Saturday, August 21, 2010

Sale! Sale!

This is very good! French Bleu Vintage just Emailed me...

French Bleu Vintage is having a sale! This is an End of season sale!

For every $50 a customer spends, She will refund $10 and put the cash with your order. You have to Email French bleu Vintage to get this deal and tell her that Frenchy send you!
This deal is for my readers!!! YAY!

her Email is 


Karena said...

Thank you for the fabulous info Frenchy!!

Art by Karena

emma wallace said...

Thank you! I'm on a budget (due to Baby's arrival!) but I'll definitely visit and see if there's anything I can't resist! said...

love this blog!

Dawn-Hydrangea Home said...

Sounds like a great sale! Thanks so much for stopping by. I'd love to join your French Obsession party on the 1st! Have a great week!

Contact me at: