Thursday, April 8, 2010

Naturalization progress...

Tuesday was my appointment for my fingerprints at USCIS  HERE
We stopped at Jamba Juice  HERE....A classic in Utah...

I had my Green card, driver's license to show. They took my fingerprints with the computer! No ink! They gave me the booklet to study.
Read my story about the process HERE.

Then we had the time to see Clash of the Titans....Loved it! Very entertaining...

The winner of the give away tonight!!! You still have time to enter!! HERE


It's me said...

Owwwwwwwww.i can't wait till thia evening............i'am verry nervous................hugs from me................

BonjourRomance said...

Bonjour Frenchy,
I bet you are so excited. I'm sure everything will go smooth for you. My fingers are crossed for you!

Inouyes said...

Ooh congratulations! I have not gone through that process yet I don't know what I am waiting for?lol Thanks for the motivation maybe I will get it done soon :)

Your button is on my page!

Kissed by an Angel said...

Looks like you are making good progress!!! Good luck!!

Julie Harward said...

So happy for you! Can't wait for the day! Someone should write a song about you! :D

Unknown said...

wow..very exciting for you frenchy! we will all celebrate with you when you finally become a US citizen!

Morgane @ Bear,Dolly and Moi said...

peux tu avoir double nationalite?
et tes enfants?
Normalement ils la gardent jusqu'a leur 18 ans....apres je ne suis pas sure.
Je dois renouveler ma green card l'annee prochaine....
Bon courage

Rachelle said...

good for you! my hubby is a resident. he didn't want to give up his NZ citizenship. our experience with immigration was HORRIBLE! hope yours was great! congrats!!!!

My name is Riet said...

Good progress, Good for you

Tracy said...

It looks like it's getting closer!! It will indeed be a Happy Day!! :-)

Christy said...

Congrats. Hope it goes smoothly.

Meghan said...

Yeah! So exciting! You are almost there!

Jo said...

It sounds like you are making wonderful progress!

Anonymous said...

I hope all continues to go well! Things sound great!

Shell said...


I'm excited and proud of you! I think it is wonderful that you want to become a US Citizen!

I'll be looking forward to congratulating you when you're through the whole process!

(As a child of an immigrant, I think it is important to maintain your heritage, yes, but it is also important to look towards the future!)

Big hugs,

Sarah said...

Oh, I'm sorry I miss out on your give away. Love the hat and its details. I'll be back for your party next month. Great idea. Congratulations!

KathyB. said...

Let us know how things went so we can celebrate with you! So, you liked the movie? I want to take my husband to that movie...

How are you going to celebrate? Inquiring minds want to know~

KathyB. said...

Yay! My comment went through right away, this makes me happy Frenchy! No more mailer-daemaon messages or e-mails!

Betty said...

Good luck with the citizenship test! when do you go back?

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