Thursday, March 10, 2011

Military Chic with Kmart Apparel

Interrupting the cleaning of an overflowed toilet (Oh joy).
To show you the cute Military outfit i put together from Kmart.
I love all the pieces and can be used with everything i own.
The before picture...

And now, with an Handmade headband...
Some Magic, Thanks to Camilla Photography

Thank you to Kmart Stylesip for the Opportunity to blog for them.

My links are on my side bar


Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Frency, I really don't believe you when you tell me that you do eat! What a beauty you are, and how stylish you look in your K-Mart wardrobe! laurie

Lady Estrogen said...

So lovely!!!
Aside from you, the shoes & fleur-de-lis design are all fab too :)

Anonymous said...

I love your outfit! I never new K-Mart could look so fabulous!

claudia b said...

oh I must have that shirt, I love fleur-de-lis, thanks for posting!!!

Blondie's Journal said...

Love, love, love the outfit! The hat looks really cute with it!

Beautiful pictures, Frenchy!


Rosee Rouge said...

Love the outfit! You're rockin the fuscia lips too!

Judy Whatilivefor said...

The first thing I thought when I got to your blog and saw your header, was "Wow, she's gorgeous!". Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and following. I'm following you now and can't wait to see more :)

Cap Creations said...

You are so cool!

Janice said...

Wow, looking good! :D

Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving such a nice message for me about my baby blues. I really appreciate it. :D

Following you back now. :D


Frenchy, you look so beautiful in this pics, you make a terrific model!
Beside you, I love all your cloths, specially the shoes!
I have a French table at Susan's Thursdays and would love to post it to your party Everything French, but I didn't know how to enter it.
Visit me and see my table and I forgot to mention that the goblets are also French: Crystal D'Arques, they were my MIL's too.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely adorable! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today. I'm so glad to meet you. I've actually been following you a while (with my other account lol). What a small world!

Ponys that eat Rainbows said...

Great pics!! Thanks for following my blog. Im now your newest follower :) Have a great weekend

MNUKGIRL said...

Thank you SO much for following me and posting on my blog! So fun when new people visit! You have a fantastic blog! So much to read! I'll visit often!
Utah's WAY different than your home. How do you like it! Say...very cool your hubby's an inventor. Can he invent a GPS that sends me an email or calls me when someone's STEALING IT OUT OF MY CAR?!?! :) I just had my 2nd one stolen in the past 7 months. I swear I lock my car doors...but sometimes, they don't lock?!?!? Possessed car! So damn annoying anyway! :) Have a great Saturday!!

Debby said...

Following you back. You have great style... can't believe it is from Kmart!!! You're awesome

Anne - Mommy Has to Work said...

From K-Mart, huh? I'll have to check them out again.

thanks for following... following back.

great pics!

Mary said...

My favorite photos are of you in the the white tights with the shoes....very, very cute.

scorpiostungyou said...

wow you are gorgeous. Thank you for showing me I can dress fabulous without spending alot :) Thank you for showing me how to put the buttons in my blog ;)

Anonymous said...

SO cute! I love the capris.

Stitches said...

Your pictures are just beautiful! And I love the clothes.

gengen said...

You look so gorgeous in that pink outfit...Happy Pink Saturday....Mine is up.

pinkkandy said...

Its another Pink Saturday.....I am always amazed at ALL the pink stuff...we come up with....stop by and see what everyone is doing this week-end!
God Bless you!

Wanda Metcalf said...

I am going right out and getting that shirt my daughter will F L I P!!

I can tell you are a girl after my own heart - a little vintage =0)

Gypsea Nurse said...

This is too cute!
Happy PS!

The Reason You Come said...

I've always liked military fashion for women. I think it's both cool and sexy. I want to get my hands on that top and those cargo pants!

Thanks for stopping by my blog and for following. I'm following back! :)

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