Saturday, February 6, 2010

Day 6, Valentine countdown.

Some American women are really talented at making bread. My neighbor next door Monica is one of them. Now if you know how to make bread...It's so darn sweet to give it to me like tonight. THANK YOU Monica. Warm and so delicious. WOn't last long!!! Today Hubby is lucky...30 minute massage by me. I ADORE coconut lotion.
Handmade card by me. It says: "Since love grows within you, so beauty grows. For love is the beauty of the soul."
--St. Augustine


Julie Harward said...

Pretty card again! Lucky hubbie to get a massage...I love those too! Yum to the bread..if you want to know a very easy way to make bread..go check my blog for a post I did in easy.quick and delish! Come say hi :D

Unknown said...

I sure will...:) Yum!

Ronda Laveen said...

Very cute, lucky husband. I have this little spot right here in my neck that could use a little rub.

Wallflower Diaries said...

Very Sweet! I'm sure he will love it. :)

Anonymous said...

You are so thoughtful! He is one lucky guy!

Rachael said...

Aww that little card is so very beautiful and the words so sweet!

daisychain said...

yummy I want bread now.

thanks for dropping by my blog x

Signe said...

Fab blog!

Amanda Yu said...

beautiful card, thanks for stopping by Frenchy! you have a lovely blog. :)

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