Wednesday, April 6, 2011

FRENCHY SHOP and Rocker fashion

Floral scarf, striped top, jeans and square toe boots.
My Fairy has to model too...She is so cute !

GNW Jacket
Stripes &Gauge stripes shirt

I just opened a Shop on my Header bar.
I will be sharing more of my creations, clothes and accessories in the future.
Contact me if you have questions
Frenchy shop

Gros bisous !


Mae said...

I love your scarf. :) Stripes are my new favorite also.

Hannah Avery said...

Hi, thanks so much for your sweet words on my blog! You and your daughter have awesome style! Really enjoyed looking at your blog. Have a blessed day!


Jacqueline said...

Love your outfit and your daughters! So precious!

Outfit posts are always so fun to look at :)


Lindsay said...

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. LOVING yours :)

Anonymous said...

What a great scarf.. I need to start wearing mine more

SpryOnTheWall said...

Super cute! Your girl is adorable!

Michelle said...

I'm following from Welcome Wednesday. I really like your blog!

Michelle @ Things Sent My Way

Unknown said...

Frenchy, first thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving your comment!! second, this outfit is I think maybe my favorite outfit you have it!

Colourful Buttons said...

You rock in that outfit!


Julie Harward said...

You look pretty, oh so pretty! Good luck with the new shop! ;D

Cranberry Morning said...

That is SUCH a cute outfit!! (I'm sure that 'outfit' is not the word in vogue anymore, but you get the idea.) :-)

Cami @ All Things Lovely said...

Thanks for commenting/following my blog...I will definitely return the love ;).
Love you blog and all your fantastic party ideas...I'm going to have to take some pointers from you!

p.s. yes we were in St. was oh so warm and fantastic

Jenny said...

Aww, Frenchy. I think this is my favorite outfit/photo shoot yet...dear Fairy is super cool and such a cutie!

Carole Poirot said...

Stripes and flowers together, very nice! Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog. Returning your following ;-) Love from London xo

Denise said...

I just lOVe your rockin style:} Good luck on the new shop!!

Sweet European Dreams said...

LOVE this outfit. I adore anything that screams that moms can still look cool. C'est magnifigue! And now I'm off to check out your new little shop! -diane

SassySweetChic said...

Found you on the Weekend Blog Hop.
Amazing blog. Incredible fashion sense. I will definitely be back for more advice. I am a t-shirt and jeans kind of girl and can't figure out how to rock it out.
Talk to you soon!
P.S. I have a giveaway starting tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Great style! I'm glad I found your blog from the weekend blog hop! New follower... come say hi when you can~

Ava xx

Unknown said...

great look. i love that scarf! <3

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