Tuesday, March 16, 2010

La semaine derniere

So many things happened last week...We had a lot of fun Saturday with the Alice in wonderland Party. Here.

My little french Cowboy lost his last front tooth,  Thatsh shtrue...

Angel got Neutered.....

The baby hamsters find a new home...

Amber Alert GPS was on US News and World report HERE. So proud of you  Hubby and all your team!!!

I was a Blog guest on Maggie's blog...Just between you and me....See here.

Zacky got a hair cut...He went from this...

To this...LOL

The kids are giving him more love, it's like we have a new dog..HAHAHA. Tommy our cat attacked him...He thought we had a new dog...LOL

We had storms after storms...

View from down the street..

The valley does not have trees like we do.

See how high we are!!!

Happy Outdoor Party!
Your link is on the bottom of this blog in My Weekly blog Parties. It is there 24/7.


Janice said...

All great stuff.

Tracy said...

You are a busy woman!! FUN!!

What a cute little family you have!!

Too cool about the amber alert!! :-)

Julie Harward said...

You live in a beautiful area, looks to me like it's up near a temple. Thanks for sharing your week, you have a wonderful life, home , husband and kids..."It's a wonderful life"...I am so grateful for all my blessings, the Lord is so good to us! :D

Anonymous said...

You've been busy! But a good busy, it seems:)

Kelly said...

What a busy week!!!! How funny about the cat attacking your dog! How long did it take him to work out it was just his friend with a haircut?

Shine said...

So much going on....how in the world do you find time to blog???? Beautiful children and family :)

Stephanie said...

You live in a beautiful place. Your kids are adorable!

Unknown said...

It took Tommy a day to figure it out...The funny thing is that Zacky always wants to play with him and charges him, tanks him. HAHAHA So Tommy was super mad that a "strange big mouse" would attack him!!!
The closest Temple is the Provo one. Yes, the Lord is good to us Julie. My family is my precious gift from him :)

Roxy said...

Gorgeous pictures of your lovely home and family. What a full week. You are a busy lady, and it looks like you do things so well. Thanks for this delightful post.

Prior said...

Thanks for joining my first party and a giveaway! Lezlee

Ronda Laveen said...

You are very high and with dogs who've been shorn. Great post.

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Bonjour ma belle! You certainly have a beautiful life my dearest. Thank you for inviting us into your home and heart!

Bonne journée, Anita

~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

How I adore your blue blue eyes!! Your children own them too, so so adorable. Beautiful!
Alice in Wonderland is my favorite fairytale... You're week was real fun, good for you. Enjoy the new week too! xo

Chicago Chic said...

Looks like fun! xo

Kissed by an Angel said...

What an eventful week!!! Looks gorgeous where you live!!! I had a good giggle about your poor dog being attacked by the cat because he had a makeover!!! Hope they have settled down now!!!

Red Lipstick said...

What a fun and happy life you have, my dear ;) Happy St Patricks to you!

Libbie said...

Wow! You were busy!!! How cute are your kids!!! My daughter would be really jealous about your cowboys missing tooth! She is pretty sure she has a loose one each day!

How exciting for your family that your husband's business is doing so well! And what an important one it is!!! Very cool! I hope it continues to grow! What a brave guy to get his invention out there! I can tell you are so proud of him too & I love seeing that!

It was fun to see your outdoor pics! It always amazes me how each we are all enjoying life in such different places...that is one thing I LOVE about blogging..."traveling" :) Well I need to go see your party pics now!

Unknown said...

Yes, i love different places...Spring really is here in June in the Mountains HAHAHA. I still love it. I go in the Valley for the fun. Where it is spring already. :)

Ivy Jane Adison said...

Oh My! Your view of the valley is unbelievable! I bet you get the best sunset views in the whole world! Does it snow like that in France?

Unknown said...

We have few montains like les Alpes....Ski resorts there and we have snow. Other places, not a lot and if we do like this year in Paris it is mushy and wet and everybody breaks bones. We all walk, so it's not cool.

Unknown said...

your pix always make me happy:-)

The Muse said...

angel does NOT look happy :(
poor thing!

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

Lots going on at your house!!! Love the kiddos and the cutie pets!!!

Contact me at: isafrenchy@gmail.com