Monday, October 13, 2014

French Toile settee makeover and clean eating printable. Link to the Monday party.

How was your week? I was at the Deseret news show and part of the door decor contest. It was really cool. Tough competition but I think we are all winners. The doors where beautiful!
Link anything you want and thanks so much for linking. You are the best!

Please link back to Le chateau des fleurs
Grab my button:

If you need a button with HTML Here:

 By Isabelle Thornton

Link anything you want.


Winnie said...

Thank you so much for another party :)

Judy said...

Thanks for hosting. Have a great day.

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Thanks so much for the party and the visits!!


Nicki said...

Thanks for hosting Isabelle!

BeforetheClockStrikesMidnight said...

Thank you for the feature! Love the party :)

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