Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Marie Antoinette cake Tutorial!

So here is the little secret about making this cake....The hardest part is to have an idea and putting it together.
First Grab some silk flowers with colors you want....

I already had those and it was the perfect size...
Black granite always cast the nicest reflection and shadow. I love this one :)

Now, you need to bake the cakes and cut them to size...I wanted it to fit under my cloche....

I used everything i had on hand for the size. Make sure the cakes are FROZEN before cutting...Do not miss this step!

Layer the icing between the different parts...It will make 3 different cakes that i will cover with fondant. Parchment paper to keep the cakes from sticking to each other.
In the Freezer...

Then cover with icing the 3 different size cakes...Pink icing was all i had and it is a bad idea. Because if the fondant cracks, the pink icing shows. You want white icing. I still fixed it later by covering the cracks with white icing...

White fondant already made from the store...You roll it thin, then place it on the cake and with the palm of your hands smooth. Not too hard...It was my first time  :)
Cut the sides with a sharp knife, to keep it to stick when you work with it, use confectioner's sugar.

I had a little helper...

Now, you have it!

I used chocolate icing to fill in between sections...

I used a different tip to do zig zags going from the top to the bottom.....A little slanted....Then placed the flowers (washed) at the curve sticking out.

I did it 3 times on the sides...
Kept it under my cloche in the fridge, to keep it fresh...

For the Strawberry sugar...Add few drops of Strawberry extract and mix well. You can do this with any extract.

The Marie Antoinette Party....SEE


MrsJenB said...

Gorgeous! And good for you, using the fondant. Fondant scares me. Then again, yeast scared me before I started baking with it and now I have no problems. Hmmm...

Beautiful, beautiful job and great tutorial!

Caroline @ The Feminist Housewife said...

What an amazing job! You are an inspiration! = )

I can't wait to try to make a fondant cake sometime soon!

Unknown said...

Hi Frenchy!
I just love this...it is beautiful. I haven't ever seen the fondant in the grocery store. Where would I find it? I'd like to try your idea this Sunday.
I posted some free French inspired clip art on my blog, I thought you might like it! I'll be posting more on Friday.

Cielo Azul Jewelry said...

GORGEOUS!!! You did such a wonderful job on this=0)

I made a volcano once, with marshmellow fondant, it was a lot of fun=0) Let me know if you want the recipe for the fondant.

Have a great week(xoxo),

jninecostumes said...

Thie is a great quick tutorial. Especially good note on the freezing, I would not have known about that!

Jill said...

What a pretty cake

Hugs RosieP x

Kissed by an Angel said...

Pretty cake! Thanks for sharing!! I love to use fondent icing too!! It goes on so smoothly!!

Kristie said...

What a beautiful cake. This can even be made for a wedding!

Student Entrepreneur said...


Julie Harward said...

You make such pretty cakes! :D

Auntie E said...

Nice looking cake, I bet it was good. Love the little helper.
My Ruby Link for you

The French said...

Wow. Nice job. Thanks for sharing. Did everybody love it?

Jenny said...

I actually like the icing showing its pinkness through the fondant...what an inspired style with the pink blossoms for your cake. And the cloche adds a nice touch to the visual appeal, but I am sure little "Marie" was more interested in the delicious cake. Thank you for the tip on the strawberry sugar...how elegant yet easy.

Michele {The Scrap Shoppe} said...

Super cute cake! You would never know it was your first time handling fondant. Looked like a fabulous party!

Victoria said...

Frenchy...you are So super AWESOME!! Fabulous..thanks for sharing this Gorgeous Creation..BEAUTIFUL!

Unknown said...

We all loved it! Use a sharp knife to cut it. Important. The fondant is not that easy to eat!
Thank you for the compliment. It was fun to make!

Alecia said...

wow, woman! how come you're so talented?! love this cake!

Ivy Jane Adison said...

Thank you so much for the detailed information on how to make your cake. I never thought of things like freezing the cake before cutting, also I have never heard of the fondant covering! Wow, this knowledge is a treasure to me. I can't wait to try to make a cake just like yours. I can't believe how beautiful you make your desserts look. What a great talent!

Unknown said...

I meant to say, the fondant is not that easy to CUT. LOL

Inouyes said...

Good job! Love the tutorial awesome job for your first I <3 IT!

It's me said...

Gorgeous!.......you are a superrrr !! Mama..............hugs from me !!

Jen said...

oh my goodness...you are so talented! that is one beautiful cake! thank you so much for stopping by {with grace & lace}! it is so nice to "meet" you. I will certainly be visiting you often!


Mimi said...

Frenchy you are beautiful!

iamchasingthirty said...

Beautiful!! And I love the quirky, zig-zag candles!

Sarah said...

Frenchy, your children are so fortunate to have you as their mom. I can only imagine how much fun it is to live in your home. You're making the best kind of memories for your children.

Raymonde said...


I like your little helper!

Bonne journée. xxx

Bridal registry said...

You have a very good helper there. That cake turned out to be amazingly beautiful.

Cindy said...

What a beautiful cake! I have been wanting to try fondant, but have been scared to. Maybe I will give it a try on a small cake!

Katie@LeBeauPaonVictorien said...

Beautiful cake!!! I love it! And you make it look so easy!
I have never tried fondant myself. Maybe I should give it a try sometime!

Unknown said...

Thank you :) WOW thank you for the compliments.
Don't you like how my hubby (Russ) will drop a comment that has nothing to do with the post. HAHAHA

Nikki@KreativeKnack said...

Happy New Friend Friday! (on Thursday)lol I ♥ this cake its gorgeous! I want to have a Marie Antoinette party! So Brilliant!

Yvonne @ StoneGable said...

This looks like a cake form a bake shop! Very beautiful and your tutorial was so easy to follow. It make me feel like I too could make this! I just might.
Wonderful post!

malia said...

Gorgeous! Thanks for the tutorial + Happy New Friend Fri!

D. Jean Quarles said...

So amazing and you make it sound so simple. Where do you get fondant?

Chubskulit Rose said...

Wow it looks easy lol. Gorgeous!

Doing laundry - Old Style Shadows

Ralph said...

I love to cook, but afraid to bake - the artistry of making a cake seems difficult to me. Yet the process is much less daunting as explained by you. Stylish and delicious, the cake artist has created a beautiful confectionary treat!

Linda said...

great shadow shot, and a delicious looking cake

Anonymous said...

Alas, my doctor says stay away from sugar. Sigh. But I enjoyed looking at yours! A beautiful job!

Mary Beth @ Live. Laugh. Make Something said...

Bee-You-Tee-Full! ...as always!

The Prudent Homemaker said...

C'est vraiment jolie!

Cindy Adkins said...

This cake is so AMAZING! I thought it was a $1,000 cake from a fancy bakery! Truly gorgeous. Your ideas are fantastic.
Cindy Adkins

Contact me at: isafrenchy@gmail.com