Sunday, June 20, 2010

Choosing your friends...

I just had a HAAAA Moment!
Like my chandelier...i saw a light....Yeah..Like 2 Dozens, LOL.

I was reading  Just for Love blog.... Laura is super beautiful and she is such a good and inspired girl.
She is talking about choosing your friends carefully.

She also said to pray to find good friends! HA!!!
Ok, i have been complaining that i don't have a "Best friend" here. I know it is hard to find.
Well, i will be praying...THANK YOU Laura!
Read her post! It is very good!
Happy Sunday!


highheeledlife said...

Frenchie ... what can I say, Merci... Merci... I followed your link over to Just for Love blog ... and have joined as a follower. She really is inspiring. And having my tree of friends pretty much pruned bare after my accident. It was comforting to read her post. Mon Ami - Merci... HHL

Victoria said...

Best friends are hard to find. I have only 2 women in Ca. that I am really close to. But I'm very close so my sister in Canada and my stepmom in Florida, I feel lucky to have them.

Keep looking and praying, you seem like such a nice person:)

Unknown said...

MMm glorious chandelier. Great advice too!

It's me said...

One thing is for sure you're my best blog friend!........hahahhhahhahahaah!! love love .........hugs from me................

Ping's Nom Fiction Life said...

Thank you thank you Frenchie! This came in the right time. I went to her blog as well. WOW!

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness gracious, THANK you everyone! I am tickled pink that it blessed you all : ) I've recently been going through this too, girls...that's why I posted about it. The Lord recently pruned my "best" friend of 10 years out about a month or so ago. Wow, was it hard. I was holding on for all of the wrong reasons and it had really gone into an unhealthy relationship. I just realized through the Holy Spirit's help one day, 'Why am I putting my self through this? Is God asking me to stay in this relationship or has he tried to prune this from my life a while ago?' Turns out he HAD.

Why is it that we are always so afraid to let go of the "old" before we allow God to bring in the "new". Change is scary and hard sometimes, but that's why it's called Faith : ). That's pretty much what I'm walking through right now and I'm so glad to help encourage. You all can encourage me back, too, okay? Cause I need it! :-D are beautiful inside and out. It has truly blessed me to "meet" you and be featured on your blog. How kind, caring, and loving you are! I love your blog too and can't wait to come back and visit you more!

So much love to you, precious friend!
xoxox Laura

Wilmary S. said...

Aww thanks for sharing such beautiful post!

Annie said...

I'm with you friends are hard to find.

Rachelle said...

i loved this post. best friends are hard to find. i've gone through the "pruning" stages before and it is no fun but so worth it. the hard part is finding the "real" friends. i love you and i think anyone would be lucky enough to call you friend.

Unknown said...

Hi Frenchy,

I did a post for you on friendship and it is scheduled for the June 29. "Friends are kind to each others dreams..."

Anonymous said...

oh no i missing my best friend now T.T

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