Friday, August 20, 2010

Fairy box tutorial

I needed a box for my seeds...They were in a drawer...I thought a pretty box would be a good idea...
First i got this fairy picture from Flower fairies. I like it because it looks like my girls...

In France everything has to have a purpose...That is just natural to us...So this is practical, pretty and fun...

A white shoe box...Chose the colors and papers...

2 different papers...but matching....ribbon too..

Perfume picture....Violette picture.

A lavender drying sheet...smells good and i like the texture...

Glued the ribbon making bows at each end...

I placed the flowers where i wanted them, then took them away...smeared glue and applied glitter so it would glitter behind the flowers...

Fairy..."Adore" stamp...

Hopefully this box will inspire me with my craft room...It is on the works...With the whole house. LOL

Gros bisous mes Cheries....

I am linking to some fun parties on my side bar.


Victoria said...

Beautiful Frenchy!! Gorgeous!

Cindy Adkins said...

Oh wow, Frenchy! What a great tutorial! It is beautiful and how wonderful that you will have a craft room...woo hoo!!!
Sending love & hugs,

Bobbi Ann said...

Hi, very clever and very cuteee! Thanks so much for the excellent tutorial! Hope you have a magical and wonderful weekend!

It's me said...

So sweet and beautiful Ria...

Anne in Oxfordshire said...

It is amazing.. you have such artistic flair , .. a wonderful idea. Hope you have a great weekend. Anne

Unknown said...

How lovely! Love it, love it, love it.

Rachael said...

wow that is truly gorgeous!

Ladii said...

That box is sooo Cute! made me want to go get all arts and crafty lol but with a 19 month old haha im lucky if i can Vacuum! Very creative! Following You back

Debby said...

The fairy does look like your girls. Very cute. I did my homework just for you.

homeschool101 said...

Hey, Thanks Frenchy for stopping by. I now follow you as well. Hey the Amber Alert is a great invention. I am so greatful for that invention. ;)

Samantha said...

following you back :)

want to follow each other on FB?

i love new bloggy friends :)
have a great day

highheeledlife said...

Oh mon ami .. along with the beautiful Pray book you inspired .. I am adding this to my project wish list!! XO ..HHL

Anonymous said...

Following back, and wanted to thank you for stopping by my blog!!!

This fairy box is absolutely precious, I just fell in love with it!!

Meg O. said...

How adorable! I love it!

Kathy said...

Such a good job, and I see a couple of quilts that I just adore!

Tiffany said...

Very cute idea! You are very creative. Thank you for visiting my blog through FF and I will be returning the favor. Have a great weekend. I can't wait to read more of your posts.

Donna said...

I adore your fairy box, Frenchy! The addition of the dryer sheet is such a great idea! It is so funny, because the first thing I thought of when I saw the little fairy's face was that she looked just like your cute girls! Too funny!

Unknown said...

That's absolutely beautiful, Frenchy! I may need to consult you for crafts on my blog :) Thanks for stopping by today! Following you back!


Liz said...

Hi. Thanks for the follow. I am now following back! Liz @ Deal Friends.

Jo said...

that is such a very pretty project! just gorgeous!!!

Amanda Summer said...

frenchy - what a fascinating life story you have and very cool blog! enjoyed my visit here---

am following now..........! and you can find me at travels with persephone

Cielo Azul Jewelry said...


Have a great weekend sweetie,

Killara girl said...

your blog is so full of pretty things....i vow to do more of this myself for my girls...but then what for the boys...oh well...i'm your newest follower, found you thru Kiki.

Anonymous said...

Hi my friend, WOW WOW WOW !! Thanks so much for joining in the Dezinaworld challenge this week. Your piece is superb !!! really stylish and pretty and i love all the details.
thanks again
hugs June xxxxxx

Unknown said...

That's beautiful! I hope you find plenty a seed to store in there. :)

Unknown said...

Than you for stopping by my blog and following me, I am now following you back.
I love this idea for a seed box...could be useful for so many things, and yes, make my world prettier!!!
Great blog, I will be back!


PetraB said...

Thank you for the tutorial. The box is absolutely charming.

Karen The Graphics Fairy said...

Really pretty Frenchy!! I would never have thought to use a dryer sheet in that way, but it works so beautifully! Thanks so much for linking this up to Brag Monday.

deb said...

So pretty!

Betty said...

What an adorable box. Turned out great.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

breathe taking flower fairy,
love your taste of indigo color the most...

. said...

That is just gorgeous!

Dee@FrenchBleuVintage said...

So pretty Frenchy ~ you have such a way with everything you make ~ it looks effortless when you do it. That must be because you love what your doing.

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

I love your sweet box. I wish I had any artistic ability at all! Visiting all these blogs with crafts makes me feel so inadequate!

memakingdo said...

I love your box so cute and the little fairy reminded me of the pictures of your daughters to!

Susan Anderson said...

Really cool.


RNSANE said...

This is the first time I've seen your is just lovely. Of course, I'm almost 66 with three adult I wish I were half that age with young daughters. You have such lovely ideas for little girls!!!

Anonymous said...

I love the 3-D effect of your beautiful box.

Katie said...

This is gorgeous! I love the layers and texture, plus my daughter loves the flower fairies and I had no idea that site existed. I will have to visit that more later☺ Thanks for linking to A Crafty Soiree.

Teresa said...

That is an adorable box. It's amazing you could take something so plain and turn it into a work of art!

Cheryl D. said...

Very pretty.

Terrell said...

Totally loving this girl!! It looks amazing!!! Thank you so much for linking it up at my party today! It's a sweet find for sure!
~Terrell @ Frou Frou Decor~

Unknown said...

That is absolutely gorgeous. Love the dryer sheet addition. So delicate and fae. :-)

Tiffanee said...

SO beaurtiful and you make it look easy. I love the addition of the softener sheet. What a fabulous idea. Have a great weekend!!

Unknown said...

That is beautiful!
I love those flower fairies :) .

signed...bkm said...

Your post are always so beautiful...bkm

Maggie Lamarre said...

0mg I luv luv this so magical..

Jenny said...

Oh lovely, lovely. So much more romantic then the plastic, mud spattered box I keep my seeds in!

I love how you layered and embellished and continued until everything was just right!

Beautiful tutorial for a lovely Indigo project shared on Rainbow Summer School!

Thank you for linking.


Holly Lefevre said...

Such a beautiful box! The fairy graphic is gorgeous.

Sew Can Do said...

I've featured you in this week's Craftastic Monday @ Sew Can Do. Stop by to grab a Featured On button:)

Ashlee Marie said...

Very pretty! I love fairies and have been trying to get my little girls to go for a fairy theme room to no avail! Thanks for linking up to Topsy Turvy Tuesday's!

malia said...

darling and the drier sheet idea is brilliant!

Jerri at Simply Sweet Home said...

What a cute box! Nice job on this!

Thanks for linking up for Friday Favorites!

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