Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Mimi cute blog

My Daughter is starting her own blog! I guess she is old enough to learn. I guess, i can teach her.
If you would like to say hi and follow her, she would be very happy!
Mimi is her nick name in real life...
She just turned 11. Oh where are the years going?
She is my perfect child...

Mimi cute blog is her blog's name...Way easier than Le Chateau des fleurs...Hey...I never thought it would be a popular blog...Other wise i would have called it an easier name like Toilette Francaise (French Potty). LOL
Just kidding!
Hope your day is super!


kristen said...

I dunno..I think French Potty is pretty catchy. I know I would have definitely followed a blog titled French Potty! LOL

Lindsay said...

Gorgeous girl! What a sweet heart!

It's me said...

nice that Mimi has her own blog....!!...just like her mom...I TAKE A LOOK NOW.....happy day......love Ria...

Unknown said...

LOL Kirsten! I know easy to remember and catchy!!

Food Glorious Food! said...

So adorable! I will sure be her follower... can't wait to see her blog!

myletterstoemily said...


i cannot imagine how you found my pitiful
blog. yours is so . . . french! i love it, and
will scoot over to your darling daughter's

Jacqueline said...

How fun that she wants to start a blog. I will be such a great experience for her. Of course I will follow her!

Is it mimiscuteblog.blogspot?

Ginger@gingersnapcrafts.com said...

Just dropped by your daughter's blog...so cute! My daughter has a blog,too....doesn't update it much though! :)

Following you from Welcome Wednesday.


Bexx said...

Hello! Found you through Welcome Wednesday. So many beautiful pics on your blog... I'm impressed! =)


Kelsi said...

LOVELY! I couldn't imagine having so many pretty flowers to look at! In AZ, we get succulents like crazy and they make me miss the green! I'm a new follower, come say hi @ ModernMomRedefined.blogspot.com

Contact me at: isafrenchy@gmail.com