Saturday, May 15, 2010

Saturday is so ok

Another adjustment yesterday from Mr Chiropractor extraordinaire...Putting that stupid bone back in....This morning i got up with no pain...I am so happy!
Doc gave me some exercising to do...Love it!
I am super stiff....But no pain  :)
Lola helped me make a chocolate cake from a box last night...Oh, i craved it so bad...No, i am not pregnant....Just been stuck in the house.
I have a strait back and working on my posture...Learning a new posture....Love it...
Have a great week end my friends...Thank you for all the love and encouragements...


daisychain said...

have a fab weekend x

highheeledlife said...

Frenchie I'm so happy to hear you are feeling better! Have a great week-end - remember to take it slow though.

Unknown said...

Hi, Frenchy.

I love my chiro, too.

Try to be aware of the way that you sleep; that often pushes me back out of alignment.


Debby said...

So glad you are starting to feel better. The exercises will help. Was the cake yummy. ((((HUGS))))

Debby said...

P.S. Lola is beautiful.

savvycityfarmer said...

sounds like you're in REALLY good hands ...

my daughter helps manage a chiro's offce ... it has served her well ...

Meghan said...

Have a wonderful weekend, lady!

Anonymous said...

I always find myself holding my breath when you speak of your back or your chiropractor! ha! ha! No pressure! So far so good! Sounds like you are doing your part and it is serving you well. You're beautiful!

Kristie said...

Glad to hear you're not feeling anymore pain!

kanishk said...

So glad you are starting to feel better.
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