Monday, April 21, 2014

Spring Terrarium and Monday link party

How was your week? Are you ready for a new party?
I really love this carrot Spring Terrarium from Bacon time with the hungry Hypo. I have thought about making one but never got to the craft store. This is such a cute idea!

Starting a new party!Link anything you want and get a lot of traffic.
Happy Linking!
Please link back to Le chateau des fleurs
Grab my button:

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 By Isabelle Thornton


Trisha said...

Thanks for a great party!



Hope you had a lovely Easter dear Isabelle!
I love terrariums and your Spring terrarium is lovely! Thank you for hosting and have a terrific week.

Mindie Hilton said...

Thank you for the feature and party. I shared your post on Facebook :)

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