My Little Fairy had an ear infection, so we went to the Doctor and the Doctor told her "You are too big for a Binky!"
So.....I told her that the Babies in Heaven needed her Binky, that she was too big for them and that the Doctor said so...
I had balloons for her Birthday and since i was not in shape to finish all the preparations, i thought.....
First, we had to go get them....
Yep ! She likes her Binky. We looked all over the house and tied them up to the balloons...
She would not let it go....
You know what is scary...When you can wear your 9 year old Daughter shoes....
Even more scary, When Your Daughter wears your shoes to go play in the Mud....
And when you have a dog stealing your shoes...
You thought i was talking about you...Hmmmm Wonder why....
So Daddy helped...
I know it's tough....
So...She cried the first day, after that was fine....This morning again cried a little bit. I thought it would be harder....She says...The babies in Heaven are Happy!
We had the same experience with Lola and My French Cowboy would not take a Binky.
How was your Binky experience?
What a brave little girl! We are currently in a binky nightmare at my house. My 19 month old refuses to give it up, daddy gives in too easily, and mommy is the mean one who says "You're a big boy now, and big boys don't use binkies. Don't you want to be a big boy?" The answer that is always a very strong "NO!" lol!
I breastfed all my kids and none of them ever took a binky! If I tried to put one in they would immediately spit it out.
That was a very cute post!
Hello there!
I think you have a great way to say good bye to a binky!!!
The little ones get so comfortable with their close friend the binky.
Our daughter went through a divorce and moved home with her little as a Granny that Babysits my Granddaughter...I get to see alot more of the day to day activities. This has become a learning experience in itself.
Binky went bye bye with my daughter having a bye bye binky day. She made a big deal about this being the last day of the binky in use. Through out the day, they talked about it being the last day with binky. Threw the binky away in the outside trash can. Bye Bye Binky!
My Grand was about 2 and a half at the time.
It's gone well.
d from homehaven in the middle of the Kansas Prairie
My Older boy loved his binky so much, in fact he hardly spoke because he always had it in his day I told him it was garbage day and he would have to rid it himself, he reluctantly agreed, never looked back, funny it was like he never had it in his life. Your story is much more creative indeed, so sweet and that was a great idea! Did you get my email? contact me soon:)
Your pictures are beautiful, as is the story.
I'm always in awe of your writing. Thank you for such a beautiful story.
This was so creative, she's such a trooper to let go of the balloons. I got rid of them all one day and told my boys that we lost them all, we didn't know where they went. They did cry a little but that was it, they were over it very quickly.
Cute and wonderful story.
A very sweet way to let go of the Binky.
Beautiful post and photos.
Happy weekend.
omg....all photos are uberly sweet....Your daughter is simply adorable!!!!
btw,I'm your new follower from Trendy Tree House
My kids never took a binky but my girl did have a 'softie'. I noticed she would calm herself down if she could hold onto my nightgown. So, one day I cut it up and she slept with little bits and pieces of it for years. day she came into the living room with a pair of my panties and I nearly fainted. No more softie.
I ove how you handled this. What a pro!
Oh, I am teary reading this. So sad!
All of my kids only liked their binkies until about four months. Weaning was a nightmare, but that is another story. (I nursed most of my kids until they were 20 months.)
I just love this story and I cried a little too, LOL! My Mama is helping me today and we looked at them together=0) My kids had their binky until 4 months and then I took it away, then they sucked their fingers for a few months. Now they just have their "lovies" and we have several, just in case. Anyways, I just love that she wouldn't let darling. What wonderful pictures and memories=0)
She is doing great....Better than i thought. I breast fed my first girl until she was 16 months and she had a Binky tooo....
I will get to my email and followers tonight. I have to run! Thank you for your comments and visits....Love you all.
The fine art of mingling between holding on and letting go; a tough art to master at any age. But such a beautiful and sweet way to begin the process:)
What a sweet girl! She was so brave to share her binkies with the babies in heaven. You are very creative to think up that strategy. As always, lovely pictures, Frenchy.
What great photos Frenchy!
My oldest announced one day that he was going to leave his binky for the garbage man. Wasn't as pretty as yours,,,lol,,,but he was excited to do it!
I think I went through more withdrawal than he did!
SUch a beautiful post, Frenchy!! The photos are wonderful and seeing the binkys go almost broke MY heart!!
My girls sucked their thumbs and that was fine with me because they couldn't get lost!!
Hope all of you are on the mend from being ill.
teary eyed over here too-such a cutie and such a great idea to help her along. hope she's still doing ok. my kids never took binkies and at the time, I tried and tried, then I was so glad they hadn't. they all hae their which they don't have to give up, just not carry around outside the house.
What a lovely post! It was so touching. You truly are a great Mom! That is such a wonderful idea to help little ones with giving up their binky... I can't say it often enough... you are so creative. Hope you are feeling better.
Awwww!! I think we need to do that. My daughter is almost 4!! Yes, 4!!!! And still has one. I'm going to show her this post. :)
What a brave little Fairy!!! She did really well!!! Bless her!!
Have a great weekend!
Aww the poor little thing, I didnt have one as a child but when the time came for me to give up my bottle, I was told that the baby lambs on the farm down the road needed it as their mother had died, so off we went to the farm to feed the lambs with my bottle. I don't remember it but I'm told the story lots :)
All things nice...
I almost cried when I sae the picture where she was rubbing her eye. My granddaughter(the one that reminds me of your daughter) was breast fed forever but still had her binkies. My daughter tried the "special box", only at naptime, nothing worked. She finally cut them and my granddaughter said they were broken and threw them away. She slept at night with three and would change them out during the night.
I hope you scrap book. What a neat little book that would make. The pictures are so good. Love those mountains. SO cute of Little Fairy and the balloons.
Just be grateful it was a binky and not a thumb! My four year old still sucks his. But I can't really tie that onto a balloon and send it to heaven!
For all of my babies, we tossed the binky around 3 mos. or so. They were all breastfed, but I don't think that was why - we just didn't want to have trouble later on. Your photos are sweet! You were a brave strong mommy for her. Luckily she is able to see "the big picture" and feel like a big girl now!
That is too sweet! My oldest lost hers when she deliberately threw the last remaining one behind the bed where we had told her "we can not get it if you throw it back there." A friend of mine let her son purchase a toy from Target with each of his pacis. He got to choose the toy and had to leave the paci in place of it. (She went back later and picked up all the pacis and threw them away.)
Oh your daughter is so beautiful. This "giving the binky to the babies in heaven via balloons" is a really great idea. Good thinking, maman!
My daughter is almost 3 months old and she won't take a binky for the life of her. Instead, I am her human pacifier. LOL.
What a darling post! Your little fairy is absolutely adorable! Such a good mommy to be so creative and so sensitive to her little feelings:)
We stopped the binki at 3 months old, lol. Before our babe started teething but after she was sleeping more regularly at night. I'm your newest follower from New Friend Friday at The Girl Creative. I love you blog. Can't wait to read more.
Wow, that pink balloon against the blue blue sky.... heavenly!
Wishing you a lovely weekend, Frenchy.
This is the best idea. She's so sweet!
That is a beautiful record of a milestone.
Your explanation was just too cute as to why she could no longer have the binky. And hi - those mountains in the background are just incredible!!!
Dearest, dearest Frenchy,
Ta petite est si mignone et la couleur rose lui convient très bien! Merci pour être venue me souhaiter un bon anniversaire! ON FAIT LA FÊTE! Commment ça va???
oh where you live is beautiful! I want to get to Paris one day too! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I am a follower of yours too!
Happy New Friend Friday!! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm following yours now! :) I love the layout and design.
Your daughter is so cute. That was a neat idea of getting rid of the "binkies". I have a great-nephew who has about 7 binkies that he has to have at all time (one in his mouth and the others nearby in case he needs a switch.)
Have a great weekend! I look forward to reading more of your posts!
allegedlt I had a dummy till I was a about 3 (it was the only wayI would settle as a baby!) I think I'd still quite like one now if I'm honest!!
What a brave girl!
What a great idea! I wasn't creative. I just took them away with they were 18 months.
Your photos are beautiful, as is your little girl. I hope when the time comes, it'll be as easy to give up the binky with my son. Thanks for the visit to my blog.
Mommy 2 Monkeys
WOW! I'm impressed with your fantasy. Your post made me and my wife happy. Thanks
these pictures are so sweet! those babies in heven are loving your little fairy!
thanks for following me. i hope you enjoy your peek into my life!
Your poor baby looks so distraught.
All five of my kids have taken a paci and we have done away with them differently each time. My oldest daughter called hers an "uh oh" since that is what her brothers hollered every time she dropped it.
Your idea for it was cute and the pictures are great.
(I have a shoe stealing golden too!)
what a lovely lovely story.
It certainly is BEAUTIFUL -- thanks for joining in with us...but remember to LINK us back to you.
Have a great weekend.
Claudia, your Link is in "Friday Parties" on my right side bar. It is the 24/7 like i said in my post.
Sweet way to bid adieu to a binky! Thanks for a delightful post.
My daughter called her pacifiers 'mams' and they disappeared when she lost track of her last one somewhere around age 3(I saved one, and showed it to her last year when she GRADUATED from college. We both wept... such fond memories!!)
BTW she was breast fed, as was her brother, for 8 months; but he wouldn't take a pacifier, and was the cranky sleepless one.
Our sainted pediatrician quoted some wag, who said "'Better maloclusion of the palate than maloclusion of the psyche.' Do whatever works for YOUR child."
Thank you for a chronicling a very sweet and tender moment.
When I had my son I said I would never give my children a pacifier....then I learned...never say never...we finally gave his to Santa in exchange for his favorite candy and Santa took the paci to other babies..and I see another of these exchanges in my future.
Your little girl is so cute! She was brave trying to get into the celebratory spirit of it all. I also live in Utah and like to keep track of fellow Utahns! Do you speak French? Maybe you're like my husband - he was born in Hawaii, is 1/4 Hawaiin, but he speaks Californian, not Pigeon! I found you on Jessica's Jess Mise Placed blog! I am a new follower and I'd love for you to follow back! Thanks!
My son was 3 when he left his dummy out for Santa, gave it up and never asked for it again, what a boy.
You have a brave little girl.
Hugs RosieP x
Hi..I’m Barb from Fri. Follow. I am your newest follower. I hope you will get a chance to visit my blog @
& get inspired by something for your family/home. I hope you will follow me as well.
What a dear tale. What a grand way to send off a binky. I have to say that there is such astounding natural beauty all around you. The pictures of your jolie petite fille (sp?) are gorgeous. Thank you for your kind comments on my recent post and happy blogging to you dear Frenchy.
She is a true beauty, and the balloons meant a lot to her. Losing them is a hard thing for a little one, yet the thoughtful explanation from her loving parents helps a little bit. So adorable, they grow so quickly (our oldest is going to graduate from college in May), so capturing all the wonderful moments is so important.
Every child is different, so binky use depends on the individual. She will lose it soon, I would say...
What a brave girl! Those pictures are gorgeous.
It really reminds my daughter. So pretty.
Take care as children grows to fast. It's just a blink of an eye. Mine turns 18th last week.
Yeah! not just shoes our daughters, borrowed from us. Mark my words §;-) but I love it when I found in her washing basket.
Enjoy your day and hugs to your darlings.
Greetings from Stockholm
genius. i love it. a good friend is struggling with this right now. her babe turns 3 this summer, and i'm sending her this idea.
Stunning shots! Hope she feels better..fairy blessings..
Thank You HPS!
What a wonderful ritual you created for your daughter. The photos are simply exquisite. My oldest daughter was a thumb sucker...when she was ready she just stopped (at around age 5)..the funny thing is, her teeth are perfectly straight and she is quite younger daughter needs braces (never sucked on anything) and is my clingy one....go figure.
I don't have a binky story, but I love yours! So sad to watch it float away, but what a good way to do it!
What a beautiful way to bid farewell to a binky! Very well and lovingly thought out. Your daughter is precious and the pictures are stunning.
What a sweet, beautiful child! Love this story with the lovely photos to document it. Great job! It's always such fun to visit your blog.
beautiful pictures! could be a picture book!
What a brave little girl you have there!!!!
I have 4 children, and only the first would take a binky. I took his away at 2 years old, and was fortunate enough that it was rather easy for us.
Hi..this blog entry made me smile. When my son was 3 years old, he still had his dummy. His sister who was a year older NEVER had one. They were both breast fed but Andrew was a very "whinny" baby and the only way he calmed down was to suck on a dummy! Much to my dismay!
Anyway, one morning he came to me and asked me what birds made their nests from? I told him an answer and after a few moments of "thunking", he said," mummy, do baby birdies have dummies?" "No" l replied...few more moments of "thunks" as he called thinking. "Well, l think that maybe their mummy could use dummies to build nests, do you thinks so mummy?..."Um..yes" l repied. Andrew dissapeared off for abot 10 mins and came back into garden In his hand he had about 6 dummies, he had collected from all over the house, processed dopwn to the bottom of the garden and one after another, threw the dummies, one at a time, into the hedge. Rubbed his hands and went opff to play with his sister! he never used one again!!!!! Where he got this idea from, we had no tv at the time, l have no idea and he never told me!Ha
Thanks for the memory, my son is now 34!
Very cute post and I love the story and the photos! Happy weekdays!
BlueMonday~Blue Jars
Thank you for your cute stories...:)
I breast fed all 3 of mine but 2 of them had a binky and I just wish the 3rd had - I kept offering him one but I was his binky instead and he was a very demanding baby and toddler. I can't remember how the eldest said bye bye to his I can imagine that it was hard - maybe it was his childminder that did it for me - but my 2nd one decided that his was being flushed down the toilet - only thing is that he decided to pick it back out again before we flushed. But we got there in the end.
Such a sweet story and the photos are just marvelous!
Cute post. I'm glad your darling daughter was agreeable to this. The balloons with binky flying off to heaven.. Perfect!
The Blue Ridge Gal
Oh my goodness, such heart rendering pictures of your little girl saying goodbye to her binky's. You are a true artist by telling stories through pictures. I felt her sorrow. You are a wonderful kind mother to take such a creative way to solve a problem. Way to go! I admire you so much!
What a GREAT idea. I am sure all of those babies in heaven will be extra happy now!!!
What a great post. I can't only imagine how hard it was for her and you too. My baby girl was never a passie girl but she does such her fingers (which I think will be harder to give up). If I ever do have a passie baby I am definitely using this idea when it is time to give it up. Thanks for sharing :)
aww how precious and what a sweet and loving post and all the wonderful pictures and mosaic...thank you so much for sharing this! I hope that you have a wonderful day and I know that all the babies in Heaven are now much happier. How sweet!
What a brave, brave little girl! The binky fairy took out binkies too.
Awww, that is so sweet! My daughter never used a pacifier, and as my son is now 22, I honestly can't remember how we got him to give it up... I do remember that he used to have two at night -- one to suck on and one to rub on his nose...
Thanks for sharing this wonderful story at MM. :)
Love the photos you entered. Unfortunately, there is a 1 photo per person limit. Can you let me know which one you would like to keep and which one to take out. I love them both. You are very creative!
I love your story behind the Babies in Heaven. That one already has a viewer favorite vote! So I am guessing you will want to keep that one. LOL
Thanks, Tara @ Trendy Treehouse.
my son never got into binkies, just walks around with a bottle all day, so i guess it's the same thing, he's 2
that was a fabulous post... loved it, pure smiles for me~
Such a cute story, I loved it! Wonderful photos!
while living in Germany, we found a park that had a "tassi tree". It was a large tree just filled with hanging pacifiers from little guys having their first attempt at growing up!
Oh the binkies on the tree! HAHAHA so cute. Thank you for the compliments and comments. You guys are the best and make me smile and make my day!
I did not breast feed my 2 boys and neither ever had a binkie. They just did not like them. Now their blankies were a different story!! They were washed so much that they fell apart in the dryer!! Your daughter is so cute!!
That is such a great idea!
Oh, what a sweety she is!!!
Awww So brave! My daughter has never taken one but I have watched my niece and nephews with theirs and it is hard for them to part with! I love this idea though...Let's them see that although they are giving up something they are helping out someone! :) ANd thanks for stopping by the Real Life Mom and for your sweet words! I LOVE the hair clip you are wearing in your photo! Gorgeous! Maybe one day I'll be so brave :)
Thanks for all the love and comments !
This is so precious ......adorable ......sweet. My son passed away when he was 3 years old....we released balloons up to Heaven for him :) so this story really touches my heart!
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