Sunday, March 27, 2011

Meet Anna...The sweetest girl

I received an Email from Anna's Mom...Asking me to help. Her Sweet daughter Anna has Rett Syndrome- a terrible neurological disorder that is primarily found in girls. They are born "normal", but between 6-18 months of age they lose their ability to walk, talk and any functional use of their hands. At this point in time there is no cure; however in 2007 scientists were able to reverse Rett symptoms in mice. Hopefully in God's perfect timing there will be a cure for Rett Syndrome and these amazing girls will have the 
future that they deserve and will no longer suffer!!!!

So you will ask me....What can we do ?
First,Check out all the cute girls and their stories and Donate even a small amount at
Here is Anna's story

Then spread Anna's page and story to your readers...Also share on Facebook, Twitter...etc...Please help.
I do my best to help on my side but with you guys...We can make a difference.

And pray for a cure...and for the girls.

1 comment:

Kelsi said...

::Tear::: My heart breaks for these children. I've heard about it but never an actual personal story. So heartbreaking. As a mommy of a little boy with Autism, I know how hard it is with a child that has neurological differences, but Rett's is an extreme. So incredibly sad. Many prayers for her, and blessings to you for spreading the word!

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