I am not perfect.....And i don't expect things or anyone to be....
And just to prove it...And laugh about it....
My Fairy ate a chunk out of the Avatar cupcake.....It happens all the time, LOL
Now, you can laugh....I got a new icing pipe...This one uses more icing than my old one...2 times more icing....I ran out!
But you don't see it in the pictures and the kids did not care...
Behind the scenes...Nobody and nothing is perfect...
Next time someone you know or yourself expect perfection....Think again....It is just a picture....Not reality...
I will say that your last cupcake was very close to perfection. Love that icing job!! They look so good I can't say I could hold myself back any better than your fairy!! lol!
Have a great weekend, Frenchie!
Amen Sister, Amen!!!
I've been living by smoke and mirrors for a long, long time ;-)
It's amazing though, how much pressure we put on ourselves for perfection!!
You rate pretty close to perfect in my book.
Love the sparklers.
That yummy looking cake is still "perfectly" fine. And I too have had to make do and err on the side of grace, as we all do. I am so so glad you passed your naturalization test (knew you would!). Happy blogging Frenchy.
So too - this is a good reminder to keep things in perspective!
Loved the icing job ... your post is a great reminder to be kinder to ourselves!!! XO HHL
Hahhahahahhaha!! nobody is perfect darling..............love Ria.....
now, who would've thought that behind that nicely done perfection are spots with no icing? yet, that does not do anything to the taste...
I needed this reminder. When I decorate cakes for my grandsons' birthdays, I do try for them to look as perfect as I can. I think we do this more for the adults than the children, because as you said, they are perfectly fine with "good enough"!
FYI SUPER MOMMY does NOT exist! I tried on the custome and SENT IT BACK! For some reason it just didn't fit:)
Now, I'm just trying to be the best "ME" I can be. The rest is up to God! Thanks for the reminder:)
Happy Thursday
I just love you because of that...you are so right..nothing and nobody is perfect...if they are, I bet they have lots of headaches! LOL
I really need to start having more fun...cupcakes for a movie party sounds like a fantastic idea.
And yours are pretty close to perfect if you ask me!
WOW, that is a cool cupcake and yes, we are not perfect are you- just perfectly imperfect and that's great by me- www.breebee.com
So true. We're all here just to learn and be happy!! :-)
FRENCHY!!!! Oh mon Dieu....J'ai vu ta photo sur Google pendant que j'étais en train de chercher des photos pour quelque chose...ensuite VOILÀ....je t'ai vue!!! Comment ça va, toi? Merci pour être venue aujourd'hui! Et ta petite fée a mangé ton chef-d'oeuvre....ça arrive! Tu es aussi belle qu'avant! BISOUS! Anita
But that last picture would have fooled anyone - it's was beautiful. Thanks for pulling the curtains back to let us see your mistakes - we've all been there and it's good to know we're not alone. Smiles.
Amazing...if made cupcakes for my boys (even without the themes!) I'd be the best mom in their eyes. You are so wonderfully creative!
Thanks for the "behind-the-scenes" peek!
Thanks for your kind comment on my blog! Check back today... it's a cute one!! By the way, I am going to be doing a giveaway tomorrow, so add me to your sidebar links to get a head start!! :)
Great "catch" on the cupcake! Dropping by on Friendly Friday, and I will be back! You can find me at www.walkingtheoff-beatenpath.blogspot.com
Regardless... the cupcake looks AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh yum! The icing on that cupcake looks SO YUM! Great job!
Thanks so much for visiting my blog and becoming a follower! I will now go follow yours so I can look at more yummy cupcake pictures! ;)
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