Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Positive Attitude is Everything - Very Funny Attitude Video - Inspirational

Why is it so hard to have a positive attitude? Is it a Habit? Being born this way?
What do you think?
What helps you being positive?


Debbiedoos said...

Thanks for the smiles!

Darlene said...

I've had days like that, but I haven't been topless. Hmmmm, maybe we all need to wear some nice, comfy huggies!! Very cute video.

highheeledlife said...

Cute video ... I agree its all about attitude ... and the choice we make. Sometimes it can be difficult to remain positive or see the silver lining in a situation - often we take the easy way out and embrace the negative energy. I try to stay positive, but like all people I have my days.
xo HHL

P.S. loved your photos of the tulips and your booties are fabulous!!xo

Laura Lynn said...

Cute! My parents both had positive attitudes even in the midst of some serious trials so seeing how they dealt with things really shaped the ways my siblings and I look at things also.

Silvia C said...

I think we are pretty much a product of the environment we grew up in, but that we can change (with a lot of work). I believe attitude and even happiness is a daily choice we make. Love the video!!! It'll remind me to be happy today. Kiss, Kiss, Frenchy darling.

Food Glorious Food! said...

Sooo cute! Can't wait to share with my fiends! Thanks for sharing!

OrangeHeroMama said...

HA! Too cute! Thanks for the share!

Melissa: Write it in Lipstick said...

anything with babies is super cute.

Rosee Rouge said...

I always feel better after I put on my pajamas! It's a sign that the day, no matter how difficult it was, is finally ova!!!! and it's time to relax

Kelly L said...

Very sweet - gotta love that smile
I've Become My Mother
Kelly's Ideas
Amazing Salvation

The French Hutch said...

Thank You Frenchy, for the Stylish blogger Award.
You are such a sweetie.........

Had to smile with this post
Hope your day is good......

The French Hutch

Unknown said...

I know! This is the sweetest! The baby's smile cracks me up!
Thanks for saying hi guys!

Chyrel Gomez said...

they are so cute! it's the attitude and how you look at things. there's always two sides of a coin.

Hanna said...

Oh this is awesome - and I sooo needed to see this today! Thanks for sharing!

Janet Metzger, Artist said...

Good Morning Frenchy,
Woke up to a chill in the air and rain falling outside...this was the perfect thing to make me smile.

Thanks ;->

Janet xox

PS...just debuted my newest couture apron 'La Petitie Trianon' come visit if you have a minute.

Casey Martinez said...

I think a positive attitude is something that some people certainly have to fight harder for than others. My hubby has been battling severe depression for nearly two years and he can't help it. I know many a bad day but, I can usually bounce out of them with a little R&R..we are def. all wired differently. But, attitude is a choice for all of us and a hard one at times. Loved this video! I just posted it on facebook;0 Thanks!

Contact me at: isafrenchy@gmail.com