. Well, and the people too. I love your blog...followed from MWP.

Food Glorious Food! said...

Great looking chicken coop! My childhood dream to have one but never have the leisure of spacious garden :) Have a great weekend dear!

Ms Bingles Vintage Christmas said...

Hey, you made it look so easy! ha ha *Turned out wonderful! Thank you for sharing!

Romwe Online said...

Wow,you are so brilliant!Does it require diligent work to finish such a cute coop?The chickens are gonna have a wonderful rest there every night so that they will get on good spirits during the daytime,lol,love you,love your coop for them!!

G said...

Hi, your blog certainly brings back memories of all the furry friends I've owned: cats, doves, pigeons, chickens, roosters, turtles, rabbits and dogs. Now I own a little tea cup chihuahua named, Sandy. It's a treat visiting! G.

Krista said...

Wow. You make it look like a piece of cake! I think owning your own chickens is coming back around. Isn't it big in like, urban areas? Crazy!

Susan said...

I miss having our chickens also. They a wonderful coop the hubs built with electric and windows and all, but we let them free range during the day, especially in good weather, when the sun goes down they go back in on their own. We would only lose one every once in a while if it decided it was going to roost in a tree instead of going back in the coop. We had chickens for MANY, many years. LOVED the fresh eggs.
Then our neighbor got a Jack Russell Terrier. he would always come over into our property also, ( he ran away from their kids a lot, well one day while playing with one of our chickens, he killed it by mistake, and that was it. Now he had the taste of blood. and ended up killing off 4-5 a day every so often. we cooped them up again in their run 12x 20 and we stopped seeing the dog around, and when we talked to the dad, he said it was the wife not watching the dog, and they took him to obedience classes and were keeping him on a run lead, when outside. We started letting the chickens out again, everything was good for a couple of months, then one day hubs came home from work, and went out back to take care of them and saw like feathers all over the back property. it ended up that the dog killed 16 in one day. and we he went next door to talk to the guy, our neighbor from across the street was standing on the porch already talking to him, with a dead chicken in his hand. He did NOT let his chickens free range, apparently the dog dug under his fence, and killed 6 in one day (he only had 12--we started out with 34) after the last one died of old age and loneliness we didn't get anymore. Now the dog is gone, but hubby is older, I am disabled and the kids are grown...I really do miss having them though.

Yep, I love living in the country we have 5 acres in the woods :) 15 minutes from the bay and 25-30 from the ocean. it is great!

Our Neck of the Woods said...

What a great coop! I have chickens and I love them. I couldn't live without them!

Found you via The Chicken Chick :)

Kathy Shea Mormino, The Chicken Chick said...

Very nice, I love my chickens and coops....Thank you for sharing with the Clever Chicks Blog Hop this week; I hope you’ll join us again!

Kathy Shea Mormino

The Chicken Chick

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