I find My Fairy hiding on the kitchen floor eating chips...Thought it was funny !
I would like to thank the manufacturers of markers who lately make markers who really wash off !
Yes she did that ! LOL And it washed off !
We left cold and snowy Salt lake city for Sunny St. George...
The hot tub felt good...It was raining though in St George so the inside pool and hot tub are nice !
My boy is under water in this picture...
We have not had a real vacation for 3 years and the few days in St George, hubby has to work. So, i am not very happy right now and very tired.
There will be better days...
Big hugs to you ! Any plans for the New Year ?
I'm sorry your husband has to work. That hot tub looks mighty inviting.
I will be spending New Year's Eve with Anderson Cooper again this year, but that is totally ok with me. I think if the lobster is reasonably priced, I will have a seafood feast. YUM!
So sorry for that your husband isn't with you right now......but why do you live so far away.......other wise i could help you and enjoy the kids......hahahahahah!! love love love Ria.....xxxxx.....
I remember those days when my kids were young and my husband worked alot of hours because he is self-employed. We rarely got a vacation but I we traveled with him when we could and just enjoyed getting away. I always tried to make it an adventure even though the kids missed their daddy.
Bonjour Frenchy.
Such sweet pictures of you and your kids. Sorry your husband had to work, don't worry he'll be home soon! Hand in there my friend!
I wish you the loveliest New Year ever!
That looks like a great trip!
Our plans for new years is go to my husbands Aunts house. Eat, drink Sangria, and ring in the new year playing games :)
Be glad you're out of Salt Lake right now! We're getting hammered with storm!
Too bad hubby has to work. Hope you can find some time to enjoy while you're there!
Have a very happy new year!
So glad you are having a wonderful vacation in St. George. We left snowy Salt Lake for Cabo today and my daughter got caught in Sundance canyon for 3 hours with her 3 little children trying to get down from our cabin! My son is down camping in St. George but he said it rained all night! I love the snow but it is so nice to go somewhere warm while it is snowing. Have such a fun time! We will be here for New Years as we have been for quite a few years now.
I'm glad you left the snow in SLC. It pounded today here in Orem. Almost 2 feet in our backyard and about 28 degrees at 5:00 pm. Yikes. Too bad your hubs has to work. I have to work too. Darn.
Happy New Year, French! Love your new header pic.
Hi Frenchy,
Enjoy St. Geaorge! Loads of snow here in SLC. My kids are out shoveling...not to happy.
I want to wish you and your family the best the New Years has to offer!
Darling! The indoor pool is always a big PLUS=0) It's such a bummer that your husband had to work.....pickles! Your fairy had the chips that I wanted with my sandwich yesterday, lol.
We are both tired, so we should go to the spa together soon=0) A vacation would be nice too. It's been way too long, but times are tough out there. It will get better soon sweetie. Lets keep telling ourselves this!
So sorry about your husband having to work but hopefully he can squeeze in some special time to make memories with you and the kids. Enjoy your warm vacation days.
You're a smart gal to realize there will be better times ahead. Sounds like this is a "building" time. Blessings await the supportive spouse. Happy New Years.
You are right, better times are ahead! All the very best to you and your family for a healthy, fun-filled 2011.
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